25F no ovaries and menopausal. Growing up I was FTT and super skinny (to the point CPS wanted involvement) because I was so active. Between playing with my neighbors -ahem- my dog, and walking with my dad in town, I did karate 2x a week, dance 1x a week, and basketball 2-3x a week. No joke, there were weeks where I'd change out of my gui, and into my leotard and slippers then make sure I had enough money to get subway, so I can sneak out and run to the end of the driveway (while wearing my street shoes).

I was also (and still am) an incredibly picky eater.

Now I live in a place where there's not ANYTHING to do when it's cold out. I live in a seasonal town, and that's no joke!

I also have ADHD and complete acc. Because of my ADHD, I can have a BURST OF E N E R G Y at 2am and I can never fall asleep without some sort of help. But with that also comes an addictive personality. I can't keep a workout game / program going for more than 2-3 weeks because it becomes boring and repetitive. Ergo, I don't end up doing ANYTHING. I have tons of workout apps on my iTouch, and an appleTV. They're all insanely fun ! But the fact of going in the basement, setting everything up, making sure the airplay works etc. Sometimes it just seems too much effort.

Then there are days where I choose to walk around town and I've climbed out of my funk ! But full well knowing I'm gonna go WHOOPS belly flopping back in.


  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    *slap* Feel better?

    I have your illness' evil twin, ADHD expressed as hyperfocus. I can focus on one thing exclusively for a full day without sleep or food or water. I've made myself very sick before because of this.

    For me, therapy helped. Some drugs are very helpful for managing the energy and mood swings. You can also control some of this with diet (cutting back on the added sugars did a lot to keep my mood even). See your doc and dietitian to evaluate options.

    It's actually beneficial to change up your exercise routine every month or so, because you don't get stuck in a rut. :) Just do things that are low-key and low-equipment--that tends to boost my desire to stick with things. (I do love karate/MMA, though. Seriously.)
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member

    Snow-showing, skiing, sledding? What about indoor fun when it's cold out? I love yoga and weight-lifting! You can always do new moves in both of those activities. I agree on the suggestion of therapy. Also, make sure you're talking to your doc about all your physical symptoms/side effects.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Are there trees in your town?

    I have found that the rhythmic movement of walking, with trees or nature around helps get me back in balance. And then my mind can wander off into thoughts, or I can notice the birds or identify plants as I walk.

    This type of activity helps my son too.

    I can't stick with anything like a video or anything. It has to be outside and rhythmic motion.
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    25F no ovaries and menopausal. Growing up I was FTT and super skinny (to the point CPS wanted involvement) because I was so active. Between playing with my neighbors -ahem- my dog, and walking with my dad in town, I did karate 2x a week, dance 1x a week, and basketball 2-3x a week. No joke, there were weeks where I'd change out of my gui, and into my leotard and slippers then make sure I had enough money to get subway, so I can sneak out and run to the end of the driveway (while wearing my street shoes).

    I was also (and still am) an incredibly picky eater.

    Now I live in a place where there's not ANYTHING to do when it's cold out. I live in a seasonal town, and that's no joke!

    I also have ADHD and complete acc. Because of my ADHD, I can have a BURST OF E N E R G Y at 2am and I can never fall asleep without some sort of help. But with that also comes an addictive personality. I can't keep a workout game / program going for more than 2-3 weeks because it becomes boring and repetitive. Ergo, I don't end up doing ANYTHING. I have tons of workout apps on my iTouch, and an appleTV. They're all insanely fun ! But the fact of going in the basement, setting everything up, making sure the airplay works etc. Sometimes it just seems too much effort.

    Then there are days where I choose to walk around town and I've climbed out of my funk ! But full well knowing I'm gonna go WHOOPS belly flopping back in.

    And what does that have to do with the ADHD? (Sorry for the slap, but you asked for it)

    And so what if you can't or won't do exterior activities during one season (winter)?
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    edited March 2016

    what does that have to do with the ADHD, and so what if you can't or won't do exterior activities during one season (winter)?

    Huh ?