Unmotivated, and i need something new!

I've been at it for almost a year and I've been changing it up every few months so I havent been bored but I'm starting to hit a wall.
I'm so unmotivated to get up and work out right now. I used to be so excited to get up and get it done and now I'm just chugging along and going through the motions until I find my motivation again. I've been doing my workouts still, but I'm tired of them, and I don't want to get so tired of them that I just stop getting up to do them in the morning.

I started off with just walking and running. I moved into long distance running. And then I moved to HIIT running. And once I got my kettlebell and such i started doing off treadmill cardio like tabata circtuits, HIIT circuits, and things like that. Mostly off of PopSugar and BodyFit by Amy and some other YouTube videos.

Here is what I got to work with :
- treadmill (with a broken incline)
- 7 lb dumbbells
- 10 lb medicine ball
- 25 lb kettlebell
- resistance bands

Here are my limitations:
- no gyms that I can get to
- dark outside when I work out and it's a dangerous to be out on so I am basically stuck to my space in the garage
- I am broke AF

Any ideas on where to go from here ???


  • willworkoutforwine
    willworkoutforwine Posts: 64 Member
    Have you tried Daily Burn? You can get a free trial for 30 days, then it's only $13 or so per month. I got tired of YouTube videos and switched to DB. It helped me get motivated again and I'm working out 5-6 days a week now.

    Also, maybe mix it up with something like Zumba for cardio? Lots of those videos on YouTube and they are fun.
  • nsa352
    nsa352 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, where do you live? I mean can you enjoy the outdoors? Your weights are too low. Those are beginner weights. You won't bulk up by going heavier. And you'll get faster results. But as you said you can't suscribe for gym membership, I would say do zumba , get a heavier kettlebell, a swiss ball and a pull up bar.
    On youtube there is dance crew that make really great zumba videos. Check out Sensazao crew.
  • nsa352
    nsa352 Posts: 40 Member
    What is better invest some money in a gym membership or being on a weight loss mode for years?
  • HealthyJho
    HealthyJho Posts: 9 Member
    Fitnessblender is a great youtube channel.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    Seconding FitnessBlender - they have great FREE videos.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    @willworkoutforwine I'll check them out. Free trials are nice. I like getting to make sure that they actually work for me before I buy it. The last program I bought was terrible and I hated wasting money on it.

    That's kinda all I got. I can't afford to be buying weights and such. I am working on getting better dumbbells. Its just a matter of finding them on a sale. I've only been doing weights since the middle of January. I have no idea where I could hang a pull up bar in the garage though
    I am out in the middle of no where. Its not a matter of investing in a gym membership, it's a matter of access. Its about 30 mins in the opposite direction of work to a gym. And work is an hour away. That's not worth it for me when I already get up at 4:15am.
    I do go outdoors and do stuff outside with hikes and such on the weekends, but during the work week that's not possible as I leave for work before the sun comes up. And thats the time I'm having a hard time willing myself to get the work in.

    I'll def check out the YouTube.

    @HealthyJho @tiffanylacourse I've checked them out And they have good videos it's just so awkward and quiet cause there's no background music . they're have good sets though

    Appreciate all the responses everyone !
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Go walking at lunch?

    Why'd you switch from long distance running to HIIT? If every run is hard, I can see why you'd hate it.

    Also, You Are Your Own Gym. Might be able to get a copy from the library or something, body weight training. There's probably a lot you can do without getting new equipment, especially if you haven't been doing much weight training so far.

    Join a local running group that meets up in the evenings so you can run and still be safe while running with others?
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    edited March 2016
    @blues4miles I don't get a lunch break that I can go anywhere. And It's best for me to get the workout down first thing.

    I switched just to change up what I was doing.
    I do a mix of things now. Sometimes long runs, sometimes HIIT. Sometimes I don't do runs and I just do other cardio or kettlebell stuff. It depends on the day.

    I think I need more than running tbh. But also I'm out in the middle of no where. Its kind of hard to meet up with people.

    Also I like to do my workouts first thing so I can't make any post work day excuses. Cause I know myself well enough to know that I would.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Work your way through Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

    HasFit has a 15 min beginner routine that you could use your hand weights with.

    Go to the Nerdfitness site. It has lots of great info and an excellent beginners bodyweight routine.

