working mums struggling with time?

Hi, I'm a working mum of 2, 6yr old boy and 10 month old boy. I'm really struggling with time to work out (not to mention motivation and lack of energy!) Also noticing my food intake has been appalling since returning to work aswell! Does anyone struggle with this and have you any ideas on how to overcome some of these challenges? I'm struggling big time!


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I prepare breakfast, lunch and snacks for the entire week on Sunday (takes about 30 minutes, less if I use a crock pot for lunches). I also have dinners mapped out for the week, that way I'm not reaching for the first thing I see when I get home. I workout on my lunch hour. I'm not only a working mom, but I'm a single parent. It's taken a bit to figure out how to maximize my time.
  • Chrissieb86
    Chrissieb86 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! If you have lack of energy make sure you are taking a good multivitamin, eating fruits and veggies. I find vitamin b complex helps with mental alertness.

    I am also a single working mother to a two yr old girl. I make time by going for 30min walks on my lunch break everyday and I go gym in evening about 3 times a week after I put my little one to bed (mum and dad nearby to babysit so that helps). If you can't make it to the gym I'd recommend getting a fitbit watch so you can track your activity. Sometimes if I can't make it to the gym I jog on spot while watching TV or dance and my steps add up to a lot!! Along with squats and press-ups for toning it's not a bad workout :-)

    Have healthy snack options in your desk at work and say no to free food in the office lol. Free food tends to equal junk. If you do have it just be sure to log it and balance it out in other areas/meals. Hope this helps. You can do it!!
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I schedule time into my week to work out. It used to be in the evening when my hubby was home and I'd go to the gym; now I have gym equipment at home so I get up earlier and work out before the kids are awake. I find it much easier to work out in the early morning before work than I do after a long day. I even did a Personal Training qualification in my spare time :)

    I also plan meals and do as much prep as possible on my weekend, that makes it much easier to just grab and go for meals at work as well as having dinner sorted during the week.

    I have four kids including twins, they're a bit older now but when I started out my twins were only two, and I was working a 60 hour week! I made it work with careful planning!
  • HStheBusyBee
    HStheBusyBee Posts: 1,366 Member
    I'm a working mum and I'm also vegan and I would not be able to stay on track without meal prep. Get as much prepped as you can on a sunday for the rest of the week. I do all my exercise at home at about 8-9pm at night whilst I watch TV. Just try and fit in whatever healthy changes you can with your routine. It will get easier I promise! :)
  • toniacoulter
    toniacoulter Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks ladies, hats off to you all, you are exactly what i hope to be!! Can i just ask, with meal prepping, how long in advance should you prepare for? My only worry is that the food i prepare for the week will spoil before i get to it, do you just make a couple of days or do the whole week and freeze them?
  • dcoitino77
    dcoitino77 Posts: 37 Member
    I typically will do for the week my work week which is mon.- fri. I just prep breakfast, lunch and snack for the week on Sunday's. I weigh the food and put them into containers and bring them all to work and just leave it in our fridge in my office. It takes time but in the long run it def. worth it.