Diet pills and supplements

Hi everyone. I'm just wanting to get some recommendations for the diet help pills, diet plans etc, for example adios, slimfast, ...
What have anyone use to help them lose the weight?


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Try the My Fitness Pal plan since you are here.
  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    MFP, a little willpower and patience, only thing I've bought into this time is a decent gym membership at a new gym(replacing old one with slightly less facilitys), but that's because I enjoy working out anyway, for me its a bonus but its certainly not a necessity.
  • Katiefitmarie
    Katiefitmarie Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Samantha! Currently I'm taking FitMiss Burn. It's the best fat burning supplement I've ever taken. It doesn't give me jitters at all. It helps me focus and gives me that extra boost in the morning. I'd check it out if your interested. I don't follow an exact plan but I do stick with a limit of 1200 calories a day to lose about 2 pounds a week. I also do cardio in the morning 4-5 times a week followed by weight training in the evening 6 times a week. During my workouts I supplement with FitMiss Bcaa (branched chain aminos acids) which help my muscles recover faster and reduce muscle breakdown. After my workouts I will drink a protein shake using a cup of 1% milk and 1 scoop of FitMiss chocolate delight powder. I always try to hit my macros too which my fitness pal is awesome at helping with. Plus I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I hope this helps!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Diet pills don't work, at best they will contain caffeine which will make you feel more energetic, but you could just drink some coffee for that.

    I didn't use any "plan". I ate regular food, used a food scale as much as possible, and logged everything. I haven't found any diet shakes that were filling or worth the price. I do sometimes eat a Lean Cuisine in a pinch, but otherwise no "diet" foods. I wanted to learn how to eat for the rest of my life so I could maintain a lower weight.

    Get a food scale, log accurately and consistently, analyze your data, and tweak. All you have to do to lose weight is eat less calories than you burn, you don't have to buy special foods or supplements.

    There are tons of people here who lost lots of weight just by learning to eat regular food within their calorie goal - it's definitely possible. Good luck!
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    There really is no magic pill to make you lose weight. They may help to curb your appetite while you are using them, but they state right on them that you have to eat at a deficit and exercise to lose weight. It is really the eating and exercising that is causing the weight loss, not the pill itself. Most of them will contain some type of diuretic and laxative so you will lose water weight and waste weight as well. That weight will come right back when you stop taking the pills.

    Found this review:
    FitMiss Burn is a weight loss supplement specifically marketed towards female health enthusiasts and women looking to lose weight. Allegedly designed to work in six stages, FitMiss Burn was developed to boost the female metabolism while simultaneously working as appetite suppression. Unfortunately, none of its ingredients seem to be specifically included with the female user in mind, which leaves this aspect of the product feeling like nothing more than an attention-garnering scam.

    Also abut FitMiss Burn:
    it contains a very long list of ingredients, suggesting they may not be in large enough quantities to have a physiological effect, and it seems it may just contain high caffeine for most of its effects and that it may not be able to have as potent effects as claimed. There are also some health concerns about some of the ingredients such as kelp and 5-HTP.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    If diet pills really worked then why are there millions of us on here counting calories ? Wouldn't we all just pop pills all day and be thin ?!
    Diet pills don't work . there's no short cuts there's no quick fixes. If you want this, you'll have to work for it.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Diet pills aren't a good idea. What do you think will happen once you stop taking them? Or do you plan on using a diet pill the rest of your life?
    It's much cheaper to count calories and teach yourself how to feel satisfied on less food.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    There are 0 fat burners on the legal market that work. Exactly 0.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Hi Samantha! Currently I'm taking FitMiss Burn. It's the best fat burning supplement I've ever taken. It doesn't give me jitters at all. It helps me focus and gives me that extra boost in the morning. I'd check it out if your interested. I don't follow an exact plan but I do stick with a limit of 1200 calories a day to lose about 2 pounds a week. I also do cardio in the morning 4-5 times a week followed by weight training in the evening 6 times a week. During my workouts I supplement with FitMiss Bcaa (branched chain aminos acids) which help my muscles recover faster and reduce muscle breakdown. After my workouts I will drink a protein shake using a cup of 1% milk and 1 scoop of FitMiss chocolate delight powder. I always try to hit my macros too which my fitness pal is awesome at helping with. Plus I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I hope this helps!

    Why does this read like a sales pitch....
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Hi Samantha! Currently I'm taking FitMiss Burn. It's the best fat burning supplement I've ever taken. It doesn't give me jitters at all. It helps me focus and gives me that extra boost in the morning. I'd check it out if your interested. I don't follow an exact plan but I do stick with a limit of 1200 calories a day to lose about 2 pounds a week. I also do cardio in the morning 4-5 times a week followed by weight training in the evening 6 times a week. During my workouts I supplement with FitMiss Bcaa (branched chain aminos acids) which help my muscles recover faster and reduce muscle breakdown. After my workouts I will drink a protein shake using a cup of 1% milk and 1 scoop of FitMiss chocolate delight powder. I always try to hit my macros too which my fitness pal is awesome at helping with. Plus I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I hope this helps!

    Why does this read like a sales pitch....

    My thoughts too.

