Supportive girl group! (Under 25)

I'm a 21 year old looking for other girls who want to be motivational friends. I'm 5'10 looking to lose about 70 pounds. If your goals are similar to mine please add me! Let's help each other out :)


  • Mirthstar
    Mirthstar Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm 22 looking to loose like 25 pounds haha 5'5, I'm going to add you! Anyone feel free to add me as well if you have similar goals!
  • helenmelon17
    helenmelon17 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 20 and looking to lose around 10-15lbs. Looking for friends for motivation and support! Feel free to add me!
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    So sad! I just turned 26 today :(
    But I also have a lot more to lose! Good luck out there!
  • kaylanirvana23
    kaylanirvana23 Posts: 4 Member
    I need to lose 50+ pounds. I would love to help encourage you! I'm 5'6.5" :)
  • sheanamc97
    sheanamc97 Posts: 2 Member
    5'3"! Looking for a motivational buddy! Have so much to lose it gets difficult sometimes! Add me!
  • ashleejk2013
    ashleejk2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 19, 5'6", and looking to lose about 20-25 pounds, gain some muscle, and get back into shape! Feel free to add me for mutual support and motivation! I know it's tough!
  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    I'm 22 and 5'9", trying to lose at least 70 pounds, I'll add you!
  • KatieRyder2016
    KatieRyder2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Am 20 and 5ft and I weigh 8 stone I want to get down to 7 help please add me
  • AlanahBeez
    AlanahBeez Posts: 60 Member
    Hey I'm 24, 5'2" and looking to lose about 12 lbs and create lean muscle definition. :)
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Hi :) im almost 20 and need to lose about 90 lbs. I like positivity and food lol, feel free to give me an add!
  • sjotto92
    sjotto92 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 23 and trying to lose 60lbs in the next year and half before my wedding! Could definitely use help and support! Feel free to add me!
  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    20 years old and looking to lose about 50 lbs, would love some friends in a similar boat! :)
  • moncured
    moncured Posts: 1 Member
    22, 5'7 and looking to lose 35 pounds. add me :)
  • Charlotte122016
    Charlotte122016 Posts: 12 Member
    21, 5'6 and looking to lose around 12 pounds by July and struggling massively with staying healthy Fri-sunday!! if you are like me and enjoy one too many jägerbombs or chocolate twirl bites then give me an add. Would love the support and advice
  • daynaxxanne
    daynaxxanne Posts: 77 Member
    18, 5'5" looking to lose about 20lbs and tone up
  • I'm 24 5'6 wanting to lose 20-25lbs. Feel free to add me. I definitely need the motivational help while planning a wedding and working over 40 hours a week! Good luck ladies!
  • emilstar
    emilstar Posts: 3 Member
    18, 5'1, and just looking to maintain my weight while improving my health. Adding many of you!
  • ghouli
    ghouli Posts: 207 Member
    22, 5'4" with about 30 lbs left to my goal. Feel free to add :)
  • pandamars
    pandamars Posts: 88 Member
    19, 5'3" with 30 lbs to lose :)
  • opalquartz
    opalquartz Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 21, 5'5" and have about 50 lbs left til my goal! It really helps seeing people who are working towards similar things. Add me if you'd like :)