When your spouse doesn't share your fitness enthusiasm...

I have been active for many years. I started running in my 30s and still love it. I have struggled with weight as I've gotten older, and was up to 157 last winter, but am down to 142.2 today !

I got married in April '10. I love my husband dearly, but he is overweight and smokes and doesn't seem to want to change. He doesn't eat right and doesn't exercise. I do not nag him about it, but have tried to encourage him to exercise and eat healthy, and have tried to show by example.

He complains every day about how tired he is and how he never gets enough sleep. He thinks his tiredness is because of lack of sleep. I think it's because he doesn't eat breakfast (if he does it's just a pop tart) and eats a ton of food late in the day. Last night I made spaghetti (with whole wheat pasta). He had one helping of spaghetti, another plate of spaghetti sauce over wheat bread, 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.. and an hour later, a bowl of cereal and a banana. All this was after 7pm. Yikes !

This morning I offered to cook him breakfast. He said he wasn't hungry, so I said breakfast is the most important meal... blah blah blah. and his reply was " I can't change the way my body feels.. I haven't been hungry in the morning since I was 15"
Well, of course I know that you can change that.. it's a choice we make to change our habits and lead a more healthy lifestyle.

I want to encourage him to change without nagging. I am so worried about his health. If he doesn't change, he will continue to be tired and lethargic... and his health will deteriorate.

If anyone has suggestions on how to encourage your spouse to begin the change that will improve their health, I'm open to trying anything. He is not one to make "deals" ... i.e. rewards for making healthy choices.. he just doesn't like change-- he gets in a routine (or what I'd call a rut) and stays there.



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My situation was similar although it was both of us that had no enthusiasm for working out. Finally I said "I don't like the way that I feel and I want to change that but I can't do it without you" and that seemed to work. Now he's down 13 pounds, has gone from 3-4 drinks a night to just 1 and has replaced the late night binging with 100cal snack bags if he really wants a good nosh.

    Not sure how that would help your situation, maybe explaining that you love him and want to live a long life together and would like him to be happier and healthier?
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I have had to drag my hubby along kicking and screaming for the last two years. He is finally cooperating with me. I set him up a myfitnesspal account this last week and he is doing well following the plan. He is finally off sodas. That was a battle I won. We are finally working as a team to get healthier.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Did you tell him about the "challenge" I made with my husband? What did he say to that?
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    When your spouse doesn't share your fitness enthusiasm... time for a new spouse? Kidding , I kid, I kid...

    Seriously though, can you find an activity that is fun and competitive that you can do together? Speaking as a man... I know we are sometimes pig headed and stubborn, but we also tend to be comptitive.

    Tell us that we can't do something... and I know personally, I'll try extra hard to prove the opposite.

    Make it fun... and there might be something there?

    I don't know you, to say what you guys would enjoy, but find something you would both enjoy and play it up!
  • Amybethjohnson
    That was a flat out NO, Bethany !
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    I don't have any answers for you. I am in the same situation. My husband says that he wants to be on this journey with me and he will give a half *kitten* attempt at it and then quit. Or if we go out to eat somewhere he is unable to make a smart decision, he has the mindset that he is eating out and will order what he wishes regardless of the implications. I recenty signed up for a trial 7 day pass at a gym and he did as well on Saturday, but he didn't want to go and actually try out the gym until Monday after he pigged out for the weekend. I am getting a gym membership but I feel that getting him one as well will be a waste of money! We did this before, I got a gym membership and then I won a membership and gave it to him. And he used it all of 8-10 times in a whole year! What a waste! I try to cook healthy, use fat free cheese, etc. and all he does is complain!

    Any advice on how to motivate would be greatly appreciated!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    The key is to find what makes them "tick". What are they most interested in? What do they want most? Then try to find a way to work that in to the plan. Is it music, books, sex, etc.?
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    That was a flat out NO, Bethany !

    Bummer! I suppose it's because you are still newlyweds. :)
  • Britt22706
    Britt22706 Posts: 97
    My moved in together about 7months ago and we've been together since we were 15. I knew that he didn't eat healthy, but when we were in high school he was always active in sports and whatnot, so he could eat anything and stay thin and fit. Well, after high school, he gained a bit of weight, and wasn't changing the way he was eating. I was starting to worry about his health, because I didn't want him to wake up one day, unhappy and 50 lbs heavier and have to deal with it, so I tracked his calories for a day and showed him. He wasn't surprised until I said how much he SHOULD be eating and how much weight he would gain if he kept eating the way he was eating. He started to work out with me a few times a week and started to watch what he ate more, and now he loves when we exercise together and he feels better than he has in a long time. He hates going to the gym and doing workout videos, so instead we go on bike rides, rollerblade, or play tennis together.
  • Amybethjohnson
    When your spouse doesn't share your fitness enthusiasm... time for a new spouse? Kidding , I kid, I kid...

    Seriously though, can you find an activity that is fun and competitive that you can do together? Speaking as a man... I know we are sometimes pig headed and stubborn, but we also tend to be comptitive.

    Tell us that we can't do something... and I know personally, I'll try extra hard to prove the opposite.

    Make it fun... and there might be something there?

    I don't know you, to say what you guys would enjoy, but find something you would both enjoy and play it up!

    He has never been an active person. He does have a bike and keeps talking about riding it. He did a few times last year, but just around the block ( which is 1/2 mile) and once he took his son around the park reserve (6 miles).
    I hear " I can't" out of his mouth a lot. But I know it's a choice.. maybe I'll ask to go for a ride with him.. not today though, its raining again !
  • Amybethjohnson
    That was a flat out NO, Bethany !

