A daunting task need to loose 100+ pounds



  • HStheBusyBee
    HStheBusyBee Posts: 1,366 Member
    Feel free to add me! I remember feeling so overwhelmed when I was started, I thought that I would never not feel the need to eat sweets and unhealthy food but it really does get easier! :) you sound like you're making great progress already!
  • LarasLosingIt
    LarasLosingIt Posts: 10 Member
    95 to go for me...seems very unreachable atm but I'm stubborn enough to eventually get there. I gave myself a 50 lb goal for this year...anything extra lost is a bonus. Something clicked this time around. I used to put myself under pressure, obsessively counting calories, which lead to self destruction by binging. So these days I'm trying to take it a day at a time.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    MrsB65 wrote: »
    When I started in March 2015 I set a goal to lose 175 pounds. As of today I have lost 120 pounds. Only 55 more to go. I will not lie it has not been easy but, I keep pushing along. I am much older than you (43) if I can do it so can you.

    I am doing this for me but, also so I can be around for my 2/12 year old.

    I track EVERY single thing I eat or drink no matter what it is. This helps keep me honest. and I try to get at least a 20 minute walk in every day. I also aim for 8,000 steps a day. I do have my slip ups but, I pick myself up and get right back on track.

    I'm in the same boat, started out needing to lose 170 pounds. I have lost 100 (regained 40 after I stopped dieting to quit smoking) then continued losing steadily and I'm currently at the 75 pounds lost mark.

    The bolded part is very important. Building the habit of tracking and being generally more active, as a habit not as a chore, is great advice. So is not giving up if you do slip up. Had I given up after a large re-gain I would have ended up where I started.
  • OTLisaB
    OTLisaB Posts: 6 Member
    I have a lot to lose too so following this, over 100 pounds sounds impossible, have tried befire but restarting effort tomorrow, nice to hear some success stories.... Keep me motivated please!
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    Oh my god, I have been up down and all over the damn place. At 22 I ballooned up to 262. Went on a high protein moderate carb diet, lost a lot. Went back and forth with that for a while. Had a tummy tuck in my early 30's. Went back up to 237 a few years later. Went back to weight watchers, working out, got healthy again. Then went through a breakup and lost the last of my weight. I was down to 168 I looked and felt fantastic. It didn't last long. Two years ago, back up to 216, lost 12 pounds. Lots of ups and downs in between those two situations. 2 years ago, right after getting into a really good routine again, I Met someone who is the least healthy person I know, moved in, got engaged, Got in two car accidents that messed up my knee and my back, I bet you can see where this going.

    I am now back up to 254.6, well 251.6 this morning. I started logging again Wednesday, lost 3 pounds since. I feel totally overwhelmed by having to lose 75 pounds all over again and I won't be able to work out anything like I used to due to the knee and my back. While its not quite 100 pounds, it may as well be and it feels like it to me. It took me forever, like the whole past year, to get myself into the right frame of mind to finally get back to it. I feel ready and haven't had to work too hard at it this past week. I am hoping that these forums and with people like you, we can all keep each other motivated. I really want to get down to 175-185 and stay there!

    Sorry I got a bit carried away there! I should really start a thread with my story. Here's to keeping each other going!
  • Thistimesforrealxox
    Thistimesforrealxox Posts: 11 Member
    Goodluck everyone! :)
  • shenanigans52139
    shenanigans52139 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Jan 3rd and am down 12.8lbs. The weight isn't coming off as fast as I'd like, but I was prepared for that this time around. I have set a short and long term goal - ultimately 100 lbs. Looking for friends to keep me accountable - feel free to add me!
  • sanboogie
    sanboogie Posts: 9 Member
    According to the charts I have 100lb to lose. I'd like to be about 160-165. Of course if I ever get down that far I may want to go lower who knows. My goal for right now is to lose 25 lbs (10%) and go from there. I'm trying to find support and motivation. I struggle with cooking, I suck at it, and there are few veggies that don't make me gag. Though I love salad and will try to eat lots more of that.

    Thanks for listening. Looking forward to this journey I'm starting today. :-)
  • Dianeromano2014
    Dianeromano2014 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't quite have 100 lbs to lose but I do have some big weight loss goals. I need as much motivation, advice, positive people, and people to call be out on bad eating habits as I can get! together we can all do this! Friend me if you would like please.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I hit over 329 lb earlier this year, My scales just said error for a while because they had 329 lb limit. 302lb as of this morning so a long way to go. Anyone in similar position feel free to add me. I will be sticking around for a long time.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    I also have over 100 pounds to lose. Anyone else on this site please feel free to add me as well.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    sanboogie wrote: »
    According to the charts I have 100lb to lose. I'd like to be about 160-165. Of course if I ever get down that far I may want to go lower who knows. My goal for right now is to lose 25 lbs (10%) and go from there. I'm trying to find support and motivation. I struggle with cooking, I suck at it, and there are few veggies that don't make me gag. Though I love salad and will try to eat lots more of that.

    Thanks for listening. Looking forward to this journey I'm starting today. :-)

    I would love to give you ideas for cooking. That's my hobby and my strong suit. I am not a big veggie person either. What kinds of things do you like? I have a group on Facebook that I just restarted last week too.
  • MsSantiago1973
    MsSantiago1973 Posts: 9 Member
    I have 100 pounds to lose. This is how I see it. If I weren't doing my best to journal and eat better and exercise, in one year, I would be the same weight or more. When you are not doing good for yourself, a year goes really fast and I look back at years of promises and journals and say, how could that have been 17 years ago, 3 years ago, 1 year ago? It seems like yesterday. My 44th bday is only 10 months away. Seems like a long time now but it's not. In a sneeze and a Snicker's bar, we will be there again. But will we be healthier or worse off? It's up to us. It's not a race, it's a private victory, whenever we get there. People will see us smaller but only we will know what it really means to us. Don't think of it as a daunting task. Everyday you are changing and getting better even if only by an ounce. It takes ounces to make pounds. This is a total change, not just on the scale, but inside ourselves, our emotions, which has gotten us to where we are. Food is a temporary fix to emotional issues. And it does more damage in the end. So think of this journey as a total soul healing. For me, this journey means putting myself first instead of taking so much care of others. It means doing my workout before tending to other cares that I have and fixing my OWN food when others eat things that my body would not appreciate. It means saying NO to others and YES to me. So listen, what's a year or two? It can be amazing or just more of the same. We are here for you and each other. Friend me.
  • Thistimesforrealxox
    Thistimesforrealxox Posts: 11 Member
    It's so reassuring to know there are so many people on the same/similar boat to me! I'm sure if we all keep in the right mind set we can do it! Goodluck to everyone I'm sure you'll all do amazing! And also thanks for the adds :)
  • sanboogie
    sanboogie Posts: 9 Member
    sanboogie wrote: »
    According to the charts I have 100lb to lose. I'd like to be about 160-165. Of course if I ever get down that far I may want to go lower who knows. My goal for right now is to lose 25 lbs (10%) and go from there. I'm trying to find support and motivation. I struggle with cooking, I suck at it, and there are few veggies that don't make me gag. Though I love salad and will try to eat lots more of that.

    Thanks for listening. Looking forward to this journey I'm starting today. :-)

    I would love to give you ideas for cooking. That's my hobby and my strong suit. I am not a big veggie person either. What kinds of things do you like? I have a group on Facebook that I just restarted last week too.

    Would love to hear ideas. Feel free to friend me!

    My husband is the cook in our house. I can follow a recipe fabulously. I just can't freestyle it. Lol
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    sanboogie wrote: »
    sanboogie wrote: »
    According to the charts I have 100lb to lose. I'd like to be about 160-165. Of course if I ever get down that far I may want to go lower who knows. My goal for right now is to lose 25 lbs (10%) and go from there. I'm trying to find support and motivation. I struggle with cooking, I suck at it, and there are few veggies that don't make me gag. Though I love salad and will try to eat lots more of that.

    Thanks for listening. Looking forward to this journey I'm starting today. :-)

    I would love to give you ideas for cooking. That's my hobby and my strong suit. I am not a big veggie person either. What kinds of things do you like? I have a group on Facebook that I just restarted last week too.

    Would love to hear ideas. Feel free to friend me!

    My husband is the cook in our house. I can follow a recipe fabulously. I just can't freestyle it. Lol

    I don't see a place of add you as friend. Can you add me?
  • cupidsclwn
    cupidsclwn Posts: 4 Member
    I have no idea how to add friends but please feel free to add me :-)
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    cupidsclwn wrote: »
    I have no idea how to add friends but please feel free to add me :-)

    I just figured it out. Click on their name, then click on their pic on the next screen, next screen look for the little person with the + sign, click that.