So what helped you lose weight moms?

I am a mother of two. I have a four year old and a 5 month old who is currently in the nicu but will be coming home soon. Due to this experience I gained a lot of weight but I'm trying to get back on track. I weigh 160 and my prebaby weight was 134 but I just want to lose 20 lbs. But it seems so hard to diet. I'm tracking my calories and doing a lot more walking but I honestly don't have time to exercise right now. What's some Lil things I can do that burns calories. Like cleaning wise or with my baby. Or just simple things I can do around the house. My son will be coming home on a breathing machine and will possible need 24 care so no much gym. Thanks in advance.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    You might try to squeeze in one of the 7 min workout apps, but other than that I would just track calories for now. You don't have to workout to lose weight (it has health and mood benefits, but is not needed for weight loss).

    Wait and see how things are going to go once your LO is here.

    You might want to have 1 day a week were you prep a weeks worth of meals. That way you will have quick, healthy, calorie friendly meals ready.
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    Great idea. Meal prep was something I wanna try including finding ways to snack but healthier. Breastfeeding makes it challenging sometimes because u are so hungry but I'm working on it. Thank for the great advice.
  • mkh858
    mkh858 Posts: 93 Member
    Give up trying to work out. Your body naturally burns calories everyday, and if you really keep track of what you put in your mouth you will lose the weight. I have 13 month old twins and the nicu process is very hard, I'm sorry to hear your Lo is in the NICU especially for 5 months. Since you probably visist your Lo in the nicu, try parking further away and keep track of your steps. To me the diet is the hardest part. Try to think it as a new life instead of something to just lose 20 more pounds. Make sure your doing plenty of Kangaroo care, that really helped me cope with my twins in the nicu.
  • mkh858
    mkh858 Posts: 93 Member
    Fyi, breastfeeding did the opposite for me too. Yeah you can burn 500 calories, but I ate up them 500 calories and
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    So sorry to hear your little one has been in NICU, it's great news they will be out soon. I put on most of my weight back on when my daughter was born early and I was stressed sitting around at hospitals so I know how you feel.
    You will be busy when you get home, so I wouldn't worry too much about the exercise part as yet, but try and get out for a walk with baby if possible , if oxygen/ breathing apparatus allows. Or even by yourself as its a great de stresser.
    Weight loss starts in the kitchen, get used to weighing things and logging, eat to the cal goal that mfp sets, and I think with a young baby , just whatever fits those goals and you can work on nutrition as you go along
    Good luck on your journey
  • Shrinking_Erin
    Shrinking_Erin Posts: 125 Member
    edited March 2016
    I had twins in the nicu too. And then twins at home. It was a rough first year .. This year I'm back to weighing and tracking my calories and now that the weather is starting to warm up in the Netherlands I'm taking my girls for a walk most days. I'm down 73 pounds over all. 21 as of January 1st of this year.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight. You can do that without any exercise.
    I got a $15 pedometer and have increased my steps around the house just having that.
    There are tons of free workout videos on You Tube that are less than 30 minutes.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    You're a busy mom, and you don't have much weight to lose - so my advice is: keep your calorie deficit low. Please don't aim for drastic weight loss.

    With a sensible calorie goal, you can relax a bit. Keep eating what you enjoy, fit in treats or meals on the run, and have room for life. :)
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    mkh858 wrote: »
    Give up trying to work out. Your body naturally burns calories everyday, and if you really keep track of what you put in your mouth you will lose the weight. I have 13 month old twins and the nicu process is very hard, I'm sorry to hear your Lo is in the NICU especially for 5 months. Since you probably visist your Lo in the nicu, try parking further away and keep track of your steps. To me the diet is the hardest part. Try to think it as a new life instead of something to just lose 20 more pounds. Make sure your doing plenty of Kangaroo care, that really helped me cope with my twins in the nicu.

    Thanks so much for that yes. I am staying in the Ronald McDonald house here and there isn't much of a healthy choice of food I just been counting calories. But congrats on you twins and the nicu rollarcoster is no joke. I have already cut out most sugar for the most part and soda. So hopefully I can start weening other areas and make healthier choices.
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    So sorry to hear your little one has been in NICU, it's great news they will be out soon. I put on most of my weight back on when my daughter was born early and I was stressed sitting around at hospitals so I know how you feel.
    You will be busy when you get home, so I wouldn't worry too much about the exercise part as yet, but try and get out for a walk with baby if possible , if oxygen/ breathing apparatus allows. Or even by yourself as its a great de stresser.
    Weight loss starts in the kitchen, get used to weighing things and logging, eat to the cal goal that mfp sets, and I think with a young baby , just whatever fits those goals and you can work on nutrition as you go along
    Good luck on your journey

