Atkins diet

What are people's thoughts, opinions, and success story's on the Atkins diet?

Before you shame, look up the phases of the diet first.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    There's an Adkins group.......probably more info there than in the general forum

    Not for me - I'm doing only lifestyle changes (this time). I don't have any medical issues re: carbs so lowering carbs isn't necessary for me.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    My mother has had huge success on Atkins. Her whole life she was overweight so in 2005 she decided to try Atkins. She lost 50 pounds and has kept it off for the last 11 years.

    I personally tried it and I couldn't handle it. I was an emotional mess and with my lifestyle, I couldn't keep it up.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    One of the more structured low carb approaches which worked for me losing over 42 lbs in 6 months in 2010. Still below the weight I achieved in that initial loss.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    The Atkins diet varies quite a bit based upon what year the plan you are thinking of came out. Atkins of yesteryear had almost no carbs at all in the induction phase. Today it has been modified to include more carbs (20g? 30?) and the later phases are more carb "heavy" too.

    I like the science behind Atkins. I am a big believer in the insulin-obesity hypothesis as a contributor to obesity. Eating fewer carbs makes sense. They are not needed by the body and they tend to help those who are carb sensitive/insulin insensitive to lose weight.

    The appetite suppressing and carb craving reducing properties of this diet can be a bonus for some of us too.

    I have basically been doing the Induction phase (but including full fat, lactose free dairy) of Atkins for over 8 months. I lost very quickly to get to the mid range of a normal BMI, and am still enjoying the positive effects of the diet on my blood glucose many months later. I foresee no reason to stop because the health benefits have been too good to walk away from.

    The only down side is a lack of convenience, but as a celiac I was used to this already. I bring my own low carb desserts and treats when we go out - it is a bit of extra work.
  • drachfit
    drachfit Posts: 217 Member
    i have tried all forms of carb restriction, from zero-carb "meat and heavy cream and only green leafy vegetables" diets to <50g a day to Cyclic keto dieting (aka carb nite) to Targeted Keto dieting (aka eat 50g sugar right before working out).

    i lost weight. sure.

    but its not any more special than just restricting calories. when I became more physically active, I found that keto was AWFUL for me, to try and maintain that activity I needed carbs. these days i eat a very balanced diet and actually have to go out of my way to get enough carbs.

    if you are obese and at risk for diabetes, it might have extra benefits, as recommended by a doctor.

    one thing that is helpful about it is it teaches you that secret carbs are hidden in literally EVERYTHING, and made me far more aware of buying pre-packaged foods that tend to have high fructose corn syrup added to the most random things
  • peter56765
    peter56765 Posts: 352 Member
    Tried it and lost over 40 lbs but after about a year I grew tired of the restrictions and gained it all back. The rest of my family wasn't on this diet so that meant I always had to make my own "special food" for every meal. Family gatherings and meeting up with friends was likewise always a problem. About 95% of everything on a restaurant menu is off limits as is 85% of everything at the grocery store. You tend to find yourself cooking a lot of the same few things over and and over. I'm an OK cook but it's hard to be enthusiastic about it when you're only cooking for yourself. And when I fell off the wagon, it was back to the dreaded Induction Phase for a couple weeks. Very harsh. I just couldn't see myself living that way for the rest of my life. Also, I swore if I ate one more egg I was going to start sprouting feathers and begin clucking.

    Now I just count calories with MFP. I can eat anything. I just have to eat less than I used to. If I fall off the wagon and go over, I can simply make it up with a calorie deficit over the next couple of days. Much easier and far more flexible. I'm on my 3rd year of maintenance this way.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    edited March 2016
    What are people's thoughts, opinions, and success story's on the Atkins diet?

    Before you shame, look up the phases of the diet first.

    before you shame???? I dont understand this comment.
  • rachelrussell792197
    rachelrussell792197 Posts: 40 Member
    Some don't agree with this diet and believe it's not healthy and people eat a pound of bacon a day!
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Some don't agree with this diet and believe it's not healthy and people eat a pound of bacon a day!

    Most people here are well versed in nutrition.
  • rachelrussell792197
    rachelrussell792197 Posts: 40 Member
    So what's your opinion on the Adkins diet? I'm here for support and knowledge.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I didn't find it successful for me. I found I was very capable of eating at or above maintenance even on low carb, so it wasn't very effective, and it got boring after a while.
  • sault_girl
    sault_girl Posts: 219 Member
    I probably don't know all the "ins and outs" of the Atkins diet in particular; my understanding is that the initial phase is very low carb (less than 20g/day) and eventually you add some carbs back in until you find a good maintenance level.

    I have found low-carb (under 75g/day usually) eating works well for me because I'm more satisfied with less food. I can do under 20 but I get bored and it's just not sustainable in the long-term for me. The first time I attempted a low-carb diet I lost about 40 pounds without counting calories.

    I don't do hungry. Like sure, I can do hungry for a couple weeks or a month or two, and lose weight and be all happy, but hungry always wins out in the end. I have zero willpower so I need to eat in a way that I can eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm satisfied.

    I eat LOTS of vegetables, lots of meat, some dairy/nuts/berries. And a little wine & dark chocolate.

  • rachelrussell792197
    rachelrussell792197 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you! I'm going to work my way up to 70-90 a day!
  • heidibarber
    heidibarber Posts: 1 Member
    I have recently started following the Adkins Diet. Today is day 4 and I'm down 6 pounds already. I'm sure 90 percent of that is water, but I'll take it! So far, I haven't been bored or hungry! I am eating turkey, cheese, burgers, leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, sour cream, salsa, pork, bacon, turkey sausage....
    What types of foods do you find helpful?
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    All diets are terrible. Designed to make money only. Just eat less of whatever you want
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm not into low carb for me, but for a low carb diet Adkins seems a reasonable approach and worth it for some to try if simply cutting calories or increasing healthfulness is not working.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited March 2016
    I tried something similar to phase 1 in the past and it wasn't for me. I do like the Atkins approach in that it gradually introduces carbs back in forms that are generally nutrient rich. The thing that I don't like about it is that it strongly discourages calorie counting, which is a very useful tool regardless of the diet you follow.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Some don't agree with this diet and believe it's not healthy and people eat a pound of bacon a day!

    The Atkins diet doesn't say anything anywhere about eating a pound of bacon a day, in fact the man himself was always negative about bacon on account of nitr!tes.

    In the US there are plans that start at 20 and 40 grams a day of net carbs, lays it all out and has support forum etc.

    Many like the fact that they can naturally limit food intake due to hunger suppression, reduced food choices or whatever and don't need to look weird measuring every single thing they eat.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    I put on 5 pounds in a month doing Atkins.

    I could not stop eating the "approved" foods.

    Not for me. I need my carbs for satiety and sanity.
  • rachelrussell792197
    rachelrussell792197 Posts: 40 Member
    To everyone: I meant to say "and THAT people eat a pound of bacon a day" and that statement was only to get positive feed back because I'm on the keto diet and was curious about Atkins. Lighten up people