    Bummer! I suppose it's because you are still newlyweds. :)

    nope, that's not it.. he is just too tired all the time, and one part of his body or another is hurting <sigh> I just can't win. Love him so much and just want him to be healthy and not tired all the time .
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Have the kids asked him? If the concern for his health comes from the kids, how does he react?
  • tedm5
    tedm5 Posts: 15 Member
    Your post was very familiar to me, because I think I was that guy. I spent 20 years in the Military and had to get up and exercise every day just to maintain my weight, because I love food. When I retired from the Navy in 2006, exercise became a taboo word to me, and I never ate breakfast, and my weight ballooned. I am at the heaviest I have ever been in my life and it is killing me. I would tell you husband exactly how you feel. For me, I would want the truth, like they say "the truth hurts" but he needs it. I smoked for most of my adult life but quit about 10 years ago, best decision ever. Now, it's back to exercising, come hell or high water next summer I won't be embarrased to take my shirt off at the pool. Great luck in your journey, hope you can get him to see his future, because if he doesn't change the way he is, he may regret it very soon.
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    Sounds like my hubby. The only exception is I know he's tired from working. He works 16 hour days a lot and is currently on a 6 day work week. He will walk with me occasionally but that's it. He says he worked out enough when he was playing baseball. He will eat healthy dinner but then eats tons of ice cream and eats junk for lunch.

    I've talked him into it once and he lost 30 pounds in 2 months. Then he just stopped.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I will share what worked for me, for others in this thread who don't know...

    My husband was the same way. He was pushing 60+ pounds of extra weight and it was only getting worse. He used to be in great shape when we met 21 years ago. He plays in a band on the weekends and ate junk after the gig on his long drive home. I was also out of shape and carrying extra weight after the birth of our 2 children. I was also just as lazy and ate a lot of quickie meals.

    When I made up my mind to get healthy, he just watched. As I started to feel better, he was very supportive but still didn't do anything for his own health. I made "deals" with him that I would change something he didn't like about me if he could lose 20 pounds. Didn't work. So I thought harder and really tried to find something that would get his attention.

    After 21 years of being together and 2 children, intimacy only came when we both had the energy at the end of the day. Of course, being a man, it was never frequent enough for him. So how could I work that in to him losing weight? I came up with a challenge that not only got him moving, but he dropped 30 pounds in the first 5 months!

    The challenge was what I call the "pound for pound challenge". LOL! For every pound he lost, he could trade it in for sex. He can use that credit at any time and I could not be tired, have a headache, etc. He could cash it whenever he wanted. So far, it has got him moving and halfway to his goal. I'm happy because he's losing weight. He's happy because he's getting more sex. I'm happy because he's happy!

    When he started stalling on losing weight at the end of May, I upped the challenge. For every pound he lost in June... I would DOUBLE his credits! He's a workout machine lately!!! :)

    The point above is to find out what makes your mate "tick". What do they want? Then try to find a way to motivate them to get them what they want. Worked for me!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member

    I'll need to come up with a new challenge once he reaches his goal weight so I'm anxious to read what others are doing to motivate their spouses!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I have this problem, too. About 10 years ago, we did WW together and were both at our best weight in years. Then when we hit maintenance mode, we both stopped, slowly, following the program. Now we're both heavier than we were when we started WW.

    In November, I started working out. In January, I started working with a dietitian.

    He is still on the couch.

    There is a gym at his work, and they gave all the employees a free membership this year. I keep telling him he should just go and try it out. He keeps saying he will, but he never does.

    He is very proud of the results I have seen so far. (And he absolutely adores what lunges have done for my butt!) He just hasn't taken that step for me.

    I'm working to get him to at least go walking with me on my off nights from working out. It's a start, right?

    He also decided to buy himself a new Xbox 360 with Kinect. I'm going to try to challenge him in the workout games or something, I think.
  • tapp52000
    tapp52000 Posts: 52 Member
    bump (^_^)
  • mandysue1980
    mandysue1980 Posts: 31 Member
    My moved in together about 7months ago and we've been together since we were 15. I knew that he didn't eat healthy, but when we were in high school he was always active in sports and whatnot, so he could eat anything and stay thin and fit. Well, after high school, he gained a bit of weight, and wasn't changing the way he was eating. I was starting to worry about his health, because I didn't want him to wake up one day, unhappy and 50 lbs heavier and have to deal with it, so I tracked his calories for a day and showed him. He wasn't surprised until I said how much he SHOULD be eating and how much weight he would gain if he kept eating the way he was eating. He started to work out with me a few times a week and started to watch what he ate more, and now he loves when we exercise together and he feels better than he has in a long time. He hates going to the gym and doing workout videos, so instead we go on bike rides, rollerblade, or play tennis together.

    I also tracked my husbands daily intake and showed him. It was his sodium levels that got him going when I pulled up information about heath problems it will can cause. Now he comes home from work every day telling me what he ate for the day so I can track it and he is watching his portions. He also started doing p90x with me everyday. He has been at it for about 3 weeks now and is down 13lbs as of this morning. Good luck!
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I'm interested to hear what others say, but I have to tell you, I have given up on trying to motivate my husband into eating better. It feels really codependent to me to try to push him into changing. But I'm not letting him hold me back either. I'm on track with my diet and fitness and have now decided to try a vegetarian diet for a while, and he is an adult and can make his own decisions. The consequences have already begun - we took separate vacations this year because he can't keep up with the active vacations I crave. I took one son kayaking and camping for 9 days, and he took the other son to the beach and ate his way through every fatty restaurant he could find. I've been very frank with him about the situation, that I won't slow down to accomodate him because of his choices. I don't know where this situation will lead us in this marriage, but if you're thinking it doesn't sound good... I agree.