If anyone was to look at my diary they would quickly realize that for somebody wanting to lose 20kg of body fat, they have eaten a huge number of calories today. 3025 !!!

now my limit is only 1600. I have only had 1 day of eating at 1600.

I have to look after and at the end of the day I find myself comfort eating in front of the telly because that's the only me time I get.

how does one NOT eat. and how do you guys deal with guilt if you eat too much??


  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    I take it day by day, and sometimes meal by meal. Had a really bad lunch full of fried cheesy goodness? Don't give up on the day, you can still eat healthy for dinner!

    As far as not eating, why are you eating? That really pinpoints what you can do to reduce it. I would eat at work because I was bored and the food was right downstairs. So I found ways to entertain myself in a way that made me not think of work. I would eat at home because I wanted comfort food, so I found other ways to comfort myself. Maybe pick up a hobby that you can do while watching TV so your hands don't naturally gravitate towards food, or even replace whatever you're eating with something like veggie straws.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    edited March 2016
    I feel guilty for things I do to others, occasionally. The crap I do to myself gets chalked up to my being human
  • biodigit
    biodigit Posts: 145 Member
    I don't. I just move on and perceive the next day as the new day. If you live in this guilty state of mind, it will continue and you'd never be able to put a stop to it. The key is having the ability to move on from it and starting from scratch - otherwise this cycle will continue.

    I know easier said than done, but it's mind over matter.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    edited March 2016
    Go ahead and feel guilty. Then turn your guilt into actions which you can start NOW. Get up and move around. Clean up the house, yard, play with your kids. 3000 is nothing. Two days of some of the said actions will take care of it.

    The problem for most of us is that we don't feel guilty enough to make it into actions.

  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I guess the real question is how are YOU going to deal with it?

    What do you want more? To lose the weight, be healthy for yourself and your children... or carry on eating food you don't need while sitting in front of the TV?
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Firstly what Food are you eating..? If you are snacking on celery and carrots it doesn't matter how much you eat!

    Mindless eating is hard to break, first we need to realise when we are doing it, then we can take steps to prevent/stop it from happening.

    Does 'your time' need to involve food? ...what is the food providing that is missing at that time...?

    If you do over eat and feel bad for it there really isn't any point is there? It has happened, you can't change it, learn from it so next time you can make better choices than the day before.

    Try to identify how you are feeling at the times that you over eat, so you can try to find an alternative to food to make you feel better. A bit of soul searching can really help... Treat yourself I different ways that don't involve food. Have a Bubble Bath, Go for a Nature Walk, Listen to some Music
  • slimandsmiling
    slimandsmiling Posts: 85 Member
    I have this happen in my week normally at the weekend.. a couple of weeks ago I celebrated treat Friday with my kids.. I ended up eating 3 cup cakes and a chocolate .. it came to 800+ cals. it continued on Sat. with Pizza, another treat my kids like on sat night. I now realise this. I want to feel good about myself. I don't feel good if I eat 3-4 cupcakes. I also need to eat and ignore what others are eating around me. My kids are skinny and run around most of the day. I have to do a lot of walking to justify loads of extra cals. also realise the times of your day which you are more inclined to munch and rather stop the habit or replay it with something else.. an activity or some fruit. I love grapes when my mouth just wants some food in it (I don't know if that is good or not?).. and remember sugar is not needed to get us through our day to day life.. it is empty food. and maybe it is kind of like having a one night stand. it seems a good way to feel something but it can lead to an empty feeling or disappointment.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I log it and move on.

    Otherwise, maybe try prelogging your day and sticking to it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I feel guilty. Then I just do the math and realize that I can make up for it in a couple days as long as I'm more careful. But I still feel guilty... I guess it's what keeps me on track in the end.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I pick myself up, dust myself off and go back to my nutrition plan. No guilt whatsoever.
    I prelog and I try to eat mindfully but I overeat sometimes. Life happens. Move on.
    I try to learn from overeating events. I try to identify root causes and avoid them for future occurrences.
    Stress, boredom, anxiety. I have to deal with these triggers with tools other than food.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • Squirrel698
    Squirrel698 Posts: 127 Member
    Fay84Vegan wrote: »
    Firstly what Food are you eating..? If you are snacking on celery and carrots it doesn't matter how much you eat!

    That might work for celery but don't overeat on carrots. Those calories do add up.

    I would recommend chewing gum as a way to deter yourself although everyone else is right. It comes down to what works for you.

    I personally deal with overeating by running up and down the hills around my house until I go 10K or 6.1 miles. That burns everything off. The fun part is, after overeating, I have the most energy to do it.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 668 Member
    If anyone was to look at my diary they would quickly realize that for somebody wanting to lose 20kg of body fat, they have eaten a huge number of calories today. 3025 !!!

    now my limit is only 1600. I have only had 1 day of eating at 1600.

    I have to look after and at the end of the day I find myself comfort eating in front of the telly because that's the only me time I get.

    how does one NOT eat. and how do you guys deal with guilt if you eat too much??

