Weighing yourself



  • redrose66
    redrose66 Posts: 31
    Every Thursday Morning, before breakfast,
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    everyday in the morning after i go to the ladies room in nothing but underwear! or less ;) but I only log it on Fridays! keeps me accountable and gives me that extra push to eat a little better today or work out a little harder.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I believe it's the National Weight Control Registry has determined that people who weigh themselves daily, exercise 60 minutes a day (walking is the most common form) and eat breakfast lose their desired weight and keep it off. I do it every day first thing in the morning.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    Sometimes I weigh every few days if I'm not feeling motivated. But I only record my weigh-ins on Wednesdays.

    If weighing in everyday keeps you focused, then do it. But if you fret about ever slight (like .2) fluctuation, then you might need to dial it down.
  • emmamolly
    emmamolly Posts: 17
    Friday morning after the bathroom, before breakfast and naked! :embarassed:

    same here
  • BethanyCee
    BethanyCee Posts: 70
    Once a week. If you can do it every day without getting upset by fluctations, that's great, but there's no way I can do that. I know no matter how logical I'd try to be about it, the numbers would get to me. So I just do it once a week and so far it's working for me. I think it gives me a much better sense of my over all progress and keeps me from getting too obsessed with weight loss.
  • dkk1953
    dkk1953 Posts: 24
    New to this site so just wondering.....if you are a daily weigh-in person (like me) can you log your weight in everyday or does the site only allow once per week?
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I weigh myself daily and try not to let those "little gains" that can happen to us women get to me. We all have those fluctuations, and they can drive you insane!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I weigh daily but my "official" weigh in is Friday morning when I wake up. I like to keep an eye on the scale daily and try to figure out the reason behind the fluctuations (sodium, lack of exercise, ...).
  • kristengraham
    kristengraham Posts: 59 Member
    I weigh myself each morning in my birthday suit... after I potty, just before I step into the shower! That way I can go back and see how my day to day eating is making the scale move!
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    Friday morning after the bathroom, before breakfast and naked! :embarassed:

    this... except every day. lol.. i am the same way, if i don't do it every day i think about it too much- and then i get unfocused. some people may disagree but i'm not telling them to do it... i think it depends on you. personal choice. :wink:
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    o yah... and one more thing. I only officailly weight in when there is a loss. lol...
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    Friday morning after the bathroom, before breakfast and naked! :embarassed:

    What she said :bigsmile:
  • starr68
    starr68 Posts: 62 Member
    I am fanatical..I weigh myself I every time I use the washroom at home. I dont rely on that, I "count" my weight once a week, pick a day and weigh in the same time that day every week and THAT is what I record.
  • gklangdon
    gklangdon Posts: 80 Member
    I weight every morning after bathroom and before breakfast. I only post what I weigh once a week. I like seeing what I'm doing each day.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Weighing everyday really screws me up the numbers go up and
    down so much! I try to weigh Wed mornings when i wake up
    (after bathroom) I do check more than i should during the week but
    I only count Wed mornings
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    Never. I weighed myself when I started to determine calorie level but I don't check up on myself. I know when I lose weight because I can see it and feel it in the fit of my clothes. I think a lot of people put waaaaay to much value into that number on the scale (ie. I weighed 150 yesterday but 153 today! How could I gain three lbs??). Numbers don't matter! How you feel and look matters!
  • DEE_68
    DEE_68 Posts: 33 Member
    I know i should weigh my self everyday as it is not good. You can go up or down a pound in day but really only the weekly weight should count. I have chosen every friday morning after pee break and in my undies...hope this helps!
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    I weigh everyday in the morning but log it once a week... I have to see what works or not for meals so I can limit myself....
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Exact same here! I weigh every day to keep myself focused. I've learned not to let a couple-pound difference from day to day bring me down...just as long as I don't gain a couple pounds every day!!
    this is how i am too