Pa Mamma Desperate To Find Herself & Be Free!

Hello, everyone! Well, I guess I'm probably like most of you. I'm tired of being invisible. Tired of being ashamed & embarrassed. Tired of missing out. I've been in Wife & Mamma mode so long that I honestly don't know who I am or what I want anymore. I do know that I'm quite fed up & ready to FLY!!!!!! I hope to meet lots of you & share in each other's struggles & triumphs. Let's be diet/exercise/motivational buddies!! Together, WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!


  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    Congrats on your decision to make this journey. Gonna be hard, but worth it. If you have an questions feel free to ask, we love to help!
  • faerygirl33
    faerygirl33 Posts: 16 Member
    YES WE CAN!!! Congrats on beginning your new journey. Yes, it will be hard but so worth it in the end.