Bitchy Friend? Healthnut? Vegetarian? Pollo/Pescatarian?

Hi! My name is Nya (like n+eye+uhhhhhh, rhymes with "fiya"..."We dont need no water, let it burn, let it burn!" lol).
I'm 23, 5'4, 152lbs, former dancer, former smoker/asthmatic, so until recently I couldnt work out. Now I can, but honestly I hate running... and pain... and sweating... and feeling vulnerable in public. Meh, not my thing.
Sooooooooo for me, "working out" beyond the natural one I get every day by not having a car (walking, standing, waiting for the bus, carrying groceries, bags, etc. for blocks, and running up and down stairs all day), I like to either walk a block from my house to the park, which is pretty big and shady, or plank/crunches/sit ups/squats/wall sit/ misc. rando dance exercises that I don't remember the name for. Hypothetically, they work, but only if you do them often, which I don't... but *jazz hands* that's where you come in!!!!

I'm trying to lose 20lbs and get FIT! I want my dance body back, but better cuz I ate pretty crappy in high school, but I know better now. Since I stopped smoking and drinking, I have a tooooon more energy, but I want put-on-a-two-hour-show-with-quick-changes-and-only-a-fifteen-minute-break-to-refresh-your-makeup energy! Hehe. That comes from proper diet and gradually building stamina. Im not fat by any means, but my brain is. Its time to undo a lot of bad habits and laziness.
My goooooal is to be summertime fine, but I realize this is a journey, so there isnt a particular date. I'm just taking it day by day, trying to make sure my daily deficit is 500+.

Im not strict in my diet since I'm consuming so few calories, but I HATE being hungry. It pisses me off, so I'm trying to eat healthy so I can fit more food in. I like fish and chicken! Trying to save beef for special occasions... like the roast my mom makes for Christmas, and thats it lol. I dont crave it. Being a southerner, I love the swine, but my body doesnt, so none of that... ever. The ONLY reason it's even in my fridge is because of my boyfriend, and it has its own shelf lol. Not a big milk person, but I loooooove cheese, especially sharper and crumbly varieties, but it also does not love me back, so that's for my birthday and maybe YOUR birthday... and only a smidgen-like, on top of a date drizzled in honey, or in an olive. *sigh* thats all.

High protein and high fat work for me. Paleo is cool. Vegan works for me, especially breakfast, bread, baked goods... Fiber helps. Not a huge sweet tooth, fruit is awesome. I like honey, but black coffee or tea is yum. Trying to stay away from processed food, so I rarely eat out. Going to my mom's is a treat, but thats usually cheat day cuz she's been on a mission to fatten me up since I was born lol. I dont fight it, I just take the tiniest dabble of everything and savor it, cuz I already know the *kitten*-kicking I'm going to give myself when I get home lol.

So, that's pretty much everything! Tell me about YOU!!!!!


  • karebare180
    karebare180 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, been vegan for a year, love it, I lost 10 pounds by just eating and doing barely any exercise. I get to eat all the carbs I care for. I'm here to loose the last stubborn 6 pounds. Also been learning more about calorie intake. I started at 139 and I am 5'5' lost 10 lbs, so 129, then 2 lbs more now I am at 126. Yup. Oh yea I am whole food plant based high carb low fat vegan. My goal weight is 120 lbs, getting ready for summerrrrrrrr woooo
  • HeyMissNya
    HeyMissNya Posts: 39 Member
    Hello, been vegan for a year, love it, I lost 10 pounds by just eating and doing barely any exercise. I get to eat all the carbs I care for. I'm here to loose the last stubborn 6 pounds. Also been learning more about calorie intake. I started at 139 and I am 5'5' lost 10 lbs, so 129, then 2 lbs more now I am at 126. Yup. Oh yea I am whole food plant based high carb low fat vegan. My goal weight is 120 lbs, getting ready for summerrrrrrrr woooo

    Hi! Thanks for replying :) Congrats on your progress!!!!!! You sound very lean. I love that. What types of exercise do you do, and how often? Your diet is like, the inversion of mine! Haha. I want to learn more about clean eating, whole food, and raw food. You seem like the perfect person to ask! I need help coming up with food ccombinations that my sluggish metabolism can digest easily, high fiber, high protein, and as much fat as I can fit lol. I feel like weight and resistance training will give the results I'm after. I hate sweat, but at least theres no jiggling involved lol.

    What's your favorite food? Whats your favorire meal? What helped you commit to a vegan lifestyle?