Had three kids in 3 years and now it's time to get back in s

I have three children ages 3 years, 17 months and two months old. I am 36 years old and do not plan on having any more children. My weight before having children was 160 lbs and now I weigh 203 lbs. My goal weight is 160 lbs. I have never had any real weight issues in my life and my esteem is really low right now. I avoid going out of the house and when I do go out I am always afraid that I will bump into someone I might know. Being a mother is the most important thing in my life and I am constantly taking pictures of my children, but I make sure that I am always behind the camera because I am embarassed of the way that I look.

Hopefully there are other mothers on the site who feel the same way and we can motivate each other on our path to reaching our goals.


  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I had my kids pretty close too.. I have 4 kids ages 9,8 and twin 6 year olds.. I'm trying to get back to my weight before my oldest.. well plus 5 lbs.. I used to weight 110... trying to get to 115... right now I'm 140. And yes I hate pics of myself too... I'll add ya
  • justinasharp
    I had three kids in four years. I am trying to get to the place where I can just enjoy my life and not have my wt and being self conscious get in the way. You can do it! It is a journey, and now you've started. Congratulations! Have a lot of grace for yourself....you are doing many, many, many things in a day : )
  • pauterson
    pauterson Posts: 65
    Check out Jennifer Nicole Lee at http://jennifernicolelee.com/index1.aspx

    She has a wonderfully motivating story about juggling being a mother and fitness model. Lost aLOT of weight and looks amazing. I don't have kids but she motivated me with her story and she has some great tips in her books.... good luck! :-)
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    You are not alone, and this is the perfect site for you. You can do this, we all are struggling along, and find motivation and support from other members and friends. I am a mother of two and am trying to lose the 100 lbs I've gained in the past 5 years. We can do this together. Get motivated here! I encourage you to check out the community tab daily, you will comment on others posts, and start your own as you've done here, you will get great responses. Friend me if you like, I will motivate too!

    Challenge yourself to log on daily, and keep it real with yourself.

    Just today I had to make a small motivational posted for myself at my desk. So far so good :flowerforyou:

  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Reading your story reminded me of myself before I changed my life.. I have 4 children and I have tons of pics of them but Im always the one behind the camera aswell. I remember never going out anywhere and if I did I was always so ashamed of what I looked like and I felt like others were looking at me like eww shes disgusting looking. I was also always afraid of seeing old friends or ppl in my past and afraid of what they thought or would think. Anyways sending you an add... we could all use the support here:)
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    :wink: You most assuredly are not alone. Had a kid, now 22 waited 6 years then had two back to back- just now working back down the scale and am 46. It can be done and this site has helped me do it- the site and friends I have met along the way! Add some friends and get busy- you can do it!!
  • dopey81
    dopey81 Posts: 17
    My 2 girls are almost 3 yrs apart and I am still trying to get rid of the weight from my 1st haha. Good luck to you =)