What did you have for breakfast?

I find breakfast is the hardest meal for me to get inspired to eat. But I want to stop skipping it, so hoping you can give me some ideas for yummy breakfasts, what did you have?


  • dt2k5
    dt2k5 Posts: 7 Member
    1. Plain steel cut oatmeal with fresh blueberries, sometimes strawberries and walnuts.
    2. 3 Eggwhite Omlette with steamed spinach and slice of low fat Finlandia Swiss. Swap spinach for peppers and onions sometimes.
    3. Non fat Greek yogurt smoothie with frozen or fresh fruit (mango and black cherry is my favorite right now). I use a little ice and 1/4 cup low fat milk.

    All pack some good protein and keep me full until lunch, with a coffee in between (black no sugar). Typically doing this has me at under 200 calories by lunch.
  • dt2k5
    dt2k5 Posts: 7 Member
    By the way, that is 3 different breakfasts...not what I eat for one!!
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    edited March 2016
    OooooOOOooo I love me some breakfast.

    I usually start my day off with eggs because I feel better for the rest of the day, and I'm able to stick to my calorie goal without feeling like I'm starving or craving. Even other proteins don't seem to give me the same feeling, and I usually end up craving sweets and junk throughout the day.

    My go-to breakfast is:

    2 over-easy eggs on toast with some E.D. Smith jelly. (usually 1/4 tsp or less of oil to stop the eggs from sticking).
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    My breakfast is at noon. Big chicken sammich. Mayo,bacon,tomatoes,ketchup. On a Hawaiian sweet roll. Yumm
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I love breakfast. My problem is not letting breakfast blow my calorie goal for the day. Right now, I've been eating muffins and baked oatmeal. Here are my two favorites:

    I also like overnight oats.
  • J0gettingfit
    J0gettingfit Posts: 24 Member
    Ooooo they all sound good!! Thank you for the ideas! I really like the sound of the muffins and oatmeal with berries. I went with eggs this morning. Shopping day tomorrow so loving getting all these ideas! :)
  • LushFix
    LushFix Posts: 303 Member
    I am also not a breakfast person.... but if I don't eat I turn into a hangry lady. I seem to go from not hungry to hunger pains in 5 mins which used to lead to lunch time bingeing that lasted all day.

    I have found a "odd combo " for me. It keeps me happy for a good 4 hours.

    Smallish/ medium banana, 1 hard boiled egg and a couple dried figs. This is also super portable..... but probably not for everyone hahaha.

    I also think breakfast does not have to be "breakfast food" but I'd definitely try to get some fiber and protein involved.
  • chaney3000
    chaney3000 Posts: 261 Member
    I like breakfast as well. If I'm at work I usually have oatmeal with dried cranberries and walnuts. When I'm getting off work and about to go run or hit the gym I usually have a banana and a granola bar. If I'm at home, I normally eat cereal.

    On rest days, I would eat 2 eggs scrambled with 2 whole wheat eggo waffles with 1 tablespoon PB and 2 tablespoons syrup

    All of those are under 500 cals
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    My breakfast was 4 oz 2% milk with 4 oz water mixed with a scoop of chocolate flavored whey powder, followed by 2 sausages and a fried egg. The egg was fried in the scant drippings from the Johnsonville Breakfast Sausages.
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    I also have oatmeal 1/2 cup before cooking, with 1 tsp of fruit spread, walnuts, and dried fruit (raisins or cranberries).
    Or eggs (omlette, scrambled, or hard boiled) with English muffin and 1 tsp of butter
    Or occasionally cold cereal with milk and fruit, (when I am in a hurry).
    No matter what I eat, I always have coffee. 1 cup for breakfast and water the rest of the day

  • Brithicks
    Brithicks Posts: 148 Member
    today was one egg over easy with a slice of dave's killer bread toasted. I rubbed a garlic clove on the toast then smashed a quarter avocado on top. While the egg was cooking I tossed 3 oz of grape tomatoes into the pan. Ate the egg on top of the avocado toast with the tomatoes on the side and a cup of coffee with a squeeze of lemon.

    Sometimes I eat cottage cheese with berries and cinnamon or veggies and salt and pepper.

    Sometimes I eat oats with chia and berries and nut butter.

    Sometimes I eat hard boiled eggs with fruit or veggies.

    Sometimes a smoothie.

    Sometimes leftover dinner.

  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    A single slice of multigrain toast with sprinkled grapeseed oil instead of butter. Some chopped up strawberries with a sliced half of banana. Coffee with milk and sugar.

    Other favorites are smashed avocado on multigrain toast with salt, cayenne, and lime. Quick steel cut oatmeal with flax seed meal mixed in, and plain yogurt on top. Two egg omelettes the way Julia Child makes them.
  • I have an 8 oz smoothie for breakfast that has 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1 non fat Greek plain yogurt, and 1/3 cup pineapple juice.
  • J0gettingfit
    J0gettingfit Posts: 24 Member
    Oh yum! You all are making me hungry! Those are some fantastic ideas! Thank you :)
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    Sausage egg and cheese burrito, 486 calories and 33 grams of protein.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I made a big Belgian protein waffle using the Kodiak Power Cakes pancake mix, pumpkin puree, an egg, protein powder, cinnamon, stevia, and raspberries. I topped it with spray butter, more cinnamon, some vanilla powdered peanut butter, and syrup. I work out in the morning, so this was my post-workout meal. Just under 400 calories [43c/8f/36p].
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    a cup of tea
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    One Capuccino

    I skip breakfast. It is easier for me. I don't feel hungry til lunch. (And I would feel hungry if I ate only a small breakfast). This way I can have a bigger lunch and/or bigger dinner which in turn leaves me more satisfied. Intermitent fasting.

    If I want to have a nice breakfast I "save" some calories during the week and have eggs, bacon and chili baked beans :smile:
  • cryssybaby77
    cryssybaby77 Posts: 22 Member
    edited March 2016
    I had a cup of frosted flakes with 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk with coffee of course. :) It comes to 164 calories, 1 gram of fat. the only thing really high is the sugar at 15, and the carbs which is 36. I try to stay under 200 calories for breakfast lunch and snack. leaving most of the calories for dinner.
  • Amy101975
    Amy101975 Posts: 37 Member
    175 grams of banana greek yogourt + 25 grams of Kashi Go Lean cereal + 1 xl hard boiled egg.