PMS hunger



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Mine was so bad I was eating up to 3500 calories at times and I was still hungry. I ended up gaining some weight back because I couldn't keep a big enough deficit the rest of the time to make up for it...

    Then last month after a very bad day I decided to try some 'PMS tea' (I use Yogi red raspberry leaf), and just cut refined flours or sugars altogether until TOM showed up... and not only the hunger went away, I even managed to keep a deficit that week after that very bad day. It sucks because I love carbs and I'm a 'all in moderation' type of person (and that's how I lost the weight), but even one slice of bread at breakfast (even with eggs) set me off... so it's just safer this way.

    This month I started the tea again 10 days after TOM stopped and been mostly sticking to 'no refined carbs or sugars' again (having a treat here and there after dinner), and I honestly have no idea if I'm having TOM soon or not because I just haven't had any PMS symptom. It should be due less than a week and usually by now I'm starving.

    I have absolutely no idea if the tea is actually helping though. I know for a fact though that starting the day without refined carbs has made a HUGE difference in my hunger levels. And limiting them at lunch has definitely helped too. I just eat a lot of beans, lentils, steel cut oats... whole grain pasta seems fine too. Fruit doesn't seem to have any effect either (probably because fructose doesn't affect leptin). So yeah a LOT of fiber. And for me artificial sweeteners (except Stevia) have the same effects as sugar... making me crave carbs like crazy at that time.

    But yeah on day 3 of TOM I'm back to eating normally.

    Glad to hear you found something that worked for you!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I either increase my calorie intake by 100-200 calories or I'll eat at maintenance. I'm already not feeling my best during my TOM, I'm not going to put up with unnecessary hunger as well.
  • KorvapuustiPossu
    KorvapuustiPossu Posts: 434 Member
    Oh so much yes! My TOM is a couple days away and I've been hungry all day..not starving but constantly thinking about food lol :D good thing I prelogged a good size evening snack so I won't be over my calories. :D but it is always a bit of a struggle... My self control is pretty good so I don't usually eat more, just try to keep my mind off things...and another thing I hate about TOM is that it always messes up my monthly challenges (doing Plank challenge to 3 min in 30 days)-now i'm at 2 minutes and here comes TOM with stomach and lower back pain...great...good luck planking like that :D:D guys have it easy!!! not fair..
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Mine was so bad I was eating up to 3500 calories at times and I was still hungry. I ended up gaining some weight back because I couldn't keep a big enough deficit the rest of the time to make up for it...

    Then last month after a very bad day I decided to try some 'PMS tea' (I use Yogi red raspberry leaf), and just cut refined flours or sugars altogether until TOM showed up... and not only the hunger went away, I even managed to keep a deficit that week after that very bad day. It sucks because I love carbs and I'm a 'all in moderation' type of person (and that's how I lost the weight), but even one slice of bread at breakfast (even with eggs) set me off... so it's just safer this way.

    This month I started the tea again 10 days after TOM stopped and been mostly sticking to 'no refined carbs or sugars' again (having a treat here and there after dinner), and I honestly have no idea if I'm having TOM soon or not because I just haven't had any PMS symptom. It should be due less than a week and usually by now I'm starving.

    I have absolutely no idea if the tea is actually helping though. I know for a fact though that starting the day without refined carbs has made a HUGE difference in my hunger levels. And limiting them at lunch has definitely helped too. I just eat a lot of beans, lentils, steel cut oats... whole grain pasta seems fine too. Fruit doesn't seem to have any effect either (probably because fructose doesn't affect leptin). So yeah a LOT of fiber. And for me artificial sweeteners (except Stevia) have the same effects as sugar... making me crave carbs like crazy at that time.

    But yeah on day 3 of TOM I'm back to eating normally.

    Just over the past few days, I have learned this the hard way lol. The difference in my appetite is massive for me, after going overly carb-heavy with breakfast. Next time, definitely going to make sure to stick with just fruit for breakfast for a few days. (Usually I've never been much of a summer person, but now that I'm freezing cold so often, I'm super anxious for hot weather, especially since I generally crave carb-heavy breakfast foods a lot less than when I'm cold. ...I know that's kind of weird, but seasons/weather always affects my appetite so much!)

    And thank you for the tip, about the tea, too. Worth a shot.

