First Day....again

Good ARE my people:)
Just getting my feet wet in this new community...I've never had an online support group, I'm excited!
First day of my new lifestyle, all I ask is for some support to keep going, that I CAN be a size 8 again! Gosh that still seems impossible.
Well happy Thursday!


  • coalz
    coalz Posts: 308 Member
    Congrats & welcome! I'm new &too & looking for friends to add. I want to create a supportive community where we can find motivation to get going, discipline & routine (for days when motivation is fleeting.) and, most importantly, accountability. Looking forward to the challenge of overcoming lots of hurtles and lots of laughs along the path to a healthier & happier life.
  • Scissorhands29
    Scissorhands29 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome! This is a place where you will certainly have success! There are so many encouraging, supportive people. Please feel free to add me and we can encourage each other :smile:
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it...yeah I know, cliche but true. Trust in the process here. MFP works! :)
  • niwakeriio
    niwakeriio Posts: 4 Member
    Yay! new friends with whom I share the struggle of the jiggle. I will most definitely be supportive to you and encouraging! I know there will be days where I want my chippies but I will hop online for a slap to my double chin ;)
  • jordyngiulio
    jordyngiulio Posts: 157 Member
    Sometimes I have a whole week of first days lol. Welcome back! You can totally do this, it's in the bag :)
  • niwakeriio
    niwakeriio Posts: 4 Member
    Heck yeah! the bag a bag of chips? ;)
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    Congrats on starting! You can do this! I've been through three first days with MFP. I think it has helped me gain the momentum that I need.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Set your goals modestly at first, then learn what works for you to meet that plan.
  • niwakeriio
    niwakeriio Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much ladies:) Im very excited and feel motivated already. I set up my lap top on my kitchen table so I can check in throughout the day and get inspiration from you lovely people. x
  • jordyngiulio
    jordyngiulio Posts: 157 Member
    niwakeriio wrote: »
    Heck yeah! the bag a bag of chips? ;)

    I wish!! MMmmmm . . . Cool Ranch Doritos . . . . :wink:
  • rccsinger
    rccsinger Posts: 1,090 Member
    Please feel free to add me I joined early this month and would like to encourage and be encouraged. I have lost 5 lbs so far and weigh in tonight. I think I have lost about 2# this week (give or take a few oz).
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    Please be sure to be here two weeks from now as well.

    It seems the first week or two is the hardest
    - learning your new dietary needs
    - learning a new app
    - learning to log your meals
    - etc.

    I am positive if you make it two weeks you will make it to the finish line.