sodas ?????



  • mmp0001
    mmp0001 Posts: 30 Member
    I would of never been able to survive my diet without diet coke. Its better then the alternative. I also like flavored water...the zero cal kind of course.
  • lanie25
    lanie25 Posts: 42
    I was drinking 2 2-liter of diet mt dew a day. I stopped 21 days ago. The different in my body is amazing. My skin is not as dry, my energy level has ski-rocketed, and I've dropped a few pounds---just by switching to water. If you absolutely must have a soda, pick one day and have one. Just one. Good luck!
  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    Regular soda is better. It doesn't contain the ingredients that the diets do which your body can't process. With that said, try to limit yourself to one a day. Use something like coconut water if you really need a flavored drink.

    I agree. With anything that is not natural, your body has a harder time processing it. However, if you really want something flavored maybe try Barley Tea? I love it! It's a Japanese tea called Mugicha, it isn't as bitter as British teas, and has a bit of sweetness to it (no need to add sweetener or milk).
  • broxi1979
    broxi1979 Posts: 30
    I hate the things and I agree with the other person who said they are evil. Diet is much better calorie wise than regular but it is by no means good for you.

    The only times diet coke gets near me is by accompanying a vodka.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    When someone tells you that diet sodas, etc, will give you cancer or any other medical condition, simply ask them to give you links to a trusted medical source. They won't be able to do it.

    Now that said, are they good for you? No. But they're not going to hurt you either, unless you're particularly sensitive to their ingredients.

    Some people get headaches they attribute to diet soda. Some people believe their craving for sweets is exacerbated by diet soda. Is it possible? Sure. People are sensitive to all sorts of things.

    I, personally, see no problem with having a couple of diet sodas a day, but if you're drinking the amount of water you should you may find that you don't want it as often, or at all.

    I used to be a huge diet coke drinker, but when I started to drink water my diet coke drinking has cut back dramatically. I still have one occasionally, maybe one a week, but that's it. I'm happier with water. And I mean just plain ol' water, not even with flavourings. I only use flavourings when I want something really sweet.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    NOTHING and I mean NOTHING is better than water. I would put side to side two atheletes, one who drinks diet no caffene soda's and the other one who drinks water, and the one who drinks water will have more energy and better performance. Also, a 12 oz can of soda does not hydrate you like 12 oz of water.

    I would put away all the sodas and drink only water. After about 3 or 4 months of only water, you will think sodas taste like crap...
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    anything using artificial sweeteners actually tricks your body...

    your body 'tastes' sweet so gears up to handle the sugar ... but it didn't get sugar.. it got a substance that has been engineered to NOT be usable by the body.. so your body craves the sugar it was waiting for still.

    if you are trying to train your body to not crave sweets, you may want to cut out diet drinks/artificial sweeteners *S* certainly has worked that way for me.

    i agree with those who have suggested to do some research.. then make your own choice *S*

    here's some interesting reading as well.

    (note the diet soda itself does not make you fat, it's the way your body craves sugar as a result that will perhaps make you fat)