Tips to Survive P90X Yoga.. 90 minutes.. ??

Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, I'm asking for your help. I am NOT a yoga person.. I couldn't even finish a 40 minute stretch class with Turbo Fire (I would replace those days with more cardio) but now I'm expected to do 90 minutes of yoga for P90X. I really want to give it a shot, and tomorrow's the day I do it... but, how on earth and I going to make it that long? 90 minutes of cardio, NO PROBLEM! I am just not the stretchy yoga type of girl. I would like to be... well, maybe. UGH. I'm already dreading it. Just wondering if you have any tips or tricks or advice to make this less miserable for me so that I will find a way to actually do it weekly as I know it must be very beneficial. THANKS ALL!


  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Do at least the first 45 minutes, that's the toughest part. Then I'd say you could skip towards the end for the AB work, Yoga Belly 7 and final stretch.
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    Don't do any of the pushups Tony mentions between plank and downward dog, I think around the 3rd time I did, I added the pushups.

    Keep your knees down during upward dog and each time you do yoga try to get your knees off the ground for true upward dog position.

    Dont hold the poses as long as Tony does. As you get into the program you can stay in position longer.

    Modify Modify Modify.

    I finally made it through all the workout at Day 70, even the last "half moon" position that sucks and is the last vinyasa pose.

    For the Crane, keep one toe down and stay in that position as long as you can. Then start alternating toes and then raise both toes up.

    I hated yoga the first month, but now I have moved it to my Sunday workout instead of rest. I substituted Insanity workouts for Kenpo and Yoga during the week.

    Just do your best and forget the rest.

    Don't quit it. It becomes a very relaxing workout once you can do it!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Good luck with that! It was too boring for me! And the fact that I sucked so bad at it, I didn't feel like I got a workout AT ALL! When I was done, I just kept thinking, Man! I could have been SO many calories running or biking for 90 minutes!! I gave up on it and just did Plyo or Kempo or went for a run!
  • meghan1207
    meghan1207 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Angela,
    I am NOT a flexible, "yoga person" either, but I have learned to love yoga. The best advice I have is to NOT try and be like the teacher. I'm not built like someone who does yoga, I'm not a cute little stretchy/muscle-y gal. But Yoga is about breathing, letting your cares and stressors go, living in the moment, and letting your body move. Don't worry about doing the poses "the right way"- there is no "better" practice.
    I love cardio too- it is intense and I love the self-competition that comes with it. But yoga is a time to center, to concentrate on yourself, to let your mind wander. Come to it as 90 minutes you actually have for yourself, rather than 90 minutes of burning calories. Note how your body feels in each position, breathe through anything uncomfortable, never push yourself to the point where something hurts, and I promise, you will get to a point where the poses feel natural and you move through them as though you are dancing. The first few times feel awkward and stilted but you'll get there! And your mental health and the sudden core muscles you'll start to feel will be well worth it!

  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I HATE P90X yoga! And I love normal yoga classes anywhere else!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I did one round of P90X, and I don't think I ever looked forward to Yoga X, BUT I made it through each time...focusing on the moment, trying not to pay attention on how much I didn't want to do it. Even though, some of those poses are really hard, I just did the best I could. Over time, I did become more flexible, and the sense accomplish was great!

    Good luck!
  • pyxy514
    pyxy514 Posts: 1
    I have not done the yoga one on P90X but I have done some of the other ones so my advice to you is just do what you feel that you can do then work your way up to what Tony is doing. Yoga is not easy but just do what you can at first and don't try to do more then your body can handle. I would also try Stephanie Huckabee because she is a yoga, cardio pilates mix and its only 20 minutes. Good luck with everything!
  • johnnyutahpdx
    johnnyutahpdx Posts: 5 Member
    I've done p90x a few times and yes the yoga is difficult. HOWEVER, make sure you do not attempt to twist yourself into every pose they do as most of those poses are ADVANCED. Make sure you use yoga blocks and do not stretch yourself to the point of pain! The yoga portion of P90X is one of my major complaints of the program only because what they have you do, or try to do, are really advanced poses. My wife has been doing yoga for the past 18yrs and is a certified Iyengar teacher... when she first saw me do the program, she couldnt believe that they were telling you to get into some of those poses as some could lead to serious injury if you try and force yourself into them. The Yoga blocks are key!!!! I cannot stress this enough. I am a very flexible person and have been doing yoga for about 6years now and need the yoga blocks for this workout. Do only what you can and what feels comfortable... over time your flexibility will improve. The Stretch X is a good substitute for the Yoga X if you get frustrated. As with all P90X workouts.... Do your best, and forget the rest! Do not go into it thinking you will be able to do everythiong or keep up... but it will come over time! Good luck! :)
  • I do like the P90X Yoga, but wish it weren't so damn long. I definitely feel and see the results . I'm more flexible and strong when I'm doing it regularly. There are modifications you can make until you feel able to do the poses with the video. As Tony says, Do your best, and forget the rest.
  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    P90X yoga is really only 45 minutes, so don't look at the 90 minute time frame. The remaining 45 minutes is geared towards "balance" and there are a series of postures to hold.

    I too do not care much for the P90X yoga (my least favorite), but I do it because its part of the routine. And guess what....the routine works! So just get through it and try not to dread it, or think about it. Its only 45 minutes out of your week.
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    Maybe try doing a drop in yoga class on those days? I am not a yoga person either but have found I do enjoy it about once a week (I also despise the p90x yoga). I get discounted yoga classes from groupon, living social and half off depot and use those to try different studios and different types of yoga classes. I have found I enjoy hot yoga more than most (probably cause I am the type of gal that really likes to feel like I am getting a good workout). Sometimes its easier to do it with a group or get a friend to join along!
  • jrover27
    jrover27 Posts: 1
    HAHAHA--> I feel your pain.
    Cover up the bottom right of your tv and try to concentrate on the "now"
    i know that tony asks your to clear your mind but I have to listen to radio talk or audio book- seems to go much faster
    good luck
  • pj_haas
    pj_haas Posts: 1
    The whole p90x program is designed for you to grow into. It took me a couple months before I could keep up with AbRipper. Same with YogaX. Start at your level, do what you can, then expand your abilities over time.
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