What exercises do you do during your TOM?



  • jenkins1103
    jenkins1103 Posts: 50 Member
    same here. The running helps with all the aches and pains...My problem is getting myself to do it. I also have the problem of just wanting to lay on the couch and do nothing.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Does anyone else find they sweat a lot more?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Last time Aunt Flo was in town, I ran through a forest, climbed a 20 foot wall with a rope, scrambled over junk cars, crawled under a bungee cord spider web, waded through a lake, then a creek over fallen trees, over a 20 foot cargo net wall, ran through car tires, jumped over fire and slithered through mud under barbed wire.

    I think I should star in a commercial for Playtex Sport. :laugh:
  • trianaw
    trianaw Posts: 177
    LOL @ TOM!!! I never heard it referred as TOM!!! I push myself to do more cardio. The heat warms up my body & relieves the cramps if I feel like they may be coming. But I really only started getting cramps as I got older.
  • fattymclardass
    I have PCOS - Im basically incapacitated day 1 - I stay home with a constant supply of midol, advil and a heating pad strapped to me!

    Day 2 I try to get back on the elliptical..........by day 3 I am back in my normal routine.
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    It's no surprise to probably everyone, that when TOM is in town, none of us want to work out. we'd rather lay on the couch, nibble on a square of giradeli chocolate, and just try to be smart with what we eat since we won't be burning calories.

    I know as far as mine goes, it is killer almost every day, I have the cramps that put me in the mood of curling into the fetal position and willing myself to fall asleep ... the last thing I want to do is work out.

    So, my question is .... Does anyone work out during their TOM, and what workouts do you do?

    Yoga is really nice when TOM comes for a visit :-)
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    My TOM lasts about 15 days, so I think I would get nowhere if I took those days off! I actually read a long time ago that our bodies are capable of working harder than usual during TOM, so I actually push myself a little bit harder. I'm not sure if it's true or not, maybe it had something to do with hormones or something.
  • SheCantWeight
    SheCantWeight Posts: 36 Member
    mine probably isn't as bad as some others cramping-wise but it's usually 7-8 days long and I've found that working out shortens it to 4-5 which is always nice, and then I don't feel guilty for not doing anything for a week straight. plus i'm one of those people that eats when I do nothing so not allowing myself to sit on the couch and give into my TOM cravings is always better
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    It's no surprise to probably everyone, that when TOM is in town, none of us want to work out. we'd rather lay on the couch, nibble on a square of giradeli chocolate, and just try to be smart with what we eat since we won't be burning calories.

    When Aunt Flo is in town...I don't want to nibble. I want to eat the entire stock at the store. :-)
  • kitkat536
    kitkat536 Posts: 27 Member
    Do the same. Maybe bump it up a little bit the week before though. I always cramp if I've been unactive before my TOM.
    Hot baths after my workouts help too.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I usually have cramps the very first day. So, I usually skip any kind of workouts that first day, but after that -- I try and go back to my normal workouts. Working out has shortened the length of my cycle (used to be 7 days and now that I've worked out it is down to 4) and it makes me feel better. Yes, it is hard to get yourself motivated to go, but I force myself to do it. And I'm always glad I did. I run. I do weights. I do my normal stuff.
  • dikent
    dikent Posts: 24
    I actually work out harder as it helps get rid of it quicker for me. I run 5-6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.
  • Bristle82
    Bristle82 Posts: 100
    I do my usual workout - the exercise helps the cramps. Drink plenty of water and I cut down on bread as it bloats me more.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    If its really bad I walk I find it gets the blood pumping and eases the pain a bit without all the jumping around... Also drink plenty of water. Someone gave me that tip on here and it works wonders for me, the cramping is not as bad as it use to be and I'm convince that water has something to do with it...
  • monet11
    monet11 Posts: 9
    Personally, I never feel like working out while TOM is around ): I feel like crap and I get bad backaches...but I was told by past Physical Ed teachers and my doctor that it does help with the symptoms and is good for you.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I don't know why, but I am the opposite. Working out during my TOM is my favorite. It is also the only thing that will take away my cramps and bloating.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Wow! Thanks so much everyone for your input!! I didn't expect that many responses so quickly, lol.

    Looks like most of you continue your exercise as it also helps the cramps go away. I think i'll do the same, but start off easy ... i would normally do a spinning class tonight, but its only my 2nd one, and it kills me on a regular day, so I think I'll use the treadmil tonight at a good incline and speed ... just to do something, but not quite the same "butt kicking" as normal ...

    i have talked to my doctor, she can't see anything wrong with me, i've just always had horrible cramps. they stink cause they really interfere with work and life in general ... i'm usually out of commission for a day or two ... and I am on BC, it doesn't help much though :/ ...

    buuuut i'm gonna try my best and will work out tonight ... thanks so much everyone!

    What is it with the doctors? They start you ON birth control so they have something to treat! ugh

    I finally broke down and got the mirena, I have severe blood-loss (3+oz measured! per day) and cramping during my 7-8 day periods. Mirena has definitely lessened the blood loss (I spot 24/7 instead of bleeding through everything) But my moods have gotten horrible during the TOM! Before I was silently in pain (I could not get into work, but nothing else changed) NOW (this last period I had) I am the biggest female dog you have ever met! My husband was freaking out! rofl (normally I'm even keel all the time) The mood swings are new for me and I do NOT like them. ha ha But I'd trade the heavy blood flow for them in a heartbeat, so I guess they are here to stay. The only thing it is not helping with is pain (so far). I actually think my pain lasts longer is harder (ie more painful) which I did not think was possible (it's put me in the ER twice and morphine would not control it)

    So back on topic, no working out does not give me relief (oh yes I've tried everything, with my periods, you try anything to get relief!) But it works out because I have no appetite for 2 days.
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    It's no surprise to probably everyone, that when TOM is in town, none of us want to work out. we'd rather lay on the couch, nibble on a square of giradeli chocolate, and just try to be smart with what we eat since we won't be burning calories.

    I know as far as mine goes, it is killer almost every day, I have the cramps that put me in the mood of curling into the fetal position and willing myself to fall asleep ... the last thing I want to do is work out.

    So, my question is .... Does anyone work out during their TOM, and what workouts do you do?

    I work out and do all the same stuff as normal. For me it helps with cramps, fatigue and I think it goes away quicker. My normal routine also includes Zumba...I have never had any issues with it :)
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I still do the same exercise, probably not with the same intensity as my body wont allow it. All I want is to lay in bed but I still get my butt out there and get those wokouts in!