What is your daily routine?



  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    Wake Up @4:30
    Make Bottles
    Pack Lunches
    Get Dressed.
    Wake up kids
    Wake up baby.
    Fuss at kids to get up again.
    Feed the baby.
    Fuss at kids to get dressed.
    Change and dress the baby.
    Fuss at kids to get their dang shoes on
    Pack the car
    Pack the kids
    Go to work
    Suffer at work til 4:30
    Get the kids and baby
    Fuss at the kids to stop yelling and fighting in the back seat.
    Feed the kids and baby - and maybe myself
    Help with homework
    Bathe the baby
    Fuss at the kids to hurry and get out of the tub.
    Tuck the baby in
    Read to the kids or listen to them chat for 20 minutes about every thought they've ever had.
    Tuck the kids in.
    Bring someone more water while hearing Samuel L Jacskon reading "go the fk to sleep".
    Either lift shower sleep.
    OR- Shower TV Sleep. (Lately its been this- been sick)
    Rinse repeat <3

    this is great!! :)
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,583 Member
    5:45am - wake up, groggily look at clock, and fall back asleep.
    6:00am - think about getting up early, but decide the bed is nice and comfortable.
    6:30am - alarm blares and forces me to accept the fact that it's time to rise.
    6:31am - brush teeth/shower
    6:45am - brush hair/get dressed
    6:50am - get cooking in the kitchen: 2 scrambled eggs, a piece of toast, and smashed avocado with sriracha drizzled all over the plate. thankful I prepped my green smoothie the night before to wash it all down.
    7:20am - look at email, put makeup on before I forget to walk out the apartment, say hi to the puppy, put my prepped lunch in my backpack.
    7:35am - leave the apartment with headphones blaring Pandora's Hipster BBQ Radio on my way to the bus depot.
    7:55am - get on bus to go to work.
    8:13am - arrive at work. marvel at how few people are in the office. unpack, unwind, and put on my high heels.
    4:18pm - leave the office to walk to the bus. contemplate buying a bike.
    5:05pm - arrive home. check the mail. wash my lunch dishes and repack my lunch for tomorrow. complain about how no one puts dishes away.
    5:30pm - boyfriend cooks dinner. I catch up on my tv shows.
    6:30pm - eat dinner.
    6:35pm - change into workout attire and walk to the gym.
    6:36pm - complain about the gym bros.
    8:00pm - arrive back home. take makeup off. prep green smoothie for the morning.
    9:00pm - climb into bed ready to read, but end up falling asleep early anyway.

    and repeat.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    LOL!! I feel for all you parents with little ones - mine are adult and out of the house, so I only have DB to look after!! Days are pretty predictable in that I have always woken up, gone to work for the last 30 some odd years, come back to almost every woman's second job (some men too!) of domestic arts (!!) including meal plan and prep, laundry, etc, watch some tv (I love the public broadcast stations) and then sleep. Parents, when the kiddies are gone, you will be amazed at the amount of living you packed into a day!
  • niaacrush2000
    niaacrush2000 Posts: 62 Member
    5:45am - wake up, groggily look at clock, and fall back asleep.
    6:00am - think about getting up early, but decide the bed is nice and comfortable.
    6:30am - alarm blares and forces me to accept the fact that it's time to rise.
    6:31am - brush teeth/shower
    6:45am - brush hair/get dressed
    6:50am - get cooking in the kitchen: 2 scrambled eggs, a piece of toast, and smashed avocado with sriracha drizzled all over the plate. thankful I prepped my green smoothie the night before to wash it all down.
    7:20am - look at email, put makeup on before I forget to walk out the apartment, say hi to the puppy, put my prepped lunch in my backpack.
    7:35am - leave the apartment with headphones blaring Pandora's Hipster BBQ Radio on my way to the bus depot.
    7:55am - get on bus to go to work.
    8:13am - arrive at work. marvel at how few people are in the office. unpack, unwind, and put on my high heels.
    4:18pm - leave the office to walk to the bus. contemplate buying a bike.
    5:05pm - arrive home. check the mail. wash my lunch dishes and repack my lunch for tomorrow. complain about how no one puts dishes away.
    5:30pm - boyfriend cooks dinner. I catch up on my tv shows.
    6:30pm - eat dinner.
    6:35pm - change into workout attire and walk to the gym.
    6:36pm - complain about the gym bros.
    8:00pm - arrive back home. take makeup off. prep green smoothie for the morning.
    9:00pm - climb into bed ready to read, but end up falling asleep early anyway.

    and repeat.

