Body fat vs BMI

After weeks of feeling discouraged and s**t about myself due to scales not shifting, despite how hard I work at the gym and how sensibly I eat....I've decided to ignore the scales and BMI (both crap ways to measure my progress when I'm building muscle) and go on body fat mass and percent instead. Dared to measure my percentage at the gym this morning, to discover it's nowhere near as bad I assumed (so relieved, must have gained lot more muscle than I thought). I'm only 5% and 4kg over (about 9lb as opposed to the 3.5St BMI dictates) which seems like nothing after my loss so far (used to be over 50% now 35%) Definitely given me the boost I need to regain my confidence and determination to hit my goals. On a mission to get my % down by 10% . So screw you BMI and your almost obese classification! Muscle weighs more than fat, and I'm on route to gaining a strong, healthy and fit body composition. I can do this!!


  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Awesome! Though with weight loss you never lose only fat so you'll probably need to lose more than 4kg to get to 30% but you'll get there easily since you are positive and working hard
  • clafairy1984
    clafairy1984 Posts: 253 Member
    I know it will take a long time, and the numbers will move slowly, but focusing on lower numbers makes me feel better
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    You know, I know you didn't ask but I'll throw this in there anyway, so take it or leave it. I peeked at your diary and you might find that the scales more a bit more if you used a food scale to weigh your food rather than using cups and measuring spoons, which are incredibly inaccurate.

    Like for example, I saw an entry for "0.5 banana." The calorie count is going to vary on that depending on how much that banana actually weighs.

    A food scale can make a HUGE difference in weight loss.