New to MFP (the new WW program wasn't working for me)

hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
I am LOVING MFP!!!!!!!! I love sugar, carbs, take-out, delivery.... I lost 2.4lbs my first week. (YES, I am accountable...absolutely!) Wed - Wed. I am now into my 2nd week with MFP and it is sooooooo easy. (Waaaaaay better than WW! WW became a diet. Jello is 280 calories but 19 pts.) Thank you MFP I am a good way. :). xoxoxoxo


  • KNK1988
    KNK1988 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm doing WW and tracking. I am also breastfeeding so as soon as my three month thing is up with WW I'm just going to track here too! Could use a friend!
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    I lost weight on the "old" WW program. WW changed their points system and I became a binge eater. MFP is true. I would be happy to be your friend. :) (I too need friends on my journey. :) )
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    Forgive my pic. MFP and my mac won't let me set the pic right. lol (It's all probs.)
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    I left WW shortly after the new year - I gave the SP system a real try, but I was miserable. I started dual tracking, and at one point I'd hit my daily pts target dead on (eating all healthy foods, whole grains, lean protein, fruits & veggies), and I was only at 920 calories per MFP. 920! That is the day I decided to give up my WW membership. Welcome to MFP, and great job with your losses so far.
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    edited March 2016
    NEOHgirl, I realized that WW was not for me when jello was 19 pts!!! (only 280 calories.) I found MFP and I have been eating baked potatoes (with fat free sour cream), bread, avocados WITH olive oil in my salads. (I am soooo happy with MFP. xoxoxo)
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    BTW, I am under my calories most days. (I LOVE MFP!!!!!!) I am looking forward to Wed morning, my weigh in. :) (MFP works!)
  • KNK1988
    KNK1988 Posts: 27 Member
    Do you all know how to add friends? I would love to add all of you but I cant seem to figure it out :(
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    No, I am new to MFP. (Feeling unwelcome. Shhh.)
  • KitchyWitchy
    KitchyWitchy Posts: 57 Member
    WW refugee as well. I couldn't deal with their new points system. Too restrictive. I came to MFP and I love it.
  • missycats2004
    missycats2004 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone. I am adding all of you for friends ok ?
  • KNK1988
    KNK1988 Posts: 27 Member
    Yes add me!
  • missycats2004
    missycats2004 Posts: 16 Member
    I just did
  • missycats2004
    missycats2004 Posts: 16 Member
    To add friends ? Tap on the persons name. It will open another page. Tap on their name again. Then another page. Then tap on the little add thingy. And then you will have to type your name in and alittle note then send. Hope this helps everyone
  • missycats2004
    missycats2004 Posts: 16 Member
    It's not as bad as it sounds. It's pretty easy
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    ROFL (It's not as bad as it sounds. It's pretty easy) You, missycats, are cracking me up! :)
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    BTW, I happen to like my horizontal pic. I look svelt...yes? ROFL