  • jparks527
    jparks527 Posts: 17 Member
    I also fell off the wagon this week. Getting back on today. Having comfort food for lunch
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    I'll eat twice the fruits and veggies and then just go to bed early. I know I am getting enough nutrients- my brain is just a jerk!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    last month i ate everything in sight for the first 2-3 days of my pms

    sometimes its like that some months im perfectly able to eat at maintenance during it

    don't beat yourself up if u slip
  • chattycathy42
    chattycathy42 Posts: 30 Member
  • spookycomet
    spookycomet Posts: 12 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon before for this as I always want to eat constantly. I have been getting by through a combo of the following: (1) drinking lots of water throughout the day; (2) chewing gum; (3) cutting up a ton of veggies so I can just nosh literally all day without guilt; (4) eating candy canes and lollipops so that I can get the sweet flavor but not eat too much because they take a long time to eat and/or (5) eating mints like altoids as the flavor left in my mouth is satisfying but discourages me from eating too much of anything else. Hang in there!!!
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    biscuits. they are my downfall in pms days - check my dairy. this week was loaded with them lol
  • lesleyloo7879
    lesleyloo7879 Posts: 439 Member
    It was my Bday on Monday and I was PMSing so I got all of my Mini peanut butter cups sooooooo good
    I have a question. Has any one noticed any changes in TOTM , like less cramps or lighter / heavier flow?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It was my Bday on Monday and I was PMSing so I got all of my Mini peanut butter cups sooooooo good
    I have a question. Has any one noticed any changes in TOTM , like less cramps or lighter / heavier flow?

    Cramps are the same, but my flow is way lighter now.
  • lesleyloo7879
    lesleyloo7879 Posts: 439 Member
    Maybe it was a fluke this month but mine cramps did not come can hope it stays that way
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    It was my Bday on Monday and I was PMSing so I got all of my Mini peanut butter cups sooooooo good
    I have a question. Has any one noticed any changes in TOTM , like less cramps or lighter / heavier flow?

    Cramps are the same, but my flow is way lighter now.

    I am so jealous! Mine are worse.

    And to top it off, the plan for today is to sail out in the ocean, so I have to eat as perfectly as possible to avoid motion sickness.
  • ybee1991
    ybee1991 Posts: 106 Member
    Mine started two days ago, and were the worst on the first day. I was wondering where this random "dull" craving for...anything was coming from, as I'm on the implant and so my periods are irregular and I don't automatically think "period!" Anyway, I just fight it. I tell myself I'm not really hungry and if my mouth just wants sugar or something, it's likely not a big deal and get over it. However, I did have a sugary smoothie in place of a snack and today I'm having cupcakes. The smoothie was a "of the moment" decision, but the cupcakes were planned. So I guess just weigh your options and decide if you really want something, and work it in. But try not to give in over and over, then it's just a problem.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    for salty crunch cravings I try to avoid chips and go for nuts instead, for chocolate cravings I go for dark chocolate...they are much more satisfying, and I don't usually end up eating as much....
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Red meat and dark chocolate are my go to's. I definitely up my calories as needed to avoid bingeing. I still want to eat everything in sight, but the cravings are more emotional and less physical so they're easier to combat.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    never believed PMS was a thing...until I lost significant weight and discovered this monster! Haven't figured out how to control the insatiable craving - not hunger, mind you, but craving that drove me to the store at 10:30 at night to buy and eat a dozen bakery cookies twice this week. My period is way late...does that make PMS drag on longer and more intensely? (mine are never regular - anywhere between 3 and 6 weeks. It does seem that the farther apart they come, the worse the cravings and emotions get).
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Mine was so bad I was eating up to 3500 calories at times and I was still hungry. I ended up gaining some weight back because I couldn't keep a big enough deficit the rest of the time to make up for it...

    Then last month after a very bad day I decided to try some 'PMS tea' (I use Yogi red raspberry leaf), and just cut refined flours or sugars altogether until TOM showed up... and not only the hunger went away, I even managed to keep a deficit that week after that very bad day. It sucks because I love carbs and I'm a 'all in moderation' type of person (and that's how I lost the weight), but even one slice of bread at breakfast (even with eggs) set me off... so it's just safer this way.

    This month I started the tea again 10 days after TOM stopped and been mostly sticking to 'no refined carbs or sugars' again (having a treat here and there after dinner), and I honestly have no idea if I'm having TOM soon or not because I just haven't had any PMS symptom. It should be due less than a week and usually by now I'm starving.

    I have absolutely no idea if the tea is actually helping though. I know for a fact though that starting the day without refined carbs has made a HUGE difference in my hunger levels. And limiting them at lunch has definitely helped too. I just eat a lot of beans, lentils, steel cut oats... whole grain pasta seems fine too. Fruit doesn't seem to have any effect either (probably because fructose doesn't affect leptin). So yeah a LOT of fiber. And for me artificial sweeteners (except Stevia) have the same effects as sugar... making me crave carbs like crazy at that time.

    But yeah on day 3 of TOM I'm back to eating normally.

    I'm really glad you're finding some relief!! I've been quietly paying attention to your struggle so its nice to see that you're doing well and learning how to help your body.
  • chattycathy42
    chattycathy42 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone!