
My weight loss has drastically slowed, mostly stopped. I have started weights and up-ed my protein, still at a stand still. Heeeeeellllllppppp!!!!! Please. TIA.


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Open your food diary so people can see what you're eating. Tell people what your height and weight is.
  • Meghan585
    Meghan585 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'4 and at 183. Started at 253, my goal weight is 160. I eat lots of protein, yogurt, eggs, meat and vegetarian meat substitute. I get plenty of water.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    How long has it been since you lost weight? How many calories are you eating per day?
  • rodriguezdaniel598
    rodriguezdaniel598 Posts: 23 Member
    Make sure to get rid of sugars and carbs. The same thing happened to me a while back and I reduced the sugar and carb intake which really helped. When you exercise try the interval training. Sprinting rather than jogging. Just be careful because the first time I did it I pulled a hamstring since I had not sprinted in like forever. Right now I weight 192 and I'm looking to drop to 160. Also remember muscle weighs more than fat so you might be gaining muscle which lowers your weight loss of cardio is not performed. Remember no high carbs and reduce sugar intake.
  • kxbrown27
    kxbrown27 Posts: 769 Member
    Do you need to reduce your calories? Is it possible you're eating at maintenance?
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Make sure to get rid of sugars and carbs. The same thing happened to me a while back and I reduced the sugar and carb intake which really helped. When you exercise try the interval training. Sprinting rather than jogging. Just be careful because the first time I did it I pulled a hamstring since I had not sprinted in like forever. Right now I weight 192 and I'm looking to drop to 160. Also remember muscle weighs more than fat so you might be gaining muscle which lowers your weight loss of cardio is not performed. Remember no high carbs and reduce sugar intake.

    Don't listen to any of this. It's false.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Make sure to get rid of sugars and carbs.

    Completely unnecessary unless you have a medical reason.

    Did you just start lifting? Could be water retention?
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    muscle weighs more than fat Nope - not true

    Stubborn Fitness Myths
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Make sure to get rid of sugars and carbs. The same thing happened to me a while back and I reduced the sugar and carb intake which really helped. When you exercise try the interval training. Sprinting rather than jogging. Just be careful because the first time I did it I pulled a hamstring since I had not sprinted in like forever. Right now I weight 192 and I'm looking to drop to 160. Also remember muscle weighs more than fat so you might be gaining muscle which lowers your weight loss of cardio is not performed. Remember no high carbs and reduce sugar intake.


    Are you weighing and measuring everything in grams? When was the last time you adjusted your daily calorie target?
  • Meghan585
    Meghan585 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I am eating between 1100-1200 cals a day. I'm pretty meticulous about accuracy. Also I fluctuate my cals. Once or twice a week I'll eat 1300 or so. I did just start weights, but I'm VERY weak so the weights I do are very light. It's all I can take.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited March 2016
    Are you actually not losing, or losing slower than you would like? How fast were you losing, and how about now? With most new workouts, there will be some water retention, it's normal and is used to help your muscles recover. It will drop off before too long. Are you eating back any of your exercise cals? Are you weighing your food to get accurate amounts? At your height, weight, and age, depending on how active you are, you shouldn't be needing to eat so low to lose weight. (ETA: unless you have medical conditions which could influence the weight loss process)
  • Meghan585
    Meghan585 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm not very active and I do have medical issues. I try to get my exercise in every other day but sometimes depending on my health I get some big gaps in without going to the gym.
  • Meghan585
    Meghan585 Posts: 12 Member
    And no, I don't weigh my food but I measure everything.
  • Meghan585
    Meghan585 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm barely losing. For almost a month nothing and now it seems to be about 1-1 1/2 lbs every two weeks. Ugh.....
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    That sounds like a pretty reasonable amount to be losing - between 1/2 - 3/4 pound a week is great, especially as you aren't so far from your goal weight now.

    If you are logging your meals accurately, then I'd just keep on doing what you're doing, it's clearly working, but just not as fast as you want.

    I definitely wouldn't drop your calories down, you are already eating pretty low, in my opinion.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Make sure to get rid of sugars and carbs. The same thing happened to me a while back and I reduced the sugar and carb intake which really helped. When you exercise try the interval training. Sprinting rather than jogging. Just be careful because the first time I did it I pulled a hamstring since I had not sprinted in like forever. Right now I weight 192 and I'm looking to drop to 160. Also remember muscle weighs more than fat so you might be gaining muscle which lowers your weight loss of cardio is not performed. Remember no high carbs and reduce sugar intake. So much wrong with this.

    OP - for one, you said you are still losing some weight. 1 - 1.5 lbs every 2 weeks? That's actually really good and is a healthy rate of loss. How much weight do you need to lose?

    Also, buy a digital food scale and weigh your foods. It's so important to track everything as accurately as possible. It's so easy to overestimate portions, even when using measuring cups/spoons/etc.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Meghan585 wrote: »
    And no, I don't weigh my food but I measure everything.

    This really is much less accurate. As others have said, your weight loss is pretty good. Particularly as you get closer to goal weight. With only 23lbs left, it's better to go a bit slower. It will help you adapt to maintenance, once you get there. Have some patience. You have done very well.
  • brrrycicle
    brrrycicle Posts: 64 Member
    Meghan585 wrote: »
    And no, I don't weigh my food but I measure everything.

    As you get closer to your goal weight, the pounds don't come off as fast, and so meticulous logging is necessary. It's amazing how off my tbsp and cup measurements can be. I would invest in a scale and begin weighing everything you eat.

    Congrats on the weight loss so far, really impressive!

  • Meghan585
    Meghan585 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all so very much. I will definitely invest in a food scale. The weight was coming off so much faster before. 2-5 lbs a week, so this drastic slow down really had me concerned. If it's normal, then I feel much better about it. But it really was making me panic a bit. Lol.... I was doing everything I know and it seemed there was a problem. But if this is what's expected, then okay! I'll just keep trekking. Again, I sincerely appreciate the responses and support. THANK YOU!!!
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    Yeah 20-25 lbs from goal then you will definitely slow down usually .5 to 1lb a week most the time. As long as it trends down just keep logging as accurately as possible. I agree you need a food scale.