Frustrated and Impatient with Slow Weight Loss

Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I am so Frustrated because my weight loss is so slow, I have up'd my calories and I am still exercising but the weight
just doesn't want to come off. Seems like I am only losing once a month. What else can I do?



  • mamato3babes
    mamato3babes Posts: 125
    I don't have any advice but wanted u to kno ur not alone... I feel the same way :(
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am in the same boat as you.....started in march also and have ony lost 17lbs......changed up routine....workout 6x/wk....water....nt sure what else to do.....
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    17lbs since march is FANTASTIC! That's over a stone. I've been doing this for10 weeks and not lost a pound. Actually that's not true - I HAVE lost a pound then it goes back on the next week and off the next and back on.........
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Well I have only lost 11 so you have done better then me. I actually changed to the TDEE and up'd my calories
    according to that so that I don't have to eat my exercise calories since it already gives me a deficit so I should
    be losing more sooner then later. I jumped on the scale last night for curiosity and I was up by a tiny bit then
    this morning it showed I was up by 2 pounds :( Not sure whats going on.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Per your signature you are losing 1-2 lbs per week which is complelty healthy! How is your sodium intake and water consumption?
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Ok SO i flipped through your diary. You are doing OK on sodium but it could be better, especially in women sodium causes water retention and bloat the days you are logging water you arent logging atleast 8 glasses though, for the amount of sodium you are consuming 8 glasses should be a min. Focus on trying to get your sodium below 1500 and upping your water intake. Also is it close to your TOM? If so women naturally retain extra fluids causing a false gain
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I also drink 2 Cups of Hot tea in the am so doesn't that also count for my water?

    No, I no longer have to worry about TOM because I had surgery Jan 3rd. Sodium is hard for me on some days.
    Some times its ok and other days higher. I do need to drink more water though.
  • ar1356
    ar1356 Posts: 32 Member
    I was taking alook at your diary and I noticed you are keeping the MFP reccomended carb count. I have always struggled with slow weight loss but I decided to cut my carb count to right around 75g a day and suger to 24g a day. If that is too extreme for you if you could cut carbs down to 150g or 100g, I would bet money it would help you, like it did me! I still have great foods on a daily basis and don't really feel like I have cut that much food from my diet.
  • I went through this the first time i lost alot of weight got stuck at 160 for almost two months it was so frustrating what seemed to help me is i made little snack bags of raisins and almonds and when i got a little hungry id snack on a couple and it seemed to fill me up much faster and helped keep my energy up and that helps but i totally understand how u feel just stay positive....
  • gran5050
    gran5050 Posts: 1
    Don't give up, you know your body has gotten used to you eating less and exercising more. Try changing your routine up a bit and see it that helps, but don't give up! Soon the weight will start coming off again.:happy:
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    The first few weeks I began losing weight I wasn't losing anything and if I was it was under half a pound. Like, ar1356 said, carbs can sometimes make or break you. I haven't cut down in carbs yet, but I don't eat carbs after 2pm most days. :] It may help! Try switching things up as well, surprising your body works the best!
  • McghanK
    McghanK Posts: 120
    What type of excercise are you doing? Sometimes you have really change up your work out because you will hit a plateu and you won't see the scale move. I do cardio 5 days a week and strenght training at least twice a week. Drinking water is also very important as well as the kind of calories you are putting in you body. I didn't take a look at your diary, but are you eating lots of green veggies and fruits? Those are filling and easy to burn aftewards.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member

    I don't have my goals set to what MFP suggests, I actually have my carbs at 50%,Protein 30% & Fat 20% because
    someone suggested that to me.

    I exercise almost everyday an when its not raining I have just started trying to walk/jog in my neighborhood. I change my
    exercise routine all the time, I do Tae Bo,30 Day Shred,Walking Dvd's, Treadmill,Gazelle Rider, 4 inch Step dvd's etc so
    my exercise routine shouldn't be an issue because I never do the same thing 2 days in a row.

