Tried the 30 day shred?

I'm debating on trying out Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred. My problem is I know I'm going to struggle to stay motivated. If you've tried this, please tell me about your results. Also, if you have any tips on staying motivated that would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks


  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    Is Jillian Michaels 30 day shred just cutting calories but for 30 days? Because you could just use MFP to cut calories yourself and do it for as long as you thought appropriate.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    30 day shred works, but I find that I need something longer. Be careful with the squats, really hurt your knees. I quite like Ripped in 30 better. Also she talks too much, just turn off the speaker once you are accustomed to the moves.
  • Aed0416
    Aed0416 Posts: 101 Member
    Loved ripped in 30. But I can't do these workouts like they are intended because it's too much repetition not enough deviation. Find another activity to switch it up like running a few days a week and ripped a few days a week. Also, it's amazing how your outlook can impact your performance. If you start a program then you need to commit instead of giving yourself the boredom out before you even start.
  • DeanneScott2
    DeanneScott2 Posts: 28 Member
    I loved 30 day shred and used it to get back into exercise.

    I found that it being under 30 minutes a day was motivation enough for me. If I couldn't find the time for that, then I really would just be making excuses. I did it for 30 days straight and even did it once at 10.30pm so I didn't miss a day. Also making it a challenge for myself made me keep going (especially after I told everyone I was doing it). Getting through the 30 days motivated me and made exercise a part of my every day again and now I'm doing the 6 week 6 pack.

    I didn't have any injuries and didn't get any doing this. At the beginning my ankles would hurt and I thought it was bad for me. But I realized over time that whenever it hurt it meant my form wasn't good. Also over time I got stronger and things I found almost impossible at the beginning are now pretty easy for me.

    I would highly recommended it :smile:
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I tried it, but to fair, I thought it was 30 day shed. I didn't lose weight, and I really didn't gain a shed. Disappointing.
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    I attempted Ripped in 30 when I restarted exercising about 18mos ago. Well, that attempt was a complete failure :D . I was too out of shape to start with that program. In addition, I think I needed in-person assistance with technique and mods.

    The workout itself is good but it requires space (no cramped apts) and good technique. Simple mistakes could result in injury.

    It's certainly doable for those in-shape and with developed technique. For those just reenergizing their fitness endeavor, look to other plans to start.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    used it in the past but didnt really lose anything but of course I wasnt in a deficit back then. I did notice I got stronger but it does get repetitive and tiresome. I have a few other jillian workouts and I like her killer body and the shed and shred(something like that lol) those are a little longer than 30 minutes and I feel like Im getting a workout. none of her workouts IMO are really for beginners though even some of the modifiers are hard for beginners.squats wont hurt your knees unless you have bad form,if you do them right they shouldnt hurt. has a lot of free videos they have something for everyone, including beginners and they also have some 4 and 8 week programs you pay for but keep for the rest of your life(or they go out of business which I dont see happening for awhile).
  • petrafabijancic3
    petrafabijancic3 Posts: 5 Member
    Last year, I started working with 30day shred and I lost 5kg, after that ripped in 30, and 6week 6pack when I started I was 84, and finished 67, loged my calories with myfitness pal and walk all day. Now I start it all over, hope to see same results. (Sry for my english)
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    I have been trying out some of her free stuff on YouTube and that's been good.

    You should check those out first to see if you like her style first before going into a 30 day challenge.
  • VansBel374
    VansBel374 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm doing her 30 day beginner shred, just to work up to some other exercise videos/routines. Being that it's only 20 minutes, I find that it really does keep me motivated. I'm only on day 13, but already see an improvement in what was really difficult the first day I started. For me, it's easier to stay motivated with shorter programs, especially on the beginning.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    Is Jillian Michaels 30 day shred just cutting calories but for 30 days? Because you could just use MFP to cut calories yourself and do it for as long as you thought appropriate.

    No it's an exercise video. High impact cardio with some strength training. Tons of jumping jacks, squats, etc. Squat form is going to be very important. Bad form, sore knees.

    I second, trying some of her stuff on YouTube. I personally can't stand Jillian (30 days!) so it wouldn't work for me. Check the BeFit channel.......

