5'6.5 female looking to lose 50 pounds!! Anyone else with me?



  • k7990n
    k7990n Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2016
    know,,what do I do??? add meeee plllzzzz❣
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    5'6.5" and want to lose another 35 lbs (I'm down 15 so far!). Feel free to add me :)
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I'd like to be part of an active group since I'm very motivated...I'm 5'11 and have lost 21.5#'s 10 Wks with 57 more to get to my goal. I know it's going to be harder going forward but I'm hoping I'm in the groove.
  • Zoey1824
    Zoey1824 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'8" and need to lose 50lbs as well. Been having a lot of trouble keeping motivated, feel free to add me!
  • mlfeg
    mlfeg Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I love the attitude of this group...I'm looking for a shorter term goal to start...38 pounds...and I will move on from there. I feel like if I set smaller goals for myself they are more attainable for me. I have just started this journey today!!!! Would love to join...
  • Lindy0070
    Lindy0070 Posts: 51 Member
    Ditto and ditto. Add me too. We can all help each other
  • CatDancing4u
    CatDancing4u Posts: 5 Member
    Rain203 wrote: »
    Hi there, I've used this site once before and lost over 50 pounds. Then I had baby number two and gained it all back :( so I'd love to have some motivating friends looking to do the same! Who's with me??

    I'm with you I actually gain a lot of weight too! !! But hey! I stopped smoking! Lol It was really hard for me to stop after smoking a box and a half daily for 8 years. But if I was able to do that with support of course. I can do this too! Trying to lose at least 30 pounds(should more. But. Slowly hahaha)
    Rain203 wrote: »
    Hi there, I've used this site once before and lost over 50 pounds. Then I had baby number two and gained it all back :( so I'd love to have some motivating friends looking to do the same! Who's with me??

    I'm with you I actually gain a lot of weight too! !! But hey! I stopped smoking! Lol It was really hard for me to stop after smoking a box and a half daily for 8 years. But if I was able to do that with support of course. I can do this too! Trying to lose at least 30 pounds(should more. But. Slowly hahaha)

  • CatDancing4u
    CatDancing4u Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I've started today too! Would like to lose 80...but 50 is good to start! Lost all the weight in 2007...then regained when I got tired of so much protein. Stopped eating. Hair falling out. Not good. Hope to find a better balance this time!!
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I'm doing short term goals as well. Next one is 10 #'s by Mother's Day. That seems achievable with the changes I've made in my diet and my approach to losing weight. I love the MFP app, look forward to entering my food for the day and watching nutrients...wow is there a lot of sodium in foods I never thought as particularly salty. I stopped smoking last August and gave up my one a day Coke in January. I'm sad about giving up my nightly glass of wine but that was my choice to kick start my healthier eating habits. Facing knee replacement surgery this summer so I have a real motivator which I never had before but not as much physical activity as I'm used to doing...swimming is my thing.
  • kissedbythesunshine
    kissedbythesunshine Posts: 416 Member
    I'm 5'7 and have around 28 more lbs to go. Already lost over 30. Feel free to add me. I started in September.
  • SethKaishi
    SethKaishi Posts: 24 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm not the same height as most (5'3") but I am in the same boat of losing weight. I am looking to lose 100+ pounds but 50 sounds just as good. I'm looking for a great group of people to keep me accountable and on track. Add me as a friend and I'll do the same and we can all work together to get to our goals.
  • Rain203
    Rain203 Posts: 47 Member
    My goal is to hopefully shed this excess 50 pounds by November... Is this realistic? I don't know, but I'm gonna try!!!
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I think a consistent 2#s/wk is very hard unless you're doing lots of calorie burning exercise & don't stray from 1000/1200 cal diet. Of course, everyone's metabolism so 50#s by November may be the right goal. For me, without being able to do strenuous exercise plus surgery & rehab, my goal is 35.
  • Rain203
    Rain203 Posts: 47 Member
    ljdw99 wrote: »
    I think a consistent 2#s/wk is very hard unless you're doing lots of calorie burning exercise & don't stray from 1000/1200 cal diet. Of course, everyone's metabolism so 50#s by November may be the right goal. For me, without being able to do strenuous exercise plus surgery & rehab, my goal is 35.

    Yeah I agree that sounds a lot harder when you put it as two pounds per week. My Cala a day are about 1500 and I'm set as sedentary. I think realistically I could lose 25 by November then. I feel like I would starve on only 1200 calls! How do u do it??
  • stephanielosey
    stephanielosey Posts: 19 Member
    I'm the same height and am down 28 lbs, wanting to drop 40-50 more! I'll add ya! :smile:
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm 5'7" and started at 205. Goal is to get to around 140. I'm currently at 186. Feel free to add me
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I don't know I've gotten into almost a zen kind of place...never been there before! I'm saying to myself it's ok to feel hunger pangs, read that somewhere, and food is fuel. You have to understand I love to cook and I love food! I've gotten into this whole fiber, protein, sodium nutrient thing which means I'm learning new ways to cook...I'm surprising myself. Also I no longer have any children at home...that's huge!!! Really steady 1500 cal/day is much better all my dietician friends tell me.
  • emilyvandel
    emilyvandel Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also looking to lose 40-50 pounds. I'm 5'7" starting at 200 and I'm on my second day now. After every diet or exercise motivation I get, it's gone within 2 weeks. Add me and we can motivate each other to reach our goal.
  • Rain203
    Rain203 Posts: 47 Member
    ljdw99 wrote: »
    I don't know I've gotten into almost a zen kind of place...never been there before! I'm saying to myself it's ok to feel hunger pangs, read that somewhere, and food is fuel. You have to understand I love to cook and I love food! I've gotten into this whole fiber, protein, sodium nutrient thing which means I'm learning new ways to cook...I'm surprising myself. Also I no longer have any children at home...that's huge!!! Really steady 1500 cal/day is much better all my dietician friends tell me.

    I know what you mean about zen place. I was there tonight! I closed my diary for the evening and watched a movie. My tummy was grumbling so I filled it with water. Normally I would have been running to the snack cupboard, but I decided its okay to feel hungry sometimes. I'm thinking more long term than short term now in my decisions

  • cutechunkymonkey
    cutechunkymonkey Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5ft 4 and have 50lbs to lose!
    I've been doing this for a week now, weigh-in on Fridays and have lost 4lbs so far! I'm so proud even just that little bit of weight has made me think I can do this!!!

    Feel free to add me! The support of people on here is so good!