50 years and older group

suzqsemail Posts: 3 Member
edited March 2016 in Motivation and Support
I'm 50 and getting ready to have the sleeve. I've been struggling with my weight since I'm 25 and reached a high of 390! My Fitness Pal is helping keep track of calories and nutrition but it would be nice to have some friends dealing with being really overweight and around this age. So....hi wanna be friends? :)


  • txcraftr
    txcraftr Posts: 133 Member
    Hi. I am 58. I have been overweight all my life. My highest was 325. I looked into surgical weight loss with the lapband but at the time my insurance would not cover it. I have been losing ever so slowly but it is staying off so that is good. The Dr.said the sleeve would be my best bet but I did not want my insides altered so did not do it. I have lost 100 pounds but still feel insecure and fat. MFP has been a good thing for me to talk to others in the same boat. Other people that don't know you will be more honest than friends, even your best friend if they are not experiencing the same things you are. I like being able to come on here and chat. You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • suzqsemail
    suzqsemail Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much! I'm impressed by your progress and know the feeling too well! I lost 106 in 2007 but steadily gained it back and more.... Here's to starting again! Cheers! Have a blessed and successful day new friend :) S
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Good morning! I am also 50. I have 60+ to lose. Always have struggled with weight problems. Right now I am focusing on bringing my calories up from 800 or so. I have a hard time doing that and everyone says that is the biggest thing to keep your body from holding onto and Turning those carbs into fat. I am also struggling to get active. Last week I got 2 days of aerobics in. Today will be day one if I can get motivated. I also bought two 5 lb. Dumb bells to start on strength training. It's a low weight, but after doing so many reps, it feels heavier! LOL . At our age it's important to get active on some level. I would be happy to jump on this thread and talk about struggles and motivation. Happy to meet you both suz and tx!

    Wendy from TN :)
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Well, I got my step aerobics done. Ate a healthy lunch. same for dinner. Been staying within calories. Hope to see the scale move come Monday. :p
  • MJLamper
    MJLamper Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I recently turned 58 and reached my highest weight of 220 since having my last child 32 years ago. After having her I lost the weight and was fairly thin or at least happy with myself.. About 10 years ago I started to put the weight back on.. I've tried several diets all worked for awhile until I got bored with them, and started gaining the weight back. I work sitting at a desk all day and when I get home I don't want to do anything.. I need some motivation and support.. Anyone feel the same?
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    I know the feeling mj. I am trying to get motivated to do some sort of exercise before work, because after working, who really feels like doing anything? I worked out twice last week, meaning to work out 5 days. Just got my first day in this week yesterday. I too was in good shape years ago. Actually got in shape again 6 yrs. Ago but gained it all back . Diets don't work. It's about making a change to eat healthy for life. Learn portion control. Get a scale if you have to. I have read several post's that say if you learn that and stay within your calorie range you will lose weight. But it is always a good idea to do some sort of movement to keep your body from deteriorating. Losing muscle mass, etc. It's all about taking care of your vessle. It's the only one you get.

    Today I plan to do at least 20 minutes of aerobics, drink lots of water and stay in calorie range.

    What are you going to do for your body?

    Wendy from TN. :)
  • MsVon51
    MsVon51 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning! I am also 50. I have 60+ to lose. Always have struggled with weight problems. Right now I am focusing on bringing my calories up from 800 or so. I have a hard time doing that and everyone says that is the biggest thing to keep your body from holding onto and Turning those carbs into fat. I am also struggling to get active. Last week I got 2 days of aerobics in. Today will be day one if I can get motivated. I also bought two 5 lb. Dumb bells to start on strength training. It's a low weight, but after doing so many reps, it feels heavier! LOL . At our age it's important to get active on some level. I would be happy to jump on this thread and talk about struggles and motivation. Happy to meet you both suz and tx!

    Wendy from TN :)

  • MsVon51
    MsVon51 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I am fairly new to MFP, so looking to find others to help assist me with staying motivated. I need to get my BMI under 40 before I can get on the schedule to have total knee replacement surgery. I can't seem to lose 4 more pounds. I weigh myself on Friday mornings, and the last 2 weigh-in's my weight has remained the same. Feeling kind of low right now. Don't know what else to do.
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi MsVon. I know the feeling when that scale won't move. Ugh!! Are you drinking enough water and staying within the calorie range you've set for yourself? Also watch carbs, the body holds on to those quicker than protein. When is your surgery?

  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me as friend. We can motivate each other.. but I like keeping posted on the thread. :)
  • 1idd
    1idd Posts: 14 Member
    Nice to find an over 50 thread people are posting on. Gladly be added as a friend but like the idea of posting on the thread to keep everyone involved and motivated. I'm fairly new on MFP but like the motivation, ideas and sharing it offers. Coming off being sick but am finding that I can slowly push myself a little more each day. Right now just push to keep those steps on the Garmin vivo smart up :) and try to stay mindful of what I am eating. Weight loss is important, but for me it is redeveloping healthier habits that is the priority right now. Trying to keep in mind I'm in this for the long run.....
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Good morning and happy first day of spring! Welcome id. I will be coming back often to stay motivated. Nothing else has worked so I am going to give this a shot and post keeping it real .
    Today I will be doing aerobics to burn a few calories and strength training to get firm.

    We can do this!

    Wendy from TN.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi, I'm 57 and have been using MFP for over 2 years. I have lost 42.5 kgs (93.5lbs). I swim about 4 times a week. I feel 20 years younger. I weigh and measure all my food and when I go out to dinner I estimate and occasionally go over my allocated calories. I am concentrating on maintaining my weight loss and hope I might lose some more. I eat mainly unprocessed foods and try not to have many highly refined carbs like bread and sugar stuff.
    I've been swimming today. The hardest thing is to just keep doing it.
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Gael ! WOW!! You are awsome! If you ever need a little push, just pop in and hopefully you will get some help on the motivation to keep on going. I have 60 pounds to lose. I am hoping to get it off within 6 months. I would love to be able to wear clothes that look good on me. Hopefully together we can find the strength to keep on moving! It feels so good after working out that we got it done!
  • goodreadsgal
    goodreadsgal Posts: 248 Member
    Hi all I feel like I am reading my own story when I read your posts. Wild love to have check in buddies. Please add
    Me as a friend or send message

    J from ON
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Good morning! Hope everyone is doing good and has a great day!
    It's Monday ! New beginnings! I am going to take one day at a time
    and make changes where needed. What are you going to do?
  • 1idd
    1idd Posts: 14 Member
    edited March 2016
    Didn't move as much yesterday, seems to be the case on Sunday 's. Garmin even reminds me to move more; my daughter laughs and says it just doesn't understand the Sabbath. Walked this morning and plan to explore a bit later( we're visiting).
  • timmst1962
    timmst1962 Posts: 4 Member
    suzqsemail wrote: »
    I'm 50 and getting ready to have the sleeve. I've been struggling with my weight since I'm 25 and reached a high of 390! My Fitness Pal is helping keep track of calories and nutrition but it would be nice to have some friends dealing with being really overweight and around this age. So....hi wanna be friends? :)

    54 I had the sleeve lost 50 but it's been hard to lose the rest so I have a personal trainer
  • timmst1962
    timmst1962 Posts: 4 Member
    timmst1962 wrote: »