Is it bad to eat a low ammount of calories?

Im 6'2 i weigh 250lbs and i just lowerd my calories to 1300 is thos un healthy or is ther anyone els doing this?


  • pootle1972
    pootle1972 Posts: 579 Member
    I would eat the calories mpf set for your weight and lifestyle now. It isn't unhealthy to eat 1300 but if you are set a higher amount I'd eat those.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    You will be fine eating 1300
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Not a doctor or a nutritionist, have no idea what you're eating or how active you are, so really I have no idea. It could be really unhealthy. You could be fine.

    Are you constantly tired, unable to focus, cold, dealing with mood swings and battling constant cravings, especially for high calorie foods? You may need to eat more.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    If you lose more than 2 pounds a week, you are losing non-fat mass and that's generally considered unhealthy. I'm much shorter, and lighter, and still losing around 1.5-2 lb/week on 1580 a day.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    You'll lose weight alright, and you won't starve, but with your relative size it may be mentally difficult to make the switch so quick. Since that's a pretty big leap, you're way more likely to experience cravings, sleep changes, mood swings, etc, which can all be some side effects of a sudden low calorie diet.

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    As a male, your minimum is 1500, and given your stats that may be too low as well. You are setting yourself up to lose more muscle than you would if you set a more reasonable calorie goal.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    As a male, your minimum is 1500, and given your stats that may be too low as well. You are setting yourself up to lose more muscle than you would if you set a more reasonable calorie goal.

    This. Also, I'd talk to a registered dietitian before cutting lower than standard recommendations.
  • pink_bebe15
    pink_bebe15 Posts: 1 Member
    I think you have to gradually reduce your calorie intake for a permanent weight loss goal.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I think you have to gradually reduce your calorie intake for a permanent weight loss goal.


    OP is male. He's already eating below MFP guidelines. Fast weight loss = a larger percentage of lean muscle loss.

    As you get closer to goal, your weekly weight loss = less. NOT your weekly calorie intake. We all can't lose 2 pounds a week least not in a healthy manner.
  • isuckatmath
    isuckatmath Posts: 11 Member
    If you don't have serious health issues that warrant faster weight loss, and depending on fitness level and activity, you may need more. In my case, I'm staying around 1,200 or lower because of health issues and upcoming surgeries that require a faster weight loss.
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    Registered Dietitian here- 1300 kcal per day for you is likely too low. (I'm assuming you don't have major thyroid issues, amputations, or paralysis.) It will not be sustainable, and there's a good chance you will lose a large amount of muscle. I'd recommend consulting with an RD in person to develop a plan that will be effective for you long term. Also, some clinics and gyms offer indirect calorimetry, meaning they strap a mask to you and measure your calorie expenditure at rest and during exercise. That may be helpful if it's available in your area.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    edited March 2016
    TeaBea wrote: »

    OP is male. He's already eating below MFP guidelines. Fast weight loss = a larger percentage of lean muscle loss.

    There seem to be quite a few replies in here that are overlooking the important fact that the OP is male.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »

    OP is male. He's already eating below MFP guidelines. Fast weight loss = a larger percentage of lean muscle loss.

    There seem to be quite a few replies in here that are overlooking the important fact that the OP is male.

    Male or female, for someone who's 6'2" and 250lbs, 1300 seems really really low to me, even at sedentary. A quick check on Scooby's calculator gives an estimate of 2300 to lose weight.

    OP: Talking to dietitian would be a good idea if you're concerned. If you lower your calories too much, you are not only going to be desperately hungry a lot, you also won't be getting the nutrition your body needs. As you lose weight, you will start lowering your daily calorie goal, but at your height, I don't think you'd ever get down to 1300 calories even for losing weight.
  • nutritionK
    nutritionK Posts: 12 Member
    edited March 2016
    Eating a low calorie amount daily can be really dangerous and also non efficient if your goal is to loose weight, it would seem like you are getting there but you will be loosing water and muscle mass which is not so good for your metabolism cause it makes it slow down and also the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn.
    As a man you should be eating at least 1800 calories, eating clean and exercising daily so you can achieve your weight loss goals.

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • Gioeyebrow
    Gioeyebrow Posts: 404 Member
    Thanks for your help you guys but am i really gonna lose muscle mass if im eating nothing but salads? Thats what im doing and they fill me up preaty good
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    fluffygio wrote: »
    Thanks for your help you guys but am i really gonna lose muscle mass if im eating nothing but salads? Thats what im doing and they fill me up preaty good

    Even more muscle mass probably if you aren't eating protein! Your body might be getting lots of nutrients but that will not give you the protein you need.
  • motorcycle21
    motorcycle21 Posts: 5 Member
    Does salads really fill u up? I'm hungry within 30 min.. What are you putting in them? How much have you lost
  • Gioeyebrow
    Gioeyebrow Posts: 404 Member
    edited March 2016
    So what should i eat if i want to keep a low amount of calories? I might raise my calories 100 or 200 but i feel realy motivated to lose the weight and be healthy ive been working out almost every day too does that help? Nothing big just walking and little internet workout
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited March 2016
    fluffygio wrote: »
    Thanks for your help you guys but am i really gonna lose muscle mass if im eating nothing but salads? Thats what im doing and they fill me up preaty good

    It's not just about low calorie. It's not just about staying "full." Staying at a reasonable deficit is goal #1. Getting all nutritional needs is step #2.

    You have protein, fat and carb goals. Are you meeting your protein goals everyday? That's what muscle relies on. Because your calories are so very low, most of your calories need to come from protein (more than 50%). That's why very low calories are not a good idea.

    Feeling full has nothing to do with whether your body is burning lean muscle mass. You are feeling full on low calorie-high volume foods with high fiber. High volume low calories aren't that nutrient dense. You are getting some vitamins.....but not protein and fat. Salads are not fueling existing lean muscle.

    Eating nothing but salads doesn't sound like a lifestyle change to me. Losing weight is step #1. Keeping it off (often the hardest part) is step #2. When you're at goal, you will be eating all foods (not just "diet foods"....salads by your definition) .....portions and calories are going to be important for regular food too.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    You also should be eating back the calories your burning.

    You should always eat you BMR. That is the lowest you should consider eating and even that should be your lowest net goal after eating back your workout calories.