Introvert seeking social support



  • gcbrunette18
    gcbrunette18 Posts: 3 Member
    Same here. You can add me as well.
  • Dvoreth
    Dvoreth Posts: 5 Member
    Fellow introvert here, feel free to add me!
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    Trishkit wrote: »
    I'm an INFJ and I always hang back and dance a few really good dances. I suppose it helps that I'm a perfectionist, so I'd rather do a few dances really well and totally nail them, than go out and do everything and trip over my feet. My husband is an INTJ.

    I took up dance after my divorce as a cheaper and more fun means than therapy to get over shyness. It was through that process that I figured out that being shy and being introverted, while inextricably linked to one another, are separate things.
  • Bigredog18
    Bigredog18 Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone can add me also live more support
  • Goldhartbeat
    Goldhartbeat Posts: 32 Member
    People always think I'm an extravert because I'm chatty, but I'm actually an introvert. Socialising is fun, but drains the crap out of me and I spend most of my evenings/weekends alone. By choice. ;-)
    Feel free to add me!
  • anneouel
    anneouel Posts: 70 Member
    I'm not an introvert but you can add me.
    I also have a binge eating disorder and go to addictions meeting in my community for it. At first it seemed silly since everyone was about alcohol and drugs but eating food and binging is an addiction (at least in my eyes)

    25, 1 kid, 150 lbs to lose :)
  • bluebell2781
    bluebell2781 Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me. I'm a fellow introvert that has been using this app off and on for a couple of years on my own and it would be nice to meet some people. :)
  • RebelPatriot77
    RebelPatriot77 Posts: 29 Member
    People always think I'm an extravert because I'm chatty, but I'm actually an introvert. Socialising is fun, but drains the crap out of me and I spend most of my evenings/weekends alone. By choice. ;-)
    Feel free to add me!

    I could have wrote this, I swear. I try to post everyday and need good accountability buddies myself.
  • knight34997
    knight34997 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me as well.
  • gwayby
    gwayby Posts: 42 Member
    Please add me! Introvert here as well :)
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm a rampant if you are looking for something a little different send me a friend request. lol
  • ivey5442
    ivey5442 Posts: 5 Member
    lore112 wrote: »
    Hey all :) I have been using this app and basically doing this journey alone for a while. I have reached a point where I would really like some support, encouragement and friends that get it. I have numerous health issues and have taken my weight and health into my own hands for lack of a better phrase. I may not talk a great deal but I keep people in my thoughts and know that I am rooting for you every day! It would be great to having some people to chat with that understand the rollercoaster of getting fit, chronic illness, dealing with doctors, fighting the urges to binge and people to share in personal successes.

    Please add me. Im basically going it alone. I go to the gym about 3 x per week. I have high blood pressure, type ii diabetes. Im trying to lose weight, eat healthy. I work at home, try to get steps in. All my fitbit friends are ahead of me. Lol good luck!
  • fjellrev
    fjellrev Posts: 5,078 Member
    Hey, feel free to add this INTJ. :smiley:
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    I took up dance after my divorce as a cheaper and more fun means than therapy to get over shyness. It was through that process that I figured out that being shy and being introverted, while inextricably linked to one another, are separate things.

    They definitely are. My dad started dancing when I was 12 (my kid reaction was, "Dad is getting WEIRD") and he is a classic introvert, but is by no means shy. He's in it for the dancing and not the socializing, and on the rare occasion he's sitting, will most likely be tuning out the chatter around him while analyzing the dancing of others on the floor.
  • fjellrev
    fjellrev Posts: 5,078 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    Am I the only one on this thread who has no problem going to a movie alone? :wink:

    What, going to a movie alone? But, but how? That's like... sooooo weird. :lol:
  • lore112
    lore112 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you all. I think I added everyone. If I somehow missed you, sorry. Feel free to add me. I am equal opportunity :) I welcome intro and extroverts as social friends :) let's face this battle together
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    One more introvert here. All my friends on this site are people I don't know in real life and I love it that way. The support means more because you know it's more genuine. Anyone can add me. :smiley: