How old is too old to wear...



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    If you can wear it and it looks good on you then do it. I'll be 30 in less than 3 months and I still buy a couple things here and there from the juniors department. Mainly just some shirts, but still. My favorite shorts are from American Eagle and that whole store is pretty much a juniors department.
    If you feel comfortable in it and YOU think you look good, then wear it. Others may be critical, but some people are always going to be critical and judgemental no matter what. Jealousy is a b*tch. lol

    Rock it girlie!! ;)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If you've got the legs to show off, DO IT!

    This is definitely the most important part. #2 is wearing them at an appropriate time with appropriate accessories. On vacation, mall browsing or even the grocery store with flip flops on a hot day is ok by me. Pairing them with heals especially if you have on a halter or small top as well may be trying a little hard. #3 is realizing you are 34, not 60. Get away with what you can now b/c one day you will be 60 and no amount of tricep work will help you with the squishy "grandma-type" skin you'll have or start getting at that time ;)

    TLC What Not To Wear says 35 is the cut-off for miniskirts. Just an fyi.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    you look amazing. You have the bod to rock em, and you said your booty doesnt hang out, i would go for it!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If you can wear it and it looks good on you then do it. I'll be 30 in less than 3 months and I still buy a couple things here and there from the juniors department.
    Rock it girlie!! ;)

    I'm glad there is no official division of Juniors vs Misses in Canada, that's just in the US otherwise I'd be screwed, LOL!

    If women were to shop in nothing but a Canadian version of Misses here, you'd have Sears, The Bay and Cotton Jenny if that still exists and that's it, ewww!!

    All other stores have no definable age-range other than maybe Stitches/Sirens & Le Chateau which target Juniours. Seriously, the average age of people in Forever 21 is like 35+ and the target age is in the title!!
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    My mom has a pair or two of shorts like that and she's 45! and I think she looks fine!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I think with in reason they would be ok. I'm one of those people that swear by no mini-skirts after 30.

    Oh god, only 1.5 years left for me!!! Ahhh!!

    That's ok, the 2 denim skirts I own see the light of day maybe 4-5x a year considering the short summer and also they are usually only worn on vaca somewhere really hot, further south.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    If you can wear it and it looks good on you then do it. I'll be 30 in less than 3 months and I still buy a couple things here and there from the juniors department.
    Rock it girlie!! ;)

    I'm glad there is no official division of Juniors vs Misses in Canada, that's just in the US otherwise I'd be screwed, LOL!

    If women were to shop in nothing but a Canadian version of Misses here, you'd have Sears, The Bay and Cotton Jenny if that still exists and that's it, ewww!!

    All other stores have no definable age-range other than maybe Stitches/Sirens & Le Chateau which target Juniours. Seriously, the average age of people in Forever 21 is like 35+ and the target age is in the title!!

    This is what sucks about the US, imo. People focus too much on age and what is acceptable for an "older person" to wear. I have a Brazilian friend in her 30's living here and she still wears shorter shorts, skirts, etc. and she looks great!! America is so judgemental. So annoying! It's clothes people...if someone looks good, or even just FEELS that they look good, in what they're wearing then let them. It's their body and their life. Sheesh! lol I never try on clothes and think to myself, "what will people think if I wear this out in public?" If I feel comfortable and confident in it, then I'm going to wear it. Everyone has different taste in clothes.
    Canada knows what's up!! ;)
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Personality, more than age, has a lot to do with it. We send a message with every piece of clothing we put on ourselves. I say don't buy the post-inspring shorts. It doesn't send the message you desire. Buy some that you feel just as attractive in, but that are mature enough from your perspective (not the perspective of others).
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    If your comfortable, just do it!
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    You "earned" those shorts go for it!!! The over 30 thing is ridiculous i have also heard it said 25. Anyway there are ton of celebrities who do it and if you have the body for it...which you do and if you feel comfortable why not?
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    I am 34 and I feel as though if you feel comfortable in them wear them. I'm sure you look great in them. Besides I think it depends on what top you're wearing that will affect the total look. There's always a way to make an outfit look classy or trashy. I'm sure you will make it look classy. When I reach my goal I totally am going back to short shorts. My husband loves them and I can make them look classy!

    Be comfortable and be you!!
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    those blue-jean cut-off shorts... you know the ones that are kinda short but not so short you've got butt-cheeks hanging out??? LOL

    I totally saw a dude at the gym wearing cutoff jeans.... though his buttcheeks weren't hanging out... thank goodness
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    those blue-jean cut-off shorts... you know the ones that are kinda short but not so short you've got butt-cheeks hanging out??? LOL

    I tried on a pair of those the other day in Express. I thought they were pretty cute and came close to buying them but ended up putting them back. I'm just not sure ya know. I'll be 35 in a few months. I'm wondering if that will just look weird on someone my age??? I don't want to have people saying, "Look at that 30-something chick trying to look like she's 17." Or maybe it's perfectly fine and I'm just being paranoid???

    What got me questioning this is the older very well-to-do woman in my town who dresses way too young for her age. She's in her 60's and wears these above-the-knee halter-top/backless dresses that, imo, look like they were made for a 20-something. I have heard more than one person comment on how unbecoming her wardrobe is. Sure... she has a nice figure for a woman her age... but just because you can wear something.... doesn't mean you should!

    What's your opinion?

    I work part time at a Jcrew and they have these shorts for ladies and I have never seen so many of them sell. I see ladies that are in great condition wearing them so I am SURE you will have NO problem pulling them off Steph!!!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Old NAvy has shorts you can get online only that are 7 inch inseem. I am short and thus burmudas are oddly long on me but having just turned 37 last week and having always hated super short shorts I thought the 5 inch inseem at Old NAvy were a tad too short...the 7 inch are perfect...they show off my runners legs that I have grown fond of but are covering me enough to chase around 4 kids without feeling like a hootchie momma
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I looked at your can TOTALLY wear those shorts! You don't even look 35! Go for it, you look amazing!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You know what's too short? When the pockets of cut-offs hand lower than the legs!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Agreed with the majority...if you can rock em-or whatever it is-ROCK IT!!!
  • CBKMom
    CBKMom Posts: 59 Member
    I would go with what entices you! You did not lose the weight to impress others, you did it for yourself. You do not seem like the kinda girl who has to have approval on what to wear and how to look. I am sure that you could wear them with a super cute top, sweet sandals and be as happy as can be that you ARE and CAN wear them! Buy them, be proud that you can fit in them and look awesome and move forward. The only one opinion that matters is yours and your hubby's. All the rest are just background noise. You can never please everyone so I do not try.
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I would think that if the inseam on them were more than 3" or 3" they should be fine. I am 30 and won't really wear anything less then a 3" inseam. Seems too young looking for me and I don't want to have to worry about my stuff falling out of them. LOL Just my opinion though.
  • kaymayscool
    I say if they fit well and are not too revealing and you feel good when you wear them, then go for it. You will know when something is inappropriate. You can still be very staylish at any age, but the styles may just be a little different as you age. You are only 35. I am sure you will look amazing!