Good morning,

I have been an active MFP member since April 15, 2011. I have lost 10 pounds with diet and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. This took maybe 40 days. Since then i have maintained. I am ready to get back to consistent losing. I saw that Insanity was really popular amongst my MFP pals that have lost weight and decided to jump aboard. Wellllllllllllll....i did the 1st workout yesterday, Plyo circuit and it is insaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Took many breaks to a point of almost quitting! But i want to lose weight and if its this Insane it has to work right? I hear amazing success stories, so i have decided to fully commit to Shaun T and insanity for 2 months. I will lose my 25 pounds! I need support..any Insanity newbies want to join me on this crazy train? If you have done day 1, u know exactly what im talking about!! Lets do this!:laugh:


  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    You can do it, Never surrender
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    that's awesome! good for you!

    i have insanity but i just pretend i don't because i know it's gonna hurt and... yeah i'm not ready for that much pain again right now hahaha

    good luck!
  • TAMMY_76
    TAMMY_76 Posts: 199
    im on my last week of p90x and going to start insanity afterwards may i join?
  • crobinson53
    crobinson53 Posts: 164
    You can totally do it!!! I'm on week three and there's still days I have to pause it, take a sip of water, catch my breath, and then turn it back on. :glasses:
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    I also have INSANITY, and will be starting Monday July 4th. I'm currently on Day 24 of the 30DS, and so I will finish that and give myself a couple days off before starting insanity. I'm so excited though!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Good luck everyone with Insanity. If you have any questions feel free to message me.

    Always looking for more friends as well.

  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    I'm trying to decide whether to get Insanity or TurboFire. My worry is that I'm still too heavy to do either (215lb today) ... I have TurboJam which I do like but it is a bit 'dancey' and I kind of get lost .......
  • lenarddingemans
    Options going to be starting insanity TODAY!!...i had started it a while back but i never stuck with it because no one else was doing it at the same time I was so i didn't have any motivation. But i will stick with it for 2 months and get the body that i've always wanted :D
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I'm with you!! Total newbie to Insanity, I have been working out 5-6 days a week, though, for a few months now and I did the fit test on Monday and have done the first two in the series yesterday and today and I am completely wiped out!! This morning was very difficult to get out of bed, but I made it and did the Cardio Power and Resistance DVD today.

    Things I love about Insanity (so far):
    1. The moves are always being switched up, so it's not dull
    2. The people doing it in the video have a hard time too, so that makes me feel better knowing it's hard for them still, even though they are in amazing shape
    3. Shaun T is very motivating, and he even gets short of breath
    4. It is adjustable to your own level, so you don't have to do everything in time with the people on the video, especially if you are not in tip top shape. Just as long as you are trying to do the moves at the best of your ability, as much as you can, you are working very hard!

    The only thing I don't love is how hard it is, but that's the point, amirite!!
  • choy1280
    choy1280 Posts: 6
    I just started week two, it is tough but I needed a push to get off this plateau. I am really enjoying it (as much as you can enjoy the pain). I missed yesterday because I just wanted to go to bed (I work out in the evenings after my son falls asleep), so I am a day behind. I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for so long and now that I am doing Insanity I need to increase my calorie intake, and I am having a really hard time with it. I have been super tired and have no energy since starting so I don't think my body is getting the nurishment it needs. I am not following the food/diet that comes with the work out, may be I need to look at it. Has anyone have ideas for increasing calories?
  • evexlyn
    evexlyn Posts: 2 Member
    I just started doing Insanity yesterday! I'm not really following the weekly schedule (I dragonboat on the weekends and don't work out on days i have regattas). I'm pretty athletic to begin with, but I have a lot more fat on top of my muscles than I want. I want that flat tummy and those killer legs, and from what I see Insanity seems to be the way to do it!

    I was just wondering, is there any way of knowing how much you burn for each workout?
  • aapeterson9
    Hi - I'm a new member to MFP and I just started my second round of Insanity. Do you have any recommendations as how I log the Insanity workout into the exercise diary on the MFP site? How many calories burned etc? I do the entire workout.
    Can you help?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hi - I'm a new member to MFP and I just started my second round of Insanity. Do you have any recommendations as how I log the Insanity workout into the exercise diary on the MFP site? How many calories burned etc? I do the entire workout.
    Can you help?

    My best suggestion would be to get a heart rate monitor and then add your own exercises (Plyo Cardio, etc...) Other wise I would just classify them as aerobics high impact, or Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort.

