Hey there everyone :)

Hi everyone,

So, I've been using the app for quite a while, mostly to monitor my weight and macros, but I figured it would be a good idea for me to introduce myself to the larger mfp community !

I am 33, and I recently lost 25 kilos (55 pounds for the metric-impaired ;) ), thanks to a combination of healthy lifestyle and nutritional "re-learning". My own personal recipe? An LCHF diet combined with a daily intense workout (Shaun T's Focus T25 for the moment). I know it's not a universal recipe but it makes me feeling more awesome than ever :smiley:

Also, on a side note, I am a MtF transgender, so I had to learn a whole bunch of things about the very specifics of my unique kind of metabolism. I know there might be some other people around here facing the same kind of issues with transitioning and weight loss so I'd rather disclose it openly, it might prove helpful to others!

I never knew I would learn so much about my body and nutrition in general when I started this journey, but here I am, feeling like a million bucks and more energetic than ever!

I'm sure I'll have a great time with everyone here, so feel free to ask me anything, I will be happy to answer anything!


PS: I definitely have to calm down these exclamation marks!


  • fairylady1962
    fairylady1962 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi There.

    I just have to say how brave you are to disclose that you are MtF transgender and I really hope that it helps others who are trying to lose weight with the same issues.
    Very well done on the 25 Kg loss so far that's brilliant. Really glad you are feeling great and more energetic.
    Good luck with the transition and weight loss
  • CrazyRocket
    CrazyRocket Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there,

    Thanks for the kind reply :smile: I usually don't disclose my gender status, mostly because I never need to in real life, but if it can be helpful, then so be it :smile: