
Hi everyone I am new here! Can anyone give me any advice on how to be successful using this program. I have tried so many diets I am really looking more for a new lifestyle instead of another diet. I am also hoping to make a few new friends on the way.



  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    welcome. I am new too. This site helps so much in counting calories and everything else. Good Luck and add me if you need a friend
  • mecasgirl
    mecasgirl Posts: 64
    Welcome. This site is wayyyy more than a diet. I love all of the support that we get from our friends. We look at the long term goals and not just the quick fix. We all have been in the same situation and are tired of letting the weight take control of our lives. Feel free to add me if you would like. :happy:
  • tfcutie
    tfcutie Posts: 6
    Welcome! I'm new also, the sight is a great support system from what I can see. I've already met some great people. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other. Good Luck :smile:
  • mecasgirl
    mecasgirl Posts: 64
    welcome. I am new too. This site helps so much in counting calories and everything else. Good Luck and add me if you need a friend

    Welcome to you as well. Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Welcome! You'll love this site and the people on it.

    My best tips: Follow the calorie guidelines that MFP sets for you - and be as consistant as possible, elebrate every pound lost, and realize there is no failure - only bumps in the road.

    Good luck!
  • kmapmp
    kmapmp Posts: 5
    I am new as well! Good luck and add me if you want! We can all help each other. I seem need the motivation lately! Add me if you would like!
  • tproctor
    tproctor Posts: 90 Member
    I have always turned a blind eye to counting calories, likely because it is such a pain. But MFP makes it easy... one might even say FUN!!! If you have a smartphone, download the app. Soon you will discover what foods you can and cannot eat and it sorta feels like a game. It also helps that MFP sets goals for you. Attacking your weight plan with daily goals is not nearly as daunting as looking at the weight you have to lose "all at once".

    Feel free to add me if you like for mutual support and motivation!

    Good luck!
  • mecasgirl
    mecasgirl Posts: 64
    Welcome! I'm new also, the sight is a great support system from what I can see. I've already met some great people. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other. Good Luck :smile:

    Welcome to you as well. We can beat this beast together. Feel free to add me if you would like! :happy:
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I think you nailed it - a lifestyle change not a diet...

    As for how to be successful and use the site?
    Log your food even if you go over - it WILL help :)

    Make friends - they are such an incredible source of inspiration, motivation, and support that I don't think I can ever adequately describe it here - I love my MFP friends (men and women) so very much - don't know what I'd do with out them..

    Be involved with them and with the forums when you can - makes a huge difference to be able to motivate others too ;) that keeps me SO motivated :)

    Drink lots of water - roughly half of your body weight (so for me - 282/2 and then change the pounds to oz. or 141oz lol)

    Exercise, exercise, and more exercise lol = and don't be afraid to put in resistance (strength) training with the cardio - muscle burns much more fat longer term - so that's always awesome :)

    Hope it helps :)
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Welcome!! You're going to love this site! I started in February and have lost 23 pounds so far. If you're committed, you can do this. It's definately a lifestyle change and not a fad diet. Everyone on here are all here for the same exact reason and they are super supportive and super motivating! Please, feel free to add me as a friend:smile: Good luck to you on your journey.
  • grosa117
    grosa117 Posts: 9 Member
    Goodluck! and welcome!
  • OnlyGodCan
    OnlyGodCan Posts: 91 Member
    welcome! you may add me as a friend:happy: