In my 40s and weight loss



  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    jmdkurt wrote: »
    Thanks ladies for the support. I think also because I want to lose just 12 lbs, its harder than if I needed to lose 30lbs? Am I right?

    I don't personally think so.
  • jmdkurt
    jmdkurt Posts: 14 Member
    You're right. I'm just making excuses for myself. Too many excuses is the only thing getting in my way
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    I should add that I have struggled greatly in the past, but as of last year at this time, I finally figured out what works for me. When I did that it became "easy." By "easy" I mean that weight loss (and all the results I was wanting) became do-able for me, I was able to stick to my own program, and to even enjoy it. My successes came quickly and efficiently, and also I was able to maintain my results! I continue to learn and grow stronger, tho...I don't feel I've arrived, but I feel victorious in a lot of ways, and very happy about it!
  • Newnameishardtofind
    Newnameishardtofind Posts: 867 Member
    Dedication is key. Certainly easier to find excuses (practice, work, tired, stress). But just need to find a way at 47.
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Nice to know I'm not alone in the slow 40's weight loss group!
    Been struggling since past June (plateaued after dropping 11 lbs).
    Just joined mfp yesterday .
  • jmdkurt
    jmdkurt Posts: 14 Member
    You guys hang in there, its almost summer so my weight loss is also motivated by my summer clothes. Had chix fettuccine Alfredo w/ cauliflower sauce mixed in. Just as creamy..
  • rsenor
    rsenor Posts: 57 Member
    yes, hormones are a *kitten*. Happening, slower than when younger. I used to be able to do cardio at my own pace but now I have to follow a regime or I don't really get my motor running enough to make a difference. I also get accpuncture which seems to help my hormonal stuff.
  • cb2bslim
    cb2bslim Posts: 153 Member
    Age 42. I never truly tried to lose weight before. February 2015, I set out to get myself from the high end of bmi overweight range down to middle of bmi healthy range. I lost a total of 48 lbs and now I'm trying to maintain. I found it very easy with the use of this site. I weigh food, track everything, and my main exercise at that time was an old treadmill from the early 90s lol. I aimed for healthier foods but refused to eat ground turkey (don't like it). Don't get me wrong, I still had pizza but I ate 1-2 slices instead for 3-4 and sometimes 5 slices.

    My year was nothing but numbers: body scale daily, food scale daily, logging calories, burning calories. lol

    If you have a bad day of eating don't give up, tomorrow is a new day. Dedication and stay true to yourself. Eat, Log, Move, Sleep, Repeat. What's nice, this program works wonders even if you don't exercise.

    I'm going to be turning 43 going on 23 because I feel wonderful! Good luck to you....It's so worth the journey!
  • Fattleass
    Fattleass Posts: 223 Member
    Yeah I'm just an old man but better late than never to try to get in shape I'm 48 Feel free to give me an add I can use all the support I can get
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    At 43 I've lost over 40lbs. Currently taking a break for upcoming surgery, be will be back at it around the 1st of April. I was able to lose 2lb/week eating 1600 cal, but needed to stay pretty active for it. So I wouldn't say it's been hard as far as actually counting the calories. The commitment to keep at it has been challenging, more than anything. The hardest part was letting go of all the little lies that I kept telling myself. I'm older, it will be more difficult. I'm short, so it will be more difficult. I worked out today, so I can eat extra pizza. The reality is that once I let go of the lies, it really became much easier.
  • I'm 47 and peri-menopausal. This is wreaking havoc on my body. I quit smoking last year, gained 20lbs and am having a tough time losing it. Going to get back into my running schedule and train for a half marathon. I don't know what is up with my hormones but I crave more food than when I was pregnant! No fried things... but cookies... lots of cookies. Terrible! I've had it!

    I have been saying this for three months. If this keeps up, I will not fit into any summer clothes. I have no choice now. I have to start losing this and get off this yo-yo diet. I lose 5, then gain 5... I have been doing this since January. ENOUGH!

    Easter is coming and thank goodness everyone is health conscious in the family. Lots of healthy options on the dinner table next Sunday!

    Happy Monday!
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I am 41 and have lost 14lbs since January. I eat healthy and exercise everyday!
  • runbabarun
    runbabarun Posts: 89 Member
    84 days before turning 40. I am guy who runs runs average 30 miles/wk in spring/summer. The weight used to shed easily but not anymore. Starting in my 80 day challenge, whatever that may mean. I'm even nervous about weighing myself! Ha!

    Anyway, I could use the support. Feel free to add me.
  • ChristinaOrr65
    ChristinaOrr65 Posts: 112 Member
    Hormones can certainly play a role in weight loss, especially once you get older. Another reason to incorporate exercise into your routine is because it can help to level out those hormones, as well as all the other benefits for health and weight loss.
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm 53 and probably edging into peri-menopause (late bloomer :wink:), eating high protein and working out every day, and losing 3 lbs per week (I'm 5'11"; women of average height should expect to lose slower)...anyway I swear by protein and exercise on top of counting calories.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I am 47 about to be 48 in April. I started my exercise, weight loss journey last March. I have lost 50 pounds of fat and added about 10 pounds of muscle. I'm quite honestly in better physical shape than I was in my 20s. I'm probably 5% body fat from actually being able to see my abs. It's been an amazing journey!!
  • toddmcarter
    toddmcarter Posts: 15 Member
    lisap767 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new here. I'm 45 and have gained 2 stone in the past year so started on this journey one week ago and have lost 3lbs so far. Would really like a few buddies of a similar age to do this with if anyone is interested?

    Feel free to add me - 48 and fighting to get back in shape. I have lost 11 pounds in the last 2 months and while I have a ways to go I am confident that I will succeed. You can too!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,110 Member
    I'm 47 and have lost 38 pounds since 9-25-15. I just keep to my calorie goal. I still eat out and have fast food occasionally and alcohol some too. My main exercise is walking 3-4 miles per day. I don't know if hormones make it harder or not. I am losing at a rate of 1.4 pounds per week and my goal is 1 pound so it seems easier to me than it has before when I tried to lose. I think I probably need to be eating more of my exercise calories than I do. It was harder for me to lose weight in the past because I always tried restrictive eating, but just counting calories and trying to be more active really seems to be working for me. I think if you stay at your calorie goal everyday you will be able to lose the weight. I just think it is harder for some people to stay at their goal. I have certainly had some days that are easier and some days that are harder. For me the key seems to be not letting myself feel too deprived and realizing that each day is a new day.
  • frankiem1207
    frankiem1207 Posts: 18 Member
    CollieFit wrote: »
    jmdkurt wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement. I've giving up on wine and instead have vodka. Counting calories is tricky. I need to work on portion control. Must start eating breakfast too.

    I'm 45 and dropped 21lb since January doing nothing other than counting calories and being a bit more active.

    Calorie counting isn't tricky. It's very simple. You weigh / measure everything that goes in your mouth and log it.

    You don't have to have breakfast either. "Breakfast like a king, dinner like a pauper" is a MYTH. What matters is CI/CO overall and generating a calorie deficit. If you're in deficit you will lose.

    Im 49 Im also restricting calories.I just started friday and zive lost 6lbs.I walk 30 min a day but will increase.
  • frankiem1207
    frankiem1207 Posts: 18 Member
    Im new on this site.Im 49 and quit smoking and balloned up.Ive been restricting calories and walking 30 minutes a day.I just started my diet last friday.Ive lost 6 lbs so far...