Not losing weight

I'm 5'4" 216 lbs, controlled hypothyroid female, 43yrs old. I've been on keto diet and ketostix say I have moderate to large amounts of ketones in urine, yet I'm not losing any weight. Recommended calorie intake was about 1600/day, I've been consistently eating 1100-1200/day at 8% carbs 70% fat and 22% protein. I usually eat about 20 g of carbs a day. I don't really exercise but thought I should still lose if I'm at a calorie deficit. I track my meals on MFP and usually eat things like hardboiled eggs, avocados, olives, greens, sunflower seeds, cottage cheese. I drink coffee with heavy cream in am and water the rest of the day. The carbs in the greens, seeds, cottage cheese are what make up my 20g or so a day, so even though they may be not as low carb as the eggs, I am counting them and not overdoing it. I don't like meats, had been full on vegetarian for many years, though lately I will have the occasional bit of grilled chicken breast or turkey here and there. I take a multivitamin and omega 3 supplement daily, and if I feel a headache coming on, I usually will drink a cup of chicken bouillion with a little added no salt for the potassium in case it is keto flu. Is 400-500 calories a day enough of a deficit? I feel like maybe the ketosis is burning all the fat I'm now eating, instead of the stored fat on my body. Before starting this diet I was not on any diet and probably ate 1800-2000 calories a day with 10%protein, 15%fat and 75% carbs. Suggestions?? My fluid intake is somewhat low. My am coffee is 16 oz and I probably drink 2 more 16 oz bottles of water in a day. Somewhere it said you won't lose weight without drinking enough water. Could simeone explain this to me?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
  • CrazyRocket
    CrazyRocket Posts: 3 Member
    There are some options you might want to investigate, like Intermittent fasting with a 8h eating window and 16h fast. For a lot of people, it has been particularly helpful. Also, you might want to investigate interval training or HIIT. That might not be for you but I know it can speed up the fat burning process in the long term, even if performed for 10 minutes a day. (But if high intensity workout puts you at any risks whatsoever, go see a doctor first! )

    Moreover, if you are following a high-fat low-carb diet, don't be so focused on calories. Make sure you eat enough protein and you keep your carbs steady (20-30g maybe). If you drink enough, eating a little more calories will probably boost your metabolism more than making you gain fat. In the long run, eating real food, clean protein and healthy fats along with drinking lots of water is a sure way to your best shape.

    And yes, you definitely need to drink a LOT more water. Possibly 2-3 liters daily. That sounds like a lot, but your body needs the water, especially if you're in keto, as you are depleting your glycogen. Lack of water will lead to dehydration, mental fog, water retention and decreased metabolism. And you definitely don't want the latter to happen.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    edited March 2016
    +1 for trying restricted eating hours - like 10am to 6pm.

    Can you open your diary to Public (Settings, bottom left). At 1100-1200 calories you should be able to lose weight and if you could add in half an hour of walking to burn some fat it can only help.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    There are some options you might want to investigate, like Intermittent fasting with a 8h eating window and 16h fast. For a lot of people, it has been particularly helpful. Also, you might want to investigate interval training or HIIT. That might not be for you but I know it can speed up the fat burning process in the long term, even if performed for 10 minutes a day. (But if high intensity workout puts you at any risks whatsoever, go see a doctor first! )

    Moreover, if you are following a high-fat low-carb diet, don't be so focused on calories. Make sure you eat enough protein and you keep your carbs steady (20-30g maybe). If you drink enough, eating a little more calories will probably boost your metabolism more than making you gain fat. In the long run, eating real food, clean protein and healthy fats along with drinking lots of water is a sure way to your best shape.

    And yes, you definitely need to drink a LOT more water. Possibly 2-3 liters daily. That sounds like a lot, but your body needs the water, especially if you're in keto, as you are depleting your glycogen. Lack of water will lead to dehydration, mental fog, water retention and decreased metabolism. And you definitely don't want the latter to happen.

    The bolded is nonsense. To lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit regardless of macros. You can very easily go over calories with high fat because it has more calories per gram than protein and carbs. You can also gain weight/not lose weight on LCHF diet of you are consuming too many calories. Eating more calories won't boost your metabolism. Drinking enough won't negate excess calories, nor will it boost your metabolism.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    There are some options you might want to investigate, like Intermittent fasting with a 8h eating window and 16h fast. For a lot of people, it has been particularly helpful. Also, you might want to investigate interval training or HIIT. That might not be for you but I know it can speed up the fat burning process in the long term, even if performed for 10 minutes a day. (But if high intensity workout puts you at any risks whatsoever, go see a doctor first! )

    Moreover, if you are following a high-fat low-carb diet, don't be so focused on calories. Make sure you eat enough protein and you keep your carbs steady (20-30g maybe). If you drink enough, eating a little more calories will probably boost your metabolism more than making you gain fat. In the long run, eating real food, clean protein and healthy fats along with drinking lots of water is a sure way to your best shape.

    And yes, you definitely need to drink a LOT more water. Possibly 2-3 liters daily. That sounds like a lot, but your body needs the water, especially if you're in keto, as you are depleting your glycogen. Lack of water will lead to dehydration, mental fog, water retention and decreased metabolism. And you definitely don't want the latter to happen.

    The bolded is nonsense. To lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit regardless of macros. You can very easily go over calories with high fat because it has more calories per gram than protein and carbs. You can also gain weight/not lose weight on LCHF diet of you are consuming too many calories. Eating more calories won't boost your metabolism. Drinking enough won't negate excess calories, nor will it boost your metabolism.


    I can easily go over my calories eating just my low fat vegan diet. It's very easy to do so on low carb too.