    Belly dancing is great fun and good abs isolation work.
    Zumba is pretty good too ( never done it at home though)

    There are literally thousands of YouTube videos. If boredom is your problem, chose a different one for each day of the week, do them for a month or two, then switch it up.

    I have just swapped out of a set routine to Nerdfitness x2, HasFit x3, a short yoga x5, and walking daily.

    Cheers, h.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I went online and printed a bunch of HITT workouts. There is cardio, strength, abs, ect. I then turn on some music and go through the routines. I have a few for I get bored real easy! :)
  • slovercarlye
    slovercarlye Posts: 16 Member
    Check out Tone it Up! They have a YouTube channel and a website with a ton of great workouts. Most of the workouts are free, but you can buy DVDs if you want. I like adding these workouts in for variety.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I've been at it for almost a year and I've been changing it up every few months so I havent been bored but I'm starting to hit a wall.

    So from the discussion it doesn't sound as if you have any real objectives in mind, which means that your training doesn't have any clear purpose. It's understandable if you're demotivated, as having some objectives allows you to measure progress against them.

    For me, that's about races. I train towards each one in a structured way, and I can assess my progress over time.

    The main suggestion that I'd make, rather than randomly suggesting activities, is identify something that you want to achieve and plan a route towards that.
    • Specific - Run a half marathon in under two hours
    • Measurable - By running a half in under two hours
    • Achievable - Well I've run HMs, and for a flat route it's just over two hours at the moment, so probably
    • Realistic - The pace improvement to knock off a few minutes isn't that significant, so yes
    • Time bound - There is a date for the race

    That's me, but if you're restricted to a dreadmill then I can understand you wanting to find something else to aim for
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    @middlehaitch HASFit was awesome ! I did some of his stuff this morning and I really liked it. He's so peppy.

    The nerd fitness thing was great too. I'll keep an eye out for Jillian shred stuff. When I was in high school I did her stuff, I'll have to see if I have that around somewhere

    @amoffatt I'll start looking for good print outs. How do you track the times on those?

    @slovercarlye i follow them on instagram. Are their dvds worth it ? Some of the YouTube videos are awesome and some are real slow for me.

    @MeanderingMammal you're absolutely right. I don't have any goals right now. At all. Last week I hit a speed goal ahead of when I thought I would. And now I'm kinda floundering. I'm not really sure where to go next. Cause "in shape" isn't a clear goal, cause I'm pretty in shape right now. And the only real goal I have at this point is to look decent in a swim suit this summer. And thats not really pushing me fitness wise, cause my weight loss has plateaued.
  • HealthyJho
    HealthyJho Posts: 9 Member
    @tiffanyfoundit just put on your favorite music track :)
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    I agree with @HealthyJho - I just put music on either on my computer or ipod and go with it. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I incorporate dance into every workout. At the end of my workout I just switch my Playlist and don't stop moving for at least 3 songs. It helps loosen any tight muscles from my workout and really gets the heart rate up. Plus it's a great way to de-stress my day since I also do my workouts when it's dark out (about an hour before bed)
  • demartz
    demartz Posts: 5 Member
    How about Jump Rope? Cheap, portable, fun.
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    I'm usually playing the videos off my phone though. Idk if it'll let me at two apps at once. I'll give that a shot ! I have workout playlists for when I do my own hiit or running and such !
    @HealthyJho @tiffanylacourse

    @capaul42 that's a good idea. It would be a fun way to start the day off !

    @demartz yes! I definitely need a jump rope. I have been doing jump rope moves in some of the videos, I just need to go get one somewhere !
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Darebee.com, tons of different bodyweight workouts and always free. Themed programs, single workouts, long workouts, just about anything you can think of and adding all the time.
  • nicolemarie999
    nicolemarie999 Posts: 91 Member
    Maybe you need either competition or a goal to push you?

    You could train for a race or a mud/obstacle course. You could join a challenge either here or IRL by setting something up with your active friends or coworkers. You could try a virtual race even. The more accountable you are to a group the more likley you are to push yourself.

    You can find super cheap fitness equipment in used classified sites and at garage sales if you want to add to your home gym.

    Also it really helps to actually sit down and write out goals, make them timely, specific and realistic.