Hello hello hello hello, anyone love weights??

Hiya people! Just wondered if anyone loves weights. I dont mean body pump but heavy weights. I need to lose 28lbs and wondered if I should concentrate on cardio and leave weights until I have lost alot more bodyfat. I gain muscle quite well but as I have not lost much in the way of bodyfat I can end up bigger! lol! Just wondered if anyone doing the same or done the same. Any messages welcome!!


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Do weights! There is a small weight lifting community on here. Check out stronglifts.com for not only a great lifting program, but also a diet so that you gain muscle and burn fat. A direct link to the lifting program is in my signature.
  • piascore
    piascore Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks I will have a little lookie ;)
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Any good cardio routine needs a good strength training regimen to go with it. Remember muscle burns fat! Do not leave out weights. If I would have known the benefits of lifting...and lifting heavy I would 've started much sooner in my journey. Another good reference is a book called The New Rules of Lifting for Women.
  • OneFitMom_
    OneFitMom_ Posts: 151 Member
    I love lifting weights!!!!! I started out just doing cardio in the beginning and slowly added weights into my training. Now my focus is toning and building muscle.
  • piascore
    piascore Posts: 7 Member
    I have built quite a bit of muscle but this bodyfat defeating me! lol