    I know I need to drink more water and watch sodium.

    Yes I do eat more fruit then veggies.
  • Garae
    Garae Posts: 116 Member
    Don't just focus on the weight loss-
    focus on how great it feels that you can build your endurance and do cardio for longer periods of time. Non Scale Victories!!
  • ar1,

    I don't have my goals set to what MFP suggests, I actually have my carbs at 50%,Protein 30% & Fat 20% because
    someone suggested that to me.

    I exercise almost everyday an when its not raining I have just started trying to walk/jog in my neighborhood. I change my
    exercise routine all the time, I do Tae Bo,30 Day Shred,Walking Dvd's, Treadmill,Gazelle Rider, 4 inch Step dvd's etc so
    my exercise routine shouldn't be an issue because I never do the same thing 2 days in a row.

    I know I need to drink more water and watch sodium.

    Yes I do eat more fruit then veggies.

    I would lower the carbs down by 5% and protein up 5% to start and then when you get used to that, do another 5% so that you get to a 40/30/30 mix. I have found that to work wonders on weight loss. Then like others have said, drink lots and lots of water and try lowering your sodium goal to 2000 at first and then even lower if you can. Give that at least 3-4 weeks to see if you make some more progress. Weightloss really isn't ever as fast as we'd like unfortunately, but it is coming off and will continue. Keep at it, don't give up!
  • ar1356
    ar1356 Posts: 32 Member

    I don't have my goals set to what MFP suggests, I actually have my carbs at 50%,Protein 30% & Fat 20% because
    someone suggested that to me.

    I exercise almost everyday an when its not raining I have just started trying to walk/jog in my neighborhood. I change my
    exercise routine all the time, I do Tae Bo,30 Day Shred,Walking Dvd's, Treadmill,Gazelle Rider, 4 inch Step dvd's etc so
    my exercise routine shouldn't be an issue because I never do the same thing 2 days in a row.

    I know I need to drink more water and watch sodium.

    Yes I do eat more fruit then veggies.

    I have to say, I'm not good at dieting at all and I don't know too much about it but %50 of your diet coming from carbs is ALOT. Carbs turn into sugar in tha body and so I just htink of it that way. I really think if you cut some of the carbs down you would really see your weight loss speed up. Also keep in mind fruits hav alot of sugar in them too so don't overdo it. I'm by no means an expert but me drinking 8 glasses+ of water a day and cutting my carbs has worked wonders for me. As someone who has battled since I was a kid with weight loss this is the first time I've felt so hopeful about my weight
  • ymcahutch
    ymcahutch Posts: 8
    17lbs since march is FANTASTIC! That's over a stone. I've been doing this for10 weeks and not lost a pound. Actually that's not true - I HAVE lost a pound then it goes back on the next week and off the next and back on.........
    I am right there with you.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Ok i changed my Sodium down to 1800, see if I can keep it under that.
  • you guys must NOT BE at a calorie deficit. How many calories does your body need to maintain it's weight? Do you believe that number? Is it all a LIE?!?! If you believe that number then just drop your daily amount to 700 less than that number. DO NOT EXCEED. Track every single calorie ingested. You WILL lose 1.5 lbs a week. If you believed the first number then by default you believe that dropping it by 700 you'll be missing 4,900 calories a week. That will lead you to shrink.

    Have you stopped losing after initially losing 17 lbs? Again very easy. You probably are using your maintenance calories from when you were HEAVIER. You need to recalculate your maintenance needs. Drop by 700 daily. Boom 1.5 lbs a week will fall off again. Guys people die from starvation and this is how. No eat, no body.

    If you tell me you aren't losing weight despite that calorie deficit THEN YOU ARE INVINCIBLE. Never eat again because clearly your body mutated to the next level of human evolution.
  • btoeps74
    btoeps74 Posts: 167 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. Just be patient. The weight will come off.
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