  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    cross2bear wrote: »
    LOL!! I feel for all you parents with little ones - mine are adult and out of the house, so I only have DB to look after!! Days are pretty predictable in that I have always woken up, gone to work for the last 30 some odd years, come back to almost every woman's second job (some men too!) of domestic arts (!!) including meal plan and prep, laundry, etc, watch some tv (I love the public broadcast stations) and then sleep. Parents, when the kiddies are gone, you will be amazed at the amount of living you packed into a day!

    I have really enjoyed reading all of these posts- reading how others spend their day, things they get do with their free time. LOL.
    Kids: Its a labor of love as we all know. I realize one day my little air-stealing, "not touching you", bickering brother & sister and my precious but teething 8 month old baby boy will all be gone - and Ill be left with just me and DH. What-ever-will-i-do?
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I think that every stage of life has its eye opening moments - my parents, both into their 80's and been retired for quite some time, remain so busy that they often say they dont know how they fit work into their schedules!
  • ktdiprisco
    ktdiprisco Posts: 6 Member
    4:10 alarm goes off, hit snooze
    4:19 alarm goes off, hit snooze
    4:28 alarm goes off, wonder why I can't be independently wealthy and grumble about going to work.
    4:30 shower
    4:40 eat breakfast
    5:00 start work at home (emails and such)
    5:30 get ready for the day
    6:10 wake children up
    6:15 continue to fight with children about getting out of bed.
    6:30 out the door for work until 3:00
    3:30 home from work. help with homework, do my own homework, prep dinner and lunches for next day.
    4:45-6:00 any random activity that the kids have scheduled (dance, riding lessons, etc)
    6:15 dinner
    6:30-8 gym
    8:15 get kids in bed, story time
    9:00 get in bed and obsess about all the things I forgot to do.
    10:00 sleep
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    3:50 AM - Get up and do 100 jumping jacks, 50 high knees, 20 squats, 10 push ups and 100 (varied) abs
    4:00 AM - Get puppy and let him out, play with him for a while, feed him, give him all kinds of love :smile:
    4:15 AM - Pack my pre-prepped food for the day in my cooler bag and make my protein shake.
    4:25 AM - Pick up the house a little bit (make sure there's nothing for the puppy to chew or get into.
    4:30 AM - Shower
    5:15 AM - Out the door - drive to the train
    6:00 AM - Train ride to work
    6:30 - 7:00 AM - At my desk

    Anytime between 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Depending upon what day it is I either run and lift weights, or take a group X class at work.

    3:00 PM - Leave work
    4:30 - 5:00 PM - Get home
    5:00 - 5:30 (ish) - Plate dinner(s) that were prepped over the weekend. Play with puppy, catch up on top stories of the day, feed the dogs, depending upon the day I'll eat dinner now or wait until after class.
    5:30 - 8:00 PM - Either MMA, Cross-fit or Dance class
    8:00 PM - Home, have my dinner if I hadn't eaten earlier, or have a snack after my workout. Have my cup of tea. Watch a little TV, converse with my hubs.
    9:00 PM At the very latest, in bed!
  • silvilunazul
    silvilunazul Posts: 59 Member
    I get up at 6h30, weigh myself (unless I'm not home and a scales is not available), help my partner get the kid ready, and get ready myself to go to either the gym or the pool depending on the day. Take the bus.

    By 7h30 I'm working out for about one hour. By 9h00 I am having breakfast, by 10h00 I'm at work (I'm a full time doctoral researcher).

    Lunch at 13h00, half hour break, 14h00 back to work until 18h30.

    By 19h30 I am preparing dinner and packing half of it for next day's lunch for me and my partner. Do the dishes, bathe the kid, put him to bed. Plan my next day's nutrition so I know what I'm going to eat and what my macros are going to look like. Watch some TV, look at social media. Collapse happily at about 22h00. Repeat.
  • nfpswife
    nfpswife Posts: 63 Member
    On mornings that the hubster is home and not on an overnight:
    4:10 - Wake up, text gym buddy that I am, in fact, awake, and will be picking her up in 10 minutes
    4:11 - Brush teeth, grab some gatorade and my shoes and head out the door
    4:20 - Pick up gym buddy, scroll through MFP while waiting for her
    4:30 - 5:30 - Scramble to burn enough calories to earn a donut
    5:35 - home, shower, pack lunch, wake kiddos, argue with hubs on who's turn it is to do drop offs
    6:30 - Leave house so I can drop off kids
    7:15 - 10 - work
    10:00 - Snack and internal debate on how many cups of coffee is "too much"
    12:00 - Dinner, random errands, more internal debating...have more coffee
    4:00 - Leave work, pick up kids, pray that hubs has started supper (if home)
    5:00 - Get home, start supper, feed kids, clean kitchen, laundry, prep for weekend lessons, argue with self over having a beer, have beer
    6:30 - baby in bed
    7:30 - Older kiddo in bed
    7:37 - immerse self in folding laundry and the world of MTV's catfish
    8:02 - Fall asleep on couch
    9:27 - Older kid wakes me up to ask why I'm sleeping on couch - I ask why he's up, we both go to bed

  • brrrrito
    brrrrito Posts: 39 Member
    edited March 2016
    6:00AM - get up, put on gym clothes, feed cats, brush teeth, get water/keys/phone, walk to gym
    6:10 - 45 minute workout
    6:45 - walk home, make protein shake, get ready for work (leisurely pace)
    7:45 - get dressed, put lunch & snacks into lunch bag, make coffee
    8:00 - drive to work
    8:15AM - 4:30PM - work
    4:30 - 4:45 - drive home
    5:00 - start dinner
    6:00 - EAT!
    6:30 - watch RuPaul on Netflix, have a shower
    8:30 - start making dinner for BF, make lunch for next day, enter next day foods in MFP
    9:00 - BF comes home, hang out with him, have a snack (or 5)
    10:00/10:30/11:00 - BED!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i make sure to breathe every day.

    anything beyond that, is simply a perk ;)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    5:30am wake up, pet cat, turn over. Pet cat again because he is pestering me.
    5:45 - turn on tv for weather, get up
    5:55 - check calendar
    Depending on day: take shower, or get dressed, eat breakfast,
    Makeup, hair
    take bus or ride bike to pt

    After that it depend on what is on my calendar.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    4:00 - Wake up, lifting session in my garage gym
    6:15 - Cook and eat post-workout meal, give dog medicine, take vitamin/fish oil/probiotic, last minute food prep for work day
    6:45 - Shower, clothes, makeup, hair
    7:30 - Leave house
    8:30-5:30 - Work (I'm a legal assistant)
    • 9:30 - Second breakfast
    • 12:30 - Lunch
    • 3:00 - Afternoon snack
    6:15 - Arrive home, take dog out, cook/eat dinner and dessert, clean up kitchen, food prep for next day
    7:30 - Relax in front of the TV
    8:00 - Head upstairs, get ready for bed, text my husband while he's on break at work
    9:00 - Spend the next 30-60 minutes trying to fall asleep
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I like seeing others' routines!