    Hope this helps,
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    evexlyn: I think the amount of calories you burn really depends on your own self and whatever level you are working at. Having a HRM that tracks that really helps (be careful, not all of them track calories for you). I'm just beginning it and burned over 500 today on the 40 minute workout. I feel I could have burnt a lot more if I was able to do it all closer to the speed and technique the people on the video were doing. I'm sure as I get better I will!

    aapeterson9: I just created a new exercise and called it Insanity DVD and track my calories based off of my HRM. Maybe I should name one for each type of workout like Stu said. That might help me track how I am doing on each disc.
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm currently starting Month 2 of Insanity... Not exactly a newbie, but I could use the support too :tongue:

    To those just starting, it DOES get easier!! The soreness of the first week will go away & then you can focus more on improving in each workout. Don't worry about what anyone on the dvd is doing. Push yourself to your OWN personal limit, and you WILL get results. Take breaks when you need to, but keep on giving max effort throughout the workout..

    I definitely recommend using a HRM to figure out your calories burned, especially if you are eating back your exercise calories. Insanity is an extremely intense workout, and if you don't eat enough you will not have the fuel your body needs to give max effort. MFP does not have calorie estimate that I've found that comes close to what you actually burn doing Insanity (based on using HRMs). From all the people I've spoken to, you can expect to burn between 450-900 calories on each of the workouts of the first month (except Cardio recovery day & Fit test of course). The higher you keep your HR during the workout = more calories burned (aim for around 75-85% of your max HR)

    I know sometimes it seems that Shaun T is INSANE when he is demonstrating the moves:noway:
    Keep digging deeper! We CAN do this!!!
  • aapeterson9
    Awesome - thanks! Okay then, any recommendations for HRMs?
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    Glad to join this group. I am half way through week 3 (day 24). I am so proud of what I have done. It is tough and I still take lots of breathers, but I get back in and keep going. Today was tougher than previous...but I stuck it out and live to tell about it.

    It's the most intense, sweaty, bad *kitten*, hard core, pain in the *kitten* workout I have ever done and I love it!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    so glad to have all of you guys support!! we can do this!! @adagolden..being in week 3 have you seen results yet? @cbcbrass i think u should def name each are you doing in your 1st only on day 3 and omg its killer!! i dont have hrm so i am just using aerobics high impact...lovecola has brought to my attention that this might estimate to eating 1500 calories (goal anyway) how many will u guys eat on insanity?
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I am doing pretty good, today's cardio recovery felt really good (except on my thighs!!! LOL!) but I feel more prepared to get back to the jumping and stuff tomorrow morning! I think you are right, I am going to name each workout. I will have to go back and update the last couple of days though. For today I didn't have very much calorie burn because it was the recovery day so my heart rate didn't get too high, so I want to be able to see how/why it was lower when I look back at my progress somewhere down the road.

    Regarding HRM and the website, yes, they do average lower calories burnt on the website than you will find when you start using a heart rate monitor. Sometimes by quite a bit!!

    I have my caloric intake set to 1350 a day right now, though I may have to adjust up soon. I can tell if I may not be getting enough calories by my lethargy. I was told by a good friend of mine once that you set your calories at your goal weight x10, so I am trying that right now because 1200 (what mfp set me at) was too low and then another formula I tried was too high for me.

    Good luck!!!
  • rkcrawf
    rkcrawf Posts: 6 Member
    I am 6'1 and 212lbs. I have a fairly large frame and am about 25.9% bodyfat according to the Omron scale I have. I set my goal weight at 197 (I forget how I came up with it, but there was a formula). I am more concerned with the bodyfat %, but I want to improve my running and I think the weight loss will help.

    Anyway, I am about 10 days into doing the Insanity workout and I feel great. However, not being able to figure out the calories burned is making me crazy. I have a HRM, which tells me today's 40 min Cardio Resistance and Power workout was 707 calories. That's the equivalent of me running 5 miles at my normal pace. Is that right? It was a hard workout, but with almost 8 min devoted to stretching and interval breaks, I'm questioning the number.

    The reason it makes me crazy is because I am trying to figure out whether I am starving myself or over-eating. The Elite Nutrition Guide that comes with the program says to aim for approx 2700 cal/day to lose weight. MFP says to aim for approx 1940 net cal/day to lose weight (both using a 500 cal/day deficit). If the HRM monitor is accurate, everything is fine bc for either plan I'm eating 2000 net calories. However, if the workout burn is lower (high impact aerobics on MFP is 450 cal for me), then I'm eating 250-300 cal/day more than I should if I eat 2700 calories, which is the formula to gain weight. Or if I only eat back the 450 calories, and the HRM is correct, then I have a calorie deficit.

    As I said, I'm quite confused. Any help would be appreciated. Today, I ate 1400 calories, exercised for "707 calories" and have 1200 remaining (it's end of day). I'm a bit hungry, but that's a heck of a midnight snack to eat back!! Which reminds me, I need to get some sleep too!