Looking for a buddy in the UK to help, inspire and motivate me! Need to shift the last 10lbs & motivation is low! Xx


  • LissWilliams81
    LissWilliams81 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm in the UK I have 10lbs to shift which I have been trying to shift for ages. I keep yoyoing with the same 10lbs.
  • feath92
    feath92 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! What sort of diet or weight loss are you trying!? I'm a mixture between Weightwatchers and MFP, with some swimming in between but the motivation recently is slacking! Have you lost a lot already?
  • Bluepegasus
    Bluepegasus Posts: 333 Member
    Feel free to add me, I've lost 15lbs so far, 13 to go!
  • LissWilliams81
    LissWilliams81 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Feath92 I lost the thread couldn't find it! I did WW after my kids were born and lost 3 stone but the last 10 lbs weren't shifting so switched to MFP. I lose a couple of pounds then gain it again. Weekdays are fine it's the weekends! What about you how much weight have you lost? How long have you been losing the weight?
  • blackestboo
    blackestboo Posts: 8 Member
    Add me. I'm in the UK too. Not sure how many of us there are here :smile:
    I've lost two stone so far and am really struggling to lose the final one.