Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • mzofficer88
    mzofficer88 Posts: 8 Member
    Gee, you guys look like a fun bunch. ;) I'm looking for some new homies too. I'm 27 and I live in The Bahamas. My long term goal is to lose 100, my short term goal is to lose 20. Feel free to add me!
  • renyeol
    renyeol Posts: 5 Member
    I would love some really active friends to motivate and help motivate myself!
  • Rocnr
    Rocnr Posts: 637 Member
  • Rocnr
    Rocnr Posts: 637 Member
  • Rocnr
    Rocnr Posts: 637 Member
  • Rocnr
    Rocnr Posts: 637 Member
  • Rocnr
    Rocnr Posts: 637 Member
    Hit me up! :)
  • Need some friends, would love more support :-) Add me :-)
  • Bondozafa
    Bondozafa Posts: 2 Member
    zachduden wrote: »
    I'm always accepting friend requests from motivational and inspirational people, so feel free to add me! Also, leave a comment below if you would like others to add you! :)

    Hello All,
    I normally don't post on here but I felt it was about time I did. I've been using this app since 2013, I love it! I've had amazing results with tracking through this app and my fitbit. I've lost 91 lbs and keeping it off, I've never felt or looked so good. My weight in 2013 was 255lbs, current weight 164lbs. I would like to share my 4 key points I found important for my successful results:

    1. A positive mind, positive body, I can, I will
    2. It's a life change, not a wk/month/yr change
    3. Track your everyday nutrition & excersise
    4. Never ever give up on yourself, no matter what

    This is for anyone who reads this post and thinks I can't do it, yeah right or no way. Well, I thought the same exact things a few years back but, made a change for a healthier life mentally & physically. I lacked the proper tools to get the job done for years but, the funny thing was the tools were always there I just had to pick them up. Last thing, pick up whatever the tools are you need to get the job done. I guarantee you will be amazed what you can build for yourself.

    Be your BEST!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Always willing to
    Meet new people
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    Heyy! Anyone feel free to add me. I log and post daily. Lost almost 60lbs so far, 98 more to go!! Let's motivate each other :))
  • heidimelone
    heidimelone Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • catekat16
    catekat16 Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined last week; feel free to add me! Hope to get in some exercise before spring break!
  • MC_JC
    MC_JC Posts: 91 Member
    More friends always welcome.
  • hardcoreXhermys
    hardcoreXhermys Posts: 4 Member
    Yes! I'd love friends for motivation and even food ideas. :) Let's support each other!
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    friend me
  • commaqueen
    commaqueen Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love some friends too!
  • MrBlodudel
    MrBlodudel Posts: 13 Member
    I'd love some friends here. :)
    I have never been really active in the community since I joined half a year ago but I plan to be in the future.
    Motivation and support from others keeps me going if I can't do it myself. I would be glad share this energy with others.
  • kellstar33
    kellstar33 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi i would love some new friends
  • francesrosedooley
    francesrosedooley Posts: 30 Member
    I am looking for positive friends to go through this journey with me :)