Weight loss with cardio or strengh or both?

Hi everyone,

This is my 4th time at weight loss. And this is one question I've been googling for quite some time. When i went to the gym the instructors said it is mandatory for me to just stick with cardio. But again im 5'1 with 80 pounds to lose. Wont I be getting lose skin if i just stick to cardio? Or should i do strength training as well? All inputs are welcome. And feel free to add me.

Good day peeps


  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Strength training will make you sexy
  • Preshy999
    Preshy999 Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah I've been thinking about Jillian Michaels beginner shred for the strength training. When you had to become fit what did you begin with?
  • Trump2016
    Trump2016 Posts: 80 Member
    Cardio (if you're not pussyfooting around) burns more calories which facilitates quicker weight loss.

    Strength training burns fewer but improves your composition such that -80 pounds with it would look better than -80 pounds without it.

    Weight loss can be achieved without either of them (solely diet) or just one of them, but doing both is optimal.
  • Preshy999
    Preshy999 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you :)
  • itskazzsjourney
    itskazzsjourney Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2016
    My opinion is both. I strength train 3-4 days a week....i do cardio about 3-5 days a week as well
  • Preshy999
    Preshy999 Posts: 18 Member
    Okay thanks
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Do both, but with 80 lbs to lose you could still get loose skin. Genetics will play the biggest part in whether or not you'll get loose skin.
  • Preshy999
    Preshy999 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes thats true. Lets hope for the best
  • becbo22
    becbo22 Posts: 283 Member
    Both are very important.
  • Preshy999
    Preshy999 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree. I have started doing both of them simultaneously, cardio during the night and strength in the morning. Hoping to avoid loose skin.