    OP, there are no quick fixes. What I find works well is eating foods that keep me feeling full throughout the day and not having a list of forbidden foods.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi Samantha! Currently I'm taking FitMiss Burn. It's the best fat burning supplement I've ever taken. It doesn't give me jitters at all. It helps me focus and gives me that extra boost in the morning. I'd check it out if your interested. I don't follow an exact plan but I do stick with a limit of 1200 calories a day to lose about 2 pounds a week. I also do cardio in the morning 4-5 times a week followed by weight training in the evening 6 times a week. During my workouts I supplement with FitMiss Bcaa (branched chain aminos acids) which help my muscles recover faster and reduce muscle breakdown. After my workouts I will drink a protein shake using a cup of 1% milk and 1 scoop of FitMiss chocolate delight powder. I always try to hit my macros too which my fitness pal is awesome at helping with. Plus I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I hope this helps!

    Why does this read like a sales pitch....

    Yep. I thought the same thing.
    We all know that diet pills do not work and there's only two groups of people who endorse them 1. The people who are making money from them 2. People that are clueless about weight loss and clueless about how diet/health / fitness products are marketed .
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    No diet pills. No shakes. No detox teas. No supplements. No special diet.
    Just using My Fitness Pal. Logging what I consume and sticking to my calorie goal. Easy & free.
  • Helloidentitycrisis
    Helloidentitycrisis Posts: 64 Member
    I take caffeine pills as a pre-workout sometimes because it gives me a boost and I tend to throw up coffee if I drink it before I head to the gym (in fact most foods and drinks other than water).

    Everyone will probably tell me why not to but it allows me to work out up to an hour longer per session with no "extra" tiredness, hunger or muscle pains so clearly it's not such a terrible thing!
  • Adam_Gibbons
    Adam_Gibbons Posts: 8 Member
    L-Carnitine and CLA. If you feel like you're starting to plateau and your diet is clean try supplementing with these.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    At the end of the day, burning more calories than you take in is what works. Period. Plans like Slimfast only work because you are eating at a calorie deficit. Diet pills might curb your appetite, but are extremely dangerous.

    What I find helpful - I plan all my meals in advance, even meal times (unless I'm going out with friends, etc. - but day to day, this is what I do). I schedule snacks too. If I find I'm feeling peckish before a meal or snack, I munch on low calorie veggies. It's healthy and will help curb your appetite until your next meal.
  • kissedbythesunshine
    kissedbythesunshine Posts: 416 Member
    When I first started here I used slim fast shake mix and snacks. Yes I did indeed lose weight but I stopped using them when I learned I can consume the same amount of calories on actual food. There's no short cuts to do. Believe me I've tried almost all of them. As others have stated just use the calorie guideline mfp gives you and you're almost guaranteed to lose weight. Good luck on your goals.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Hi Samantha! Currently I'm taking FitMiss Burn. It's the best fat burning supplement I've ever taken. It doesn't give me jitters at all. It helps me focus and gives me that extra boost in the morning. I'd check it out if your interested. I don't follow an exact plan but I do stick with a limit of 1200 calories a day to lose about 2 pounds a week. I also do cardio in the morning 4-5 times a week followed by weight training in the evening 6 times a week. During my workouts I supplement with FitMiss Bcaa (branched chain aminos acids) which help my muscles recover faster and reduce muscle breakdown. After my workouts I will drink a protein shake using a cup of 1% milk and 1 scoop of FitMiss chocolate delight powder. I always try to hit my macros too which my fitness pal is awesome at helping with. Plus I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I hope this helps!

    The part I bolded is what is contributing to the weight loss: low calories and a lot of exercise. The "supplement" is doing nothing to actually burn fat.

    OP, use this app as it is designed - a calorie deficit plus exercise for fitness - and you will see results. It's free (unless you go with the premium), no pills required. And the only side effect I've ever seen from it is a likelihood to spend a bit too much time in the forums :smirk:
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    When I first started here I used slim fast shake mix and snacks. Yes I did indeed lose weight but I stopped using them when I learned I can consume the same amount of calories on actual food. There's no short cuts to do. Believe me I've tried almost all of them. As others have stated just use the calorie guideline mfp gives you and you're almost guaranteed to lose weight. Good luck on your goals.

    well said!! ditto btw!

  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    Eat less and move more - I tried all quick fixes such as slim fast, juice plus, special K diet and truth is they all worked for the first few weeks but once you eat normal foods BOOM - the problems start I got bigger than I was before I started them. Honestly, I cant stress enough how important it is to see weight loss as long term, yes it will take time and we all wish it would be quicker but you will tend to keep it off by seeing it as a lifestyle change rather than diet and quick fixes. if your struggling or need support feel free to add me.
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Hi Samantha! Currently I'm taking FitMiss Burn. It's the best fat burning supplement I've ever taken. It doesn't give me jitters at all. It helps me focus and gives me that extra boost in the morning. I'd check it out if your interested. I don't follow an exact plan but I do stick with a limit of 1200 calories a day to lose about 2 pounds a week. I also do cardio in the morning 4-5 times a week followed by weight training in the evening 6 times a week. During my workouts I supplement with FitMiss Bcaa (branched chain aminos acids) which help my muscles recover faster and reduce muscle breakdown. After my workouts I will drink a protein shake using a cup of 1% milk and 1 scoop of FitMiss chocolate delight powder. I always try to hit my macros too which my fitness pal is awesome at helping with. Plus I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I hope this helps!

    What the others said about this sounding like a sales pitch.

    Also I'm curious how long she's been keeping this up and/or how accurate her logging is. 1200 calories plus twice daily exercise? Something is not adding up here.