2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    edited March 2016
    I am available to mentor and would love to help you on this weight loss journey! I subscribe to the thought that this is a LIFESTYLE change and not a diet so if you are ready to change I'm here! In just a few short days I will be celebrating my 800th consecutive day on MFP and if you want to join me for another 800 just PM me!! I don't mind taking on more than one mentee.

    A little about me...39y/o working mom of 2. I've tried every weight loss "diet"/"plan" out there so nothing surprises me. I follow the IIFYM (if it fits your macros) lifestyle which has been proven with myself and many others to be a life changer when it comes to losing weight. I prefer to lift weights over cardio (hung up my bunny ears a few years ago) and love a challenge. I hate running, but I run 5k's for fun or a good cause. I enjoy wine (you can follow me on instagram at weightsbeforewine) and ice cream and cookies and yes I still lose weight (and can show you how to as well).

    So if this sounds like a good fit for you PM me!!!
  • wanderingrat
    wanderingrat Posts: 16 Member
    I’m not feeling quite comfortable enough with chatting up everyone that I think could be a good match. So I’ll try the other way around:

    Hi, I’m a noob, is there anyone willing to be my mentor?

    About me:
    I’m a 28 year old woman and I used to have a very active lifestyle (competitive volleyball, martial arts, extra gym classes at school, biking to places). It changed when I had a small accident resulting in a herniated disc, by now this not a problem anymore though, but due to the abrupt stop with all impact exercises I lost most of my muscle and turned into a classic case of functional lumbar instability. (I am generally a bit on the hypermobile side, so muscular stabilisation is very important.)
    I’m currently about to write my Bachelor’s paper for physical therapy school, which would suggest that I should know how to do this. And in theory that might be true, but it’s always a lot harder applying knowledge to oneself with all the emotions messing it up.
    So, every time I started exercising back up myself, I’ve also taken the classic route of going in way too fast and end up overdoing it for my muscles, having to wait for the pain to go away. That or I take the slow route and lose my motivation a few days in due to frustration of not being able to push it to where it gets fun.

    When it comes to doing exercise, I like the kind that pushes your limits and gets you sweating and muscles trembling. I prefer to combine cardio and strength as opposed to simple cardio that consists of a repetitive movement. (For example, I always really enjoyed the LesMilles BodyCombat.)
    I also like weight lifting and body weight exercises, though when it comes to weights I prefer free weights much more. Sadly at the moment I don’t know a single soul that is willing to be my spotter. (But I’m still looking)
    It’s really hard for me to hold back when I’m having fun and I think it may help me to find my moderation when I can report back to someone. With someone to talk about it I’d also have a lot more incentive to use the machines instead of free weights when it comes to lifting.
    I have access to the university gyms with fitness rooms, group courses and game playing.
    I’m also back to training volleyball with a team (once a week 2 hours), but I don’t play in official games yet.

    My Goals:
    I’m not specifically interested in a number on the scale, even if I do want to drop some weight. I think I would prefer picking goals in form of being able to do specific exercises and completed exercise routines.
    I want to have more energy again, feeling comfortable in my body will come automatically.

    What I’m looking for in a mentor:
    I’d be very happy if you have some knowledge either as a personal trainer or physical therapist. That’ll just reduce a lot of explaining and we can talk on a technical level when it comes to exercises. Don’t be shy about pushing me, I like it challenging.
    Help me put together a workout. I know I should be able to do it myself, but I find that very hard when it comes to myself and slack off. That ain’t helping when I want a good routine.
    Be there for me so I can report back and ask me when I didn’t do stuff, why I didn’t do stuff. That way it’s easier for me to commit.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I’d be very happy if there is someone willing to take up the challenge to mentor me.
  • rachelhollands13
    rachelhollands13 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love a mentor! New here and I'm 19/5'7"/132 pounds and looking to get into a healthier lifestyle and hopefully lose some excess fat around the waist.
  • Rachelintx2016
    Rachelintx2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok this app keeps kicking me out when I am almost finished posting this so I will be short and sweet if anyone has questions or advice send me a message.
    I am a unique case because I am disabled with bipolar and all my bipolar meds make you gain weight. I am a stay at home mom to a 3 year old. I have smoked cigarettes for 22 years, and have a metal disk and a neurostimulater in my back lessening the ability to workout. I have become so desperate that I went to my Dr's and she put me on phentermine for 84 days, but I am not stupid I known that when the phentermine is gone the withdrawals are aweful, that is why I have been looking at otc designer diet pills. I am 35 and I weigh 217 lbs. And went to at the very least get down to 155 lbs.
    Of anyone wants to mentor me I would greatly appreciate it. I known I have a lot going against me but I am determined to do this and make it last.
  • sterix56
    sterix56 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all
    Am intrested in having some help.
    I am 41 and was not very active, in the last few months have lost 15 kg and have become much more active, this app has helped alot. I own a exercise bike that I do 30 mins at 7.5mph at least three times a week do some strength training dumb bells kettle bell press ups. Really think I would benefit from someone helping me focus on a plan as it's pretty chaotic at the moment. Am 5'9 90kg
  • faistyle
    faistyle Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys ! How do I get adopted !? Please ?!
    I know Im a bit late ( March in all ) but If anyone is still willing to be a mentor that would be amazing !
  • jenniferfullernc
    jenniferfullernc Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined back into the mfp and need community and accountability partner/mentor. Hit me up please!!!!
  • tonertrevino
    tonertrevino Posts: 4 Member
    I am 26 yrsold weigh 315 and stand at 5'7". I am done with my body. I want to be free from this prison. I'm tired of being tired, I wanna be the person I know that I can be and I know that I need help to do it. Please help me anyone.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    ransaka wrote: »

    Boom! How to write an "I would like a mentor" post.