    Thanks for the advice. I def believe once I get out and get to my house I'll be able to lose the weight. This experience has def been a trying on but I'm ready to tackly the challenge. Its been a little hard to adjust but I can do it
    So I'm just going to keep trying to make my goal and do little things that will help me lose the weigjt. Glad to here you little one is doing great even though she was born early. Nicu babies are miracles.
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    eringurl33 wrote: »
    I had twins in the nicu too. And then twins at home. It was a rough first year .. This year I'm back to weighing and tracking my calories and now that the weather is starting to warm up in the Netherlands I'm taking my girls for a walk most days. I'm down 73 pounds over all. 21 as of January 1st of this year.

    That is awesome you are doing so well. I can understand the rough road of having twins. Seen a lot of families at the house here with them. But its a blessing none the less. How long do you walk and how far?
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight. You can do that without any exercise.
    I got a $15 pedometer and have increased my steps around the house just having that.
    There are tons of free workout videos on You Tube that are less than 30 minutes.

    Yes YouTube and home workouts will probably be my best friend for a little while. I have a free app on my phone that counts my steps and tells me how many calories I have burned.
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    You're a busy mom, and you don't have much weight to lose - so my advice is: keep your calorie deficit low. Please don't aim for drastic weight loss.

    With a sensible calorie goal, you can relax a bit. Keep eating what you enjoy, fit in treats or meals on the run, and have room for life. :)

    Thanks yes I'm not to far for my prebaby weight since I had my son so early. Thanks for the advice def will take into consideration its all about eating my calorie goal.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Breastfeeding will give you the 500 calorie deficit. Breastfeeding mums wanting to lose weight should set their MFP goal to "maintain weight".

    Don't worry about eating "healthy". Just worry about logging all your food to stay under your calorie limit. Putting labels on food just gives you too much stress. All food nourishes in one way or another.

    Best wishes, and congrats on the new baby!
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Breastfeeding will give you the 500 calorie deficit. Breastfeeding mums wanting to lose weight should set their MFP goal to "maintain weight".

    Don't worry about eating "healthy". Just worry about logging all your food to stay under your calorie limit. Putting labels on food just gives you too much stress. All food nourishes in one way or another.

    Best wishes, and congrats on the new baby!

    Thanks I'm actually exclusively pumping due to the fact my son does not like to eat from the breast. Plus I'm not making the amount of milk as of yet to burn 500 calories. You burn 26 calories for every ounce you pump so I'm only burning about 250 calories but I do walk as well. I'm def will take into account staying under the limit.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Breastfeeding will give you the 500 calorie deficit. Breastfeeding mums wanting to lose weight should set their MFP goal to "maintain weight".

    Don't worry about eating "healthy". Just worry about logging all your food to stay under your calorie limit. Putting labels on food just gives you too much stress. All food nourishes in one way or another.

    Best wishes, and congrats on the new baby!

    Thanks I'm actually exclusively pumping due to the fact my son does not like to eat from the breast. Plus I'm not making the amount of milk as of yet to burn 500 calories. You burn 26 calories for every ounce you pump so I'm only burning about 250 calories but I do walk as well. I'm def will take into account staying under the limit.

    Good maths-ing! You'll do well with MFP. Logging accurately is a useful skill.
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks I'm trying to keep up.math was my favorite subject lol. I figure out number pretty well just need to make better numbers on my food lol
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Breastfeeding will give you the 500 calorie deficit. Breastfeeding mums wanting to lose weight should set their MFP goal to "maintain weight".

    Don't worry about eating "healthy". Just worry about logging all your food to stay under your calorie limit. Putting labels on food just gives you too much stress. All food nourishes in one way or another.

    Best wishes, and congrats on the new baby!

    Thanks I'm actually exclusively pumping due to the fact my son does not like to eat from the breast. Plus I'm not making the amount of milk as of yet to burn 500 calories. You burn 26 calories for every ounce you pump so I'm only burning about 250 calories but I do walk as well. I'm def will take into account staying under the limit.

    Good maths-ing! You'll do well with MFP. Logging accurately is a useful skill.

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Thanks I'm trying to keep up.math was my favorite subject lol. I figure out number pretty well just need to make better numbers on my food lol

    This is a useful few minutes for newbies:
  • jasminehicks30
    jasminehicks30 Posts: 18 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Thanks I'm trying to keep up.math was my favorite subject lol. I figure out number pretty well just need to make better numbers on my food lol

    This is a useful few minutes for newbies:

    Gotcha thanks