    I have had this same problem in the past. I haven't totally concurred nighttime binge eating but I'm getting better.
    What has been working for me is "planning".
    If you know you're going to eat in front of the tv later as a way to unwind, plan for it.
    First think of your comfort snacks and find ways to make them healthier and lower calories.
    I'm a popcorn and ice cream addict.
    Every night I now have a bowl of air popped popcorn with coconut oil spray and several tbs of chocolate protein powder, some cinnamon and a packet of stevia. It's a HUGE bowl that keeps me munching through a couple of tv programs for about 250 calories.
    For ice cream I always keep healthy choice fudge bars in the house. 100 calories each.
    I prelog these snacks in the morning and then get to look forward to them all day.
    It you can come up with something like this for yourself, it may help you to get control of the 3000 calorie days.
    Meantime, if I slip up and have a 3000 calorie day, I log it and forget it.
    Start new the next day with a clean slate. No looking backward.
    Tip: if you figure out what low calorie snacks work for you, make sure your pantry is ALWAYS stocked with them.
    Good luck to you. You can figure this out and form a plan.
  • missyfitz1
    missyfitz1 Posts: 93 Member
    Go ahead and feel guilty. Then turn your guilt into actions which you can start NOW.

    This is what I do. I take note of the guilt, and the next time I want to do the same thing, I remind myself of the guilt and use it to make a better decision.

    That isn't to say that I always feel guilty when I have eat a lot of calories, though. The guilt comes from knowing I planned what I was going to do to be healthy, and I got in my own way. If I plan for a meal where I'm going to eat what I want (including dessert) and enjoy it, I enjoy it guilt-free!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    If anyone was to look at my diary they would quickly realize that for somebody wanting to lose 20kg of body fat, they have eaten a huge number of calories today. 3025 !!!

    now my limit is only 1600. I have only had 1 day of eating at 1600.

    I have to look after and at the end of the day I find myself comfort eating in front of the telly because that's the only me time I get.

    how does one NOT eat. and how do you guys deal with guilt if you eat too much??

    I keep things in perspective and think about why I did it and what I can change in future. I don't feel guilty about eating. I didn't steal the food. I didn't beat or kill anyone.
    I prelog my food for the day. I usually have 200-300 calories for snacks. I eat food I like. I can have a maintenance calorie day.

    You are doing this to yourself. Guilt isn't going to change anything.
    Make a plan. It is up to you to follow through on the plan you make. Is you goal realistic and reasonable? Are you being too restrictive and intense starting out? Log everything honesy and look at your log. Are you getting enough protein, fats, and fiber? Are you eating any fruits and vegetables? Snack on lower calorie foods. It is harder to overeat your calorie goal if you have stuff like broccoli, celery or carrots more than brewd, chips or beer. Chew gum or drink water andwait for the urge to eat to pass.

    If you are eating due to emotions or boredom you are going to have to find a different way of dealing with those things or you will keep overeating. Therapy, meditation, music, exercise, knitting, cleaning, etc. If you are burnt out with your kids get someone to watch them on a regular basis while you do some recharging- partner, grandparent, neighbor, friend, hired babysitter.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I keep room for nighttime eating--I actually eat 60-70% of my calories at and after dinner.

    I also fold laundry in front of the tv. I also have kids, so I bet you probably have a ton of laundry too. Leave it till evening and fold away--keeps your hands busy. If you have a table or bed to fold on, even better. Dance a bit, march in place and you get some movement in too!
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Guilt is a wasted emotion. Don't feel guilt. Make a plan. What I love about MFP is that I plan my whole entire day early in the morning, what I'm going to eat and when. If I knew that I needed a veg out night in front of the TV, I would plan for that, and eat lightly during the day.

    But, don't feel guilty. Be in charge of your life - because you are :)
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Guilt is a wasted emotion. Don't feel guilt. Make a plan.

    I was going to say something similar, but you stated it perfectly already! Dwelling on what you did wrong is useless. Learning from what you did wrong and creating a plan to do better is useful.
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    I know the feeling....just like others have said, just eat healthier your next meal. No need to throw in the towel and give up. I find when I need a snack to nibble on in front of the TV, I choose Quaker rice cakes. The apple cinnamon ones are yummy, and only 50 calories each, so even if I have 4, it's only 200 calories. I eat them slowly and have a drink with them. I always try to save some calories for snacking late at night because that's when I tend to feel the need to munch. If I don't use them, hey even better! Try to plan your day around when you like to eat and make sure you have a healthy but satisfying snack on hand. Good luck, and don't beat yourself up!
  • cparsons_60
    cparsons_60 Posts: 95 Member
    edited March 2016
    When I'm 400 or 500 or 600 calories over for a day, when I click on the green "Complete this entry" button, I'm reassured when it says, "If every day were like today, you'd weigh X in 5 weeks," and X is only two or three pounds more than I weigh now. Helps to put a one-day splurge in perspective. And of course every day isn't like today; tomorrow I'll be back within my calories.

    If I go way, way over my calories one day, double or more, I still log to the best of my ability, though often the overage is a restaurant meal out and thus difficult to estimate. But then I don't click on the "Complete this entry" button, because I don't want to know what I'd weigh in 5 weeks if every day were like today. I just get back on the horse the next day.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member

    I also fold laundry in front of the tv. I also have kids, so I bet you probably have a ton of laundry too. Leave it till evening and fold away--keeps your hands busy. If you have a table or bed to fold on, even better. Dance a bit, march in place and you get some movement in too!

    What a great idea! I rarely watch TV, but I do plan to watch a lot of college basketball this weekend, and I'm going to do this! Thanks!