    Thanks Ransaka.

    Good news all, I was adopted by cw106 "YaaaaY!!!"

    We share the same mentor. He's awesome. :)
  • mpalmer1023
    mpalmer1023 Posts: 16 Member
    I could use a mentor
  • ekardoulias
    ekardoulias Posts: 17 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi im emmanuel 28 next week, im currently 104kgs and looking at getting down to 80kgs or even lower and interested in having a mentor join me on my journey to lose the weight and help me understand nutrition better
  • jsrmpulido123
    jsrmpulido123 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone. Looking for support or to be adopted haha
    I'm wanting to lose 60 pounds. Was 240 now I'm 234.
    I've only been this heavy for 6 years now, after having two kids I just haven't lost any weight. I need guidance and someone to answer my 20 billion questions. I don't know much about dieting but trying my best..
  • clickmila
    clickmila Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Mila. Like many of the other users here, I am looking for support or to be adopted as well. I am 21 and currently 178 lbs. I am wanting to (ideally) loose between 35-45 lbs. I am getting married in almost exactly one year and I would really, really appreciate some friendship/mentorship/guidance. I used to be very active, extremely healthy, fit, but four years of college and a desk job have put into a rut and I simply don't know where to start and the task seems overwhelming.

    Anyway, sorry for the long introduction! I am looking forward to meeting you!
  • JuneGem6471
    JuneGem6471 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hello everyone, I am happy to throw my name out to be a mentor. I have been on MFP for several years, and am still in the process of losing, and am about 30 lbs from my (first) goal. I have lost 53 lbs since last year and while I slacked off a bit I didn't have terrible gains. Since I have been back at it, this year, I have lost nearly 30 lbs and 2 pant sizes. I have learned so much about meal planning, proper exercise and daily nutrition and I do NOT take any for of weightloss aids. If you would like to join my journey, please feel free to add me and send me a message. I log in daily and am here to help!
  • kindlemine3400
    kindlemine3400 Posts: 3 Member
    I am gonna be honest I don't know what I am doing. I need help in the worst way. I can't go on the weight I am at. I weigh 355 pounds and am 5ft 2in. I am a 33 years old mother who isn't active at all. My life style has to change or I am not going to see my girls grow up. I hate asking for help but it has gotten to the point it is either ask for help or just slowly die. I choose to live!
  • IAmDemonx
    IAmDemonx Posts: 10 Member
    I would like a mentor who can help me hit my goal, (225 to 150ish ultimately) and I would also like to become more fit in all aspects, flexibility, cardio, strength, muscular endurance, etc. It would be very appreciated. I'm serious about my goals and want to improve greatly... Thanks to anyone willing to take me on
  • gabe2261
    gabe2261 Posts: 15 Member
    Looking for a mentor.. my two boys take up a lot of my time. My youngest was recently diagnosed type 1 diabetic. I want to eat right and get in shape for him and be a role model to my kids. It's been so long though and I'm not sure where to start.. motivation is difficult but I started today finally. I would.like to lose about 50lbs and build muscle. Andy help is appreciated ☺
  • adpd2016
    adpd2016 Posts: 1 Member
    I can gladly be a mentor for anyone who isn't perfect and isn't trying to be. They just want to be better than they were yesterday. I have lost almost 34 lbs and I have done so by just eating less and moving more. I am on mfp multiple times a day and I prelog 2 weeks at a time. I try to answer any questions I can and motivate all my friends on a very consistent basis. Checking in on those who don't log in for a few days in a row.

    Can you mentor me?
  • Fitmomcomingsoon92
    Fitmomcomingsoon92 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in need of a mentor. Before I had my son I was fit. I gained 72 lbs while I was pregnant and I lost 66 of it but then ended up gaining 10 back. I really want to lose 30 lbs but I struggle with the sugar cravings. I work out a lot doing cardio on the elliptical or running and I also do strength training. However, due to my nutrition I'm not getting anywhere. I went to the bodied and found out I was 40.3 percent body fat. I was not expecting that as I still have a lot of muscle. I weigh 162 lbs and I'm 5'2. 96 lbs is muscle and 66 is fat. Someone please mentor me!!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Guess I'm a bit late to this thread, but I just read the posts here and decided that if someone could use my help, I would be glad to act as a mentor.

    I'm a 58 yr old guy who struggled for many years to balance a demanding job with an active family life. During my adult life, my weight increased over time until I was significantly over weight. After many failed attempts, at 54 years old I finally succeeded in losing about 45lbs with the help of a trainer. Most important for me was changing my lifestyle and becoming very active. Over the last 5 years, I've become focused on running and triathlon as my fitness improved. Last year, I competed in 4 triathlons and 2 half marathon distance races, including my first Half Iron distance race, the Timberman 70.3 held in August. This year's goal is to do that race again, only faster. Dropping a bit more weight will help me reach this year's time goals.

    Several factors would make me a good mentor: 1) I'm a communicator. (I won't write something or pat you on the back every 10 minutes, but I will try to provide insight, support, or electro shock therapy, depending on what I think you need at the moment). 2) I am an active learner when it comes to things I enjoy, such as running, triathlon and food. 3) I will be invested if you are. I'm still learning myself, so I would benefit from a relationship where someone is counting on my help and also questioning me from time to time. In fact, I would expect that a mentoring relationship with a new MFP member would also help me to stay focused on my goals.

    So, if interested, please let me know.
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