    5:40- alarm, snooze until 6:00
    6:00- get up, use restroom and get hair and makeup done as much as possible until toddler wakes
    6:15- HE'S UP. Take him to potty, then head to the kitchen to get him breakfast.
    6:30- back to the bedroom, turn on cartoons for toddler while he finishes breakfast. Time to get myself dressed
    6:45- time to dress the toddler
    6:55- gather lunch and coffee (from keurig) then let the dogs outside for the day
    7:05- leave house, drop off son at daycare, drive to work
    8-4:30 PM-- work
    5:00--pick up son from daycare
    5:15-- get home, make supper
    5:30-6- eat supper
    6-6:45- do whatever activity toddler wants to do, outside when weather is nice
    6:45- toddler bath time
    7:00 rock toddler (I do this every single night!)
    7:30- toddler goes to bed, get dressed for gym
    7:45- head to gym (husband is home)
    8 to 8:45- work out
    9:00- shower time
    9:30-1030-- catch up on tv shows, make breakfast and lunch for the next day, pick out toddler's outfit for next morning
    1030- lay down, watch tv in bed
    11-- sleep
    2 am-- son wakes up in middle of the night because he wants in our bed, go get him, lay back down. sleep the rest of the night.
    5:40 am-- do it all again.
  • FozGirlyGirl
    FozGirlyGirl Posts: 1 Member
    5:15am - alarm goes off
    5:15:02am - hit snooze
    5:20am - The puppy starts whining because she knows it's time to get up.
    5:20am - 5:30am -Place pillow over my head to keep the puppy's sounds quieter
    5:30am - Roll out of bed and release the puppy from her kennel. Puppy steps on my toes in excitement
    5:35am - 6:45am:
    Try to remember what I decided I was going to wear as I was drifting off to sleep
    Get my girls up
    Remind my girls to eat breakfast
    Remind my oldest that deodorant is a necessity
    Remind the oldest to feed the cats and puppy
    Let puppy out to potty and run around
    Finish getting myself and the girls ready
    6:45am - Out the door
    7:15am - Arrive at work and enjoy the peace of only a few people in the office
    8:00am - Head to the cafe' for my breakfast - 3 eggs and oatmeal
    8:10am - 11:00am - Work and take a short walk if possible
    11:00am - 11:45am - Walk
    11:45am - 4:15pm - Finish workday, eat lunch at my desk and take a short walk if possible.
    5:00pm - Home - Make sure the girls are home and all immediate needs are taken care of (homework, toy repairs, etc). Verify that the puppy was let out to potty.
    5:30pm - 6:30pm Dinner for the humans and the animals
    6:30pm - 8:00pm Showers and bedtime routine for the girls. Reminding the oldest that 'yes, you must brush your teeth for a second time AND yes, deodorant does indeed wear off)
    8:00pm - 10:30pm Breathe, Move more (need to beat my step goal of course!), Watch TV (but move during commercials and other times...most days...some days I am a lump on the couch)
    10:30pm - Let the puppy out one more time and try to convince her that she does not need to be my alarm clock
    10:45pm - Go to bed and think about what I will wear tomorrow ... even though I likely won't remember in the morning. :smile:
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    6:30 - alarm goes off, hit snooze; repeat two or three times
    7:00 - get up, very quietly to avoid waking sleeping baby; get coffee and watch 5 minutes of the news before baby starts crying; vow to stop hitting snooze so I can have more time to myself in the morning
    7:10 - after changing baby, feed her while trying to finish my coffee
    7:20 - wake up 9 year old and 6 year old for school, fix them breakfast if they don't want to eat it at school
    7:30 - pack lunches, finish feeding baby, tell 3 year old (who has stumbled out of bed, bleary eyed by this time) to leave her sisters alone, they need to get ready for school
    7:45 - start nagging kids to get dressed and brush their teeth
    8:00 - realize bus will be here in 15 minutes and nobody is dressed yet; start nagging LOUDER
    8:10 - send kids who by some miracle got ready on time out to wait for bus, fix three year old breakfast, change baby again, drink more coffee
    8:30 - get morning chores done (clean up kitchen, tidy bedrooms, clean bathroom - how DO they manage to get toothpaste on the ceiling anyway? Take dog out, feed him, start laundry (if needed)). Drink more coffee.
    10:00 - get three year old snack, feed and change baby; get them ready for errand running if we need to, play/read/go outside with kids if we don't need to. Drink more coffee.
    11:30 - remember I haven't eaten yet and decide to fix "breakfast". Three year old insists that she's hungry again, fix her something too; feed and change baby. Wish there was more coffee left, but decide not to make another pot just yet.
    12:30 - clean up kitchen and do whatever dinner prep work I can; enlist three year old in helping me put the disaster formerly known as a living room back in order. Take dog out again.
    1:00 - remember the laundry, put it in the dryer; get three year old snack, feed and change baby, perhaps have a snack myself
    2:00 - put on a pot of coffee; realize older kids will be home in just over an hour - panic; run around like crazy person trying to get things done before I am crazily outnumbered
    3:30 - kids get home from school, help them go thru pockets and backpacks, empty lunch boxes, remember that I made coffee (yes!) pour a cup
    3:45 - help kindergartener with her homework, feed and change baby before I have to start fixing dinner, let kids go out and play, or if it's cruddy out let them watch tv
    4:30 - husband gets home from work, have some coffee and try to talk to each other over the noise and general mayhem; get started on dinner
    5:00 - eat dinner (or, if it's a gym day make sure husband doesn't have too much to do to get dinner on the table before I leave for gym - only happens twice a week)
    5:30 - clean up dinner dishes, feed dog, feed and change baby
    6:00 - if I went to the gym this is when I do the 5:30 stuff, if I didn't go that day this is when I breathe and drink more coffee, unless it's bath night. If it is bath night, wrangle 3 unwilling, screaming children into the tub, then, 20 minutes later wrangle 3 unwilling, screaming children out of the tub
    6:30 - get the kids into pjs, get meat out of freezer for next day's dinner, feed cat and clean litter box, enlist kids in helping clean disaster formerly known as living room - bribing with dessert is helpful here
    7:00 make good on my offer of dessert. Take dog out, advise him never to have puppies (he's fixed anyway, but still)
    7:15 - fight over whose turn it is to brush teeth first while feeding and changing baby
    7:30 - stories and bed for 6 and 3 year old, and baby; 9 year old starts her homework
    8:00 - escape bedroom, prep lunches for next day, check 9 year old's homework and get her off to bed
    8:20- get more coffee if there is any left, if not seriously consider making more, but decide it's too late, watch tv with husband, remember laundry and fold it (maybe)
    11ish - go to bed; tell myself to get up when the alarm goes off so I can have some time to myself in the morning...
  • Anabug81
    Anabug81 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm at stay @ home mom who doesn't drive.
    730 up to eat breakfast
    8:15-9:00 workout
    9:00-10:00 snack time
    12:00- lunch time
    2:30-5:00 Quiet time and snack time
    7:00 dinner time except on Wednesday nights me and husband ride our bikes in Houston 10-20 miles.
    8:00-10:00 free time since my hubby is home.
    10:00 get daughter ready for bed
    11:00 go to bed
    I'm constantly up and moving around cleaning, washing dishes, and doing laundry.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    On days I work:
    4:50 am alarm goes off, hit snooze at least twice
    5:15 roll out of bed, brush teeth, put contacts in, put on workout clothes
    5:20 heat up some coffee, sip and read email
    5:30 jump on treadmill, run for 3 miles
    6 am wake the kids up, set out school clothes, yell at them to get dressed
    6:10 jump in the shower
    6:20 get the kids started with breakfast, cold cereal
    6:25 finish getting dressed for work
    6:50 clean up from breakfast, get backpacks ready
    7 am out the door
    7:30 drop kids off at school
    8 am-2:40 pm work, walk during lunch break
    3 pick up kids from school
    3:30 at home (or stop at the store before heading home if needed), pack lunches for next day, sort through kid's folders, help with homework, start dinner, then start a myriad of chores such as laundry, cleaning, reading mail, paying bills, responding to emails, etc.
    5 pm eat dinner, clean up, continue with chores around the house
    7 pm kids go to bed
    9 pm I go to bed, unless something really good is on TV

  • niaacrush2000
    niaacrush2000 Posts: 62 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    On days I work:
    4:50 am alarm goes off, hit snooze at least twice
    5:15 roll out of bed, brush teeth, put contacts in, put on workout clothes
    5:20 heat up some coffee, sip and read email
    5:30 jump on treadmill, run for 3 miles
    6 am wake the kids up, set out school clothes, yell at them to get dressed
    6:10 jump in the shower
    6:20 get the kids started with breakfast, cold cereal
    6:25 finish getting dressed for work
    6:50 clean up from breakfast, get backpacks ready
    7 am out the door
    7:30 drop kids off at school
    8 am-2:40 pm work, walk during lunch break
    3 pick up kids from school
    3:30 at home (or stop at the store before heading home if needed), pack lunches for next day, sort through kid's folders, help with homework, start dinner, then start a myriad of chores such as laundry, cleaning, reading mail, paying bills, responding to emails, etc.
    5 pm eat dinner, clean up, continue with chores around the house
    7 pm kids go to bed
    9 pm I go to bed, unless something really good is on TV

    great routine