Healthy but tasty snacks

Right I'm tracking away but I notice my snacks are taking up way too much of calorie intake. Still sticking to 1540 cals or if I exercise a bit more. Cold turkey probably won't work, so a methadone approach is needed. Any suggestions?, remember carrots are lovely and all but I'm talking about sweet tooth cravings.


  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I came across an interesting snack idea that turned out delicious. Basically they are zucchini pinwheels. You can use a mandolin or vegetable peeler to cut a nice long slice of zucchini length wise. Spread about a table spoon of hummus on it, sprinkle some feta cheese, a few small jalapeno slices and couple slices of turkey/chicken sandwich meat, roll it up and stick a tooth pick through it to hold together. Extremely tasty, satisfies that cheat urge and doesn't add up to many calories
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,843 Member
    If it's sweets, I vote for fruits. The juicy ones tend to be the more filling to me (maybe it's psychological, maybe it's the water) - tangerines/clementines, melons, berries. A small square of very dark chocolate can be very satisfying, if you're a chocoholic. If I have the calories, I'll sometimes have a spoon of Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate and Cocoa powder (not cocoa mix) in a cup of hot skimmed milk, ideally right before a weight workout (no magic, I just find it energizing).
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    Use a carrot peeler on a block of good chocolate until you have about 1/4 of a serving. That'll be a lot of bites each one full of flavor. That is, if flavor is what you are after and not volume.

    I read the suggestion on these boards to do the same on a good wedge of cheese. Either one makes for a nice snack.
  • MamaMc3
    MamaMc3 Posts: 213 Member
    For chocolate cravings, I will eat a Fiber One brownies (90 calories) or a truffle (70 - 90 calories). Halo Top ice cream is a good stand in for full fat ice cream. An entire pint is around 240 calories depending on flavor, but you can easily split that into multiple servings. Yogurt actually makes a good snack, too.

    I tend to like savory snacks more, so I eat crackers and laughing cow cheese, cheese sticks, or snacks from Graze a lot. Popcorn is a favorite, too.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,843 Member
    Oh, yeah: @MamaMc3's post reminds me - Greek yogurt with fruit (liking pears lately) and chocolate PB2. Sweet treat with protein, for the win!
  • sbl1881
    sbl1881 Posts: 213 Member
    Apples and peanut butter. Sweet, salty and crunchy. That's my afternoon snack almost every day.
  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    edited March 2016
    Dark chocolate, Greek Yogurt, frozen fruits, fresh fruits, fruit and veggie smoothies, chocolate milk (w/ skim milk), oatmeal (esp. Quaker Instant Apple-Cinnamon Oatmeal), etc.

    I also eat peppermint balls a lot, because one has only 20 calories and I can suck on that thing for approx. 30 mins. Jolly Ranchers too, though less frequently.

    ETA: I forgot frozen yogurt (Yasso's Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars are great!) and sherbet ice cream (mango, orange, and pomegranate are my favorite flavors).
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    My favorite snack at the moment, if I have time to weigh and measure everything, is strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries with cottage cheese. So sweet, 113 calories, and it's got protein.

    Also protein bars (Luna) are chocolatey and kill that craving. I've weighed out Cheerios in baggies and grab those most nights as I watch tv. Apples and peanut butter has already been said but I have to say it again because it's sooo good. Same for bananas and peanut butter. Greek yogurts. Dannon Oikos Triple Zero chocolate Greek yogurt is tha bomb. So is vanilla. Also dark chocolate itself. Ghirardelli 72% and 82% Cacoa dark chocolate are both good
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Pudding, yogurt, and meringue cookies are low cal.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    Almonds, cheese stick, boiled eggs, small apple with 1 tbsp of peanut butter, raw veggies with hummis.
  • meredithdelcastillo
    meredithdelcastillo Posts: 64 Member
    THINaddictives cookies/crackers are so good and filling only 100 cals!
  • Sebismom
    Sebismom Posts: 44 Member
    If you're near a Trader Joe's you can get their Dark Chocolate Lover's Chocolate bars. They are very rich, not very sweet, and just one square is enough to satisfy. A handful of almonds, or a spoonful of almond butter, is a rich and sweet treat. Try to avoid refined sugar if you have trouble with it. Fruit works for me. I even like to eat frozen peas or frozen mango or other bagged frozen fruit. I'm about to prepare dessert for my husband: a bowl of fruit covered with a dollop of plain full fat yogurt drizzled with honey and some granola. I make homemade popsicles by blending a basket of strawberries, a drizzle of honey, and a scant cup of yogurt. Everyone in the family loves these.
  • Jbell0213
    Jbell0213 Posts: 189 Member
    atjays wrote: »
    I came across an interesting snack idea that turned out delicious. Basically they are zucchini pinwheels. You can use a mandolin or vegetable peeler to cut a nice long slice of zucchini length wise. Spread about a table spoon of hummus on it, sprinkle some feta cheese, a few small jalapeno slices and couple slices of turkey/chicken sandwich meat, roll it up and stick a tooth pick through it to hold together. Extremely tasty, satisfies that cheat urge and doesn't add up to many calories

    Yum. I love this.
  • tremoneboy
    tremoneboy Posts: 7 Member
    Apples and peanut butter. Sweet, salty and crunchy. That's my afternoon snack almost every day.

    That sounds delicious, I take it a tsp of peanut butter, any idea of cal count
  • kat_para_
    kat_para_ Posts: 34 Member
    I recently discovered flavorless protein powder. I've been throwing that in everything, yogurt, chia pudding, etc. to make a snack that will keep me full until the next meal.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    kparadon wrote: »
    I recently discovered flavorless protein powder. I've been throwing that in everything, yogurt, chia pudding, etc. to make a snack that will keep me full until the next meal.

    Which one do you like? Curious, because I get tired of having chicken sometimes just because I need it to hit my protein.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    ModernRock wrote: »
    Use a carrot peeler on a block of good chocolate until you have about 1/4 of a serving. That'll be a lot of bites each one full of flavor. That is, if flavor is what you are after and not volume.

    I read the suggestion on these boards to do the same on a good wedge of cheese. Either one makes for a nice snack.

    Awesome suggestion!
    I will eat a whole grapefruit that is peeled like an orange. I will eat the grapefruit first thing in the morning with my green tea. The grapefruit is so refreshing and sweet first in the morning.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    llbrixon wrote: »

    Awesome suggestion!
    I will eat a whole grapefruit that is peeled like an orange. I will eat the grapefruit first thing in the morning with my green tea. The grapefruit is so refreshing and sweet first in the morning.

    Have you ever tried Pummelo? That's my treat most days. It's like a huge really sweet grapefruit. You completely peel all the skin. They are so big I stretch one out over several days.

    Also for chocolate cravings, I like Chiobani 100 strawberry chocolate crunch yogurt. And Dove makes an amazing chocolate covered strawberry gelato snack bar for just 150 calories.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    Blue Diamond wasabi almonds, that's some tasty snacking right there.
  • JanPalmer500
    JanPalmer500 Posts: 9 Member
    I found a recipe for Sirtfood diet bites made of dark chocolate that's low in calories.