    Here's a link to the 30 DS group
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i found turning the volume down on the video and cranking up music helped. i can't stand listening to her! "i can always use a good fly in my life..." and i can't remember the other sayings that drive me mental. Ive done the routine about 5-6 times. while i didnt get "shredded" i do get stronger and feel better about myself. :)
  • rnoyes21
    rnoyes21 Posts: 2 Member
    I am day 30 today. I have lost 10 pounds and 5 inches. There is a noticeable difference in my arms and waist and legs. I am definitely ready to move on to new workouts. I did Level 2 and 3 back to back on weekends when I had more time. It honestly went by so quick and after day 5 or 6 it just becomes a habit.
  • Monsansa
    Monsansa Posts: 5 Member
    I know she's not for everyone but I really love Jillian! I have worked my way through Ripped in 30 several times now (before my wedding, before beach vacation, etc.). I do it to tone up and build muscle rather than lose weight, and have really seen it improve my strength level. I see more muscle definition, and I always notice an improvement in my running endurance when I've been doing Jillian for a few weeks. I haven't done the complete Shred program--just the one free video that's on YouTube--but it's similar in setup.

    The way I stay motivated with her week-by-week workouts is to remember it's a process. You don't have to (and probably shouldn't) do every exercise in its "advanced" form right away. Instead I work up to it, and I repeat each week's workout until I can get through the whole thing 1) keeping up with the people in the video and 2) on advanced if at all possible. So the first time I do a workout I really listen to the instructions, watch and go slowly to get the form right. A mirror helps a lot if you have one! The second time I start adding in advanced variations. The third time I try to keep up with the pace. By the fourth or fifth time through the video, I can usually do the advanced version of each exercise at the same pace shown in the video. That's when I "promote" myself to go to the next level. (That said, it doesn't always go this smoothly. Sometimes I get stuck on a level for days, or have to drop down week because of a setback.) Setting those little goals along the way helps a lot though.
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    A lot of people don't like her, her workouts are just that, workouts. Nothing really fancy or fun. But i love them. Been doing them for over 2 weeks now and i still get my butt kicked.

    Now I personally think following her 30 day shred to a T is boring. You do the same workouts for 10 days and repeat that for all 3 levels. YAWN! I switch it all up. I do: Boost metabolism, no more trouble zones, 30 day shred, her abs and leg workout, and her kick boxing. I personally like to do a 45 minute workout. So for her smaller 20 minutes i do back to back workouts.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    Is Jillian Michaels 30 day shred just cutting calories but for 30 days? Because you could just use MFP to cut calories yourself and do it for as long as you thought appropriate.

    No it's an exercise video. High impact cardio with some strength training. Tons of jumping jacks, squats, etc. Squat form is going to be very important. Bad form, sore knees.

    I second, trying some of her stuff on YouTube. I personally can't stand Jillian (30 days!) so it wouldn't work for me. Check the BeFit channel.......

    Here's a link to the 30 DS group

    Ah, I see. Not my sort of thing either, but if it works for somebody else, great.
  • ghouli
    ghouli Posts: 207 Member
    I've started (and stopped) 30DS so many times, but I keep coming back to it. I started again the other day, maybe this time I'll actually complete all 3 levels lol. Once you get used to the moves, muting the video and playing your own music or whatever makes it more bearable. After a while I just can't stand listening to the same thing over and over again (sorry Jillian, but I'd think anyone's voice is annoying if I had to listen to them repeat the same stuff everyday!)

    Here are some longer threads with results people have gotten from the program:
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels a lot. I think she's a good motivator without being really high on herself. I also really like the compound moves in 30DS. I agree with another poster regarding getting bored easily, so like her, I mix things up. I used 30DS as cross-training on my off-running days. Sometimes I'll do back-to-back workouts, such as Level 1 followed by Level 2 -- now that's a good workout!!

    There are enough workout videos that you can buy and that are free online so that you can choose what works for you and which trainers you like to follow. Motivation is a discipline; some days you have to get tough with yourself. Remember, a body at rest wants to stay at rest, and a body in motion will stay in motion.