has anyone lost weight by walking?



  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    One of my favorite blogs about Calories and weight loss. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1296011/calorie-counting-101/p1 Exercise and training are for Fitness. Diet and Eating correctly are for weight loss. Walking is a great exercise for your biped like body :)
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    CI=what you eat. CO=what your body uses.
    Add additional walking = increased CO
    Yes! I lose weight walking :)
  • oksoitsjen
    oksoitsjen Posts: 21 Member
    You can't go wrong being active. The more active you are, the more calories you are burning, the more weight you will lose. You will lose more weight faster by combining your new eating habits with some type of daily activity. =)
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Oddly enough my Heart Rate monitor says I have burned more calories on a 55 minute walk than a 55 minute spin bike class. Just keep your food calories in less than your allotted amount coupled with exercise and you will lose weight.
  • ndraughn
    ndraughn Posts: 15 Member
    walking will help aid weight loss. You must reduce your calories. I find that walking keeps me keep focused on my calories.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Walking will contribute to your deficit. I walk 100k steps a week most weeks. I get about half those steps with an active job (substitute teacher) and half taking purposeful walks or hikes.
    Most of your weight loss will need to come from the energy balance side of eating less than you burn. But walking can be a wonderful & consistent contributor to your average TDEE burn. I like it because it requires minimal 'costume changes' other than good shoes, can be done wherever you find yourself without any equipment beyond a map, rarely leads to injury, and connects one meaningfully with the outside world. I use walking as one of my four important ways to keep fit, the slow cardio endurance component. I use yoga for deep stretching, Zumba for high intensity, and free weights for strength.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Walking will contribute to your deficit. I walk 100k steps a week most weeks. I get about half those steps with an active job (substitute teacher) and half taking purposeful walks or hikes.
    Most of your weight loss will need to come from the energy balance side of eating less than you burn. But walking can be a wonderful & consistent contributor to your average TDEE burn. I like it because it requires minimal 'costume changes' other than good shoes, can be done wherever you find yourself without any equipment beyond a map, rarely leads to injury, and connects one meaningfully with the outside world. I use walking as one of my four important ways to keep fit, the slow cardio endurance component. I use yoga for deep stretching, Zumba for high intensity, and free weights for strength.

    Excellent philosophy.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,642 Member
    118 lbs by eating in a deficit and walking. I reeeeeeeeally like food and I'm short, have a desk job, and have no life so I walk A LOT.
  • GYATagain
    GYATagain Posts: 141 Member
    edited March 2016
    January 2013 I started by walking a tiny bit. Literally, since that is all I could do. 1/4 mile made me sit down and wheeze. I would cough, sputter, spit, all sorts of things. I then started to change my diet. Baby steps - Literally - with foods and walking. 3+ years later, down 70+ pounds and run/walk (more walk) 5K's, 10K's and did a Little Mended Hearts 1/2 marathon (ouch). Stopped smoking, stopped blood pressure medication, and keep walking. I now walk/jog 5-6 miles 6x a week. Takes me about an hour. I agree with everyone else though. CICO is the only way I have changed up my life. And I have tried (& ultimately failed) Every Single Fad Diet out there! Edited to say, it took me about 1 year to lose the 70 pounds - slow and steady wins this race. And I have to work at it everyday of my life to maintain it - and it is Well Worth it!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    edited March 2016
    has anyone lost weight by walking? if so how much did you lose? how much did you walk a day? did you do anything else to help you lose weight?

    I started walking and counting calories at the same time. I started September 25, 2015. I have lost 37 pounds so far and walking is really my only exercise. I do sometimes do yoga, but not as consistently as the walking. I walk 3-4 miles a day. But the reason I have lost weight is because I am eating at a calorie deficit.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I found that with fast walking 30 minutes a day, my stomach was *completely* flat, which I know is a huge focus for many women

    I'm very jealous. I've been walking almost daily now for a year, at least 3 miles a day, and at least 4 days a week are 3.6mph at between 6-7% incline. My belly is still hanging on me like a cheap suit. I am satisfied with every other area, and that last 10 pounds I have left is all on my midsection. It's so freaking annoying. So, no, you can't spot reduce, you just got really lucky. :) I did manage to take 6 inches off around my waist, but there's still about 4 or 5 to go, it feels like.
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    I mainly walk. Currently, I'm getting > 20K steps in a day. I do walk really fast though, I lost about 80 lbs. in 10 months and just started maintenance in February 2016. Still working on that.

    As everybody has stated, it's about diet though. I've been tracking everything on MFP, so that has been a godsend. Also, a food scale is a must.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    I walk every single day after dinner. One, because I like it. And two, because my calorie goals are relatively low right now as I don't have much to lose. If I didn't walk to earn some extra calories, I'd struggle to stay at a deficit.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I can bump my TDEE up to 2,500 just by walking, but obviously if I ate that many calories I would maintain my weight. So in the end just walking allows me more calories which makes staying in a deficit easier, bit I still have to be on point with my logging if I want to lose at my expected rate.
    Counting calories trumps everything IMO.
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    has anyone lost weight by walking? if so how much did you lose? how much did you walk a day? did you do anything else to help you lose weight?

    Yes. Walk as fast as you can and use your arms too. Find as many hills/slopes as possible and walk up them!
  • slimandsmiling
    slimandsmiling Posts: 85 Member
    I love walking.. it is definitely my thing. I am currently walking to work and back. It is 'brisk get your act together' walking for 45-50 mins. and then the same home again. today I walked 18,000 steps. I am sure I am slimming down from it. it is the best thing besides biking to work which fits with me, work and my family life/kids. get walking xx
  • Wysewoman53
    Wysewoman53 Posts: 582 Member
    I can bump my TDEE up to 2,500 just by walking, but obviously if I ate that many calories I would maintain my weight. So in the end just walking allows me more calories which makes staying in a deficit easier, bit I still have to be on point with my logging if I want to lose at my expected rate.
    Counting calories trumps everything IMO.

    Second time today I have seen 'TDEE'. What does it mean?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I can bump my TDEE up to 2,500 just by walking, but obviously if I ate that many calories I would maintain my weight. So in the end just walking allows me more calories which makes staying in a deficit easier, bit I still have to be on point with my logging if I want to lose at my expected rate.
    Counting calories trumps everything IMO.

    Second time today I have seen 'TDEE'. What does it mean?

  • Wysewoman53
    Wysewoman53 Posts: 582 Member
    @queenliz99 : Thank you. Just bookmarked that page. :)

  • yourfriendlaurie
    yourfriendlaurie Posts: 32 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have! So far, I have lost 41 lbs and all I have done is walk and count calories.

    I'm similar! I've also lost 41 lbs so far and it's also just from walking and counting calories. I'm 5'4" and started at 250 lbs and am now at 209. I walk 3-5 times a week on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes at a time and for eating I've averaged 1565 daily calories (after subtracting exercise). I've lost 1 - 1.5 lbs per week on average and feel like I'm actually making sustainable, lasting changes to my habits. It's been eight months.

    A few weeks ago I started doing push ups every other day and a week ago I started swapping out walking for riding a stationary bike sometimes but otherwise it's just been walking!

    Edited to add: I walk VERY slow - 2.0 - 2.5 mph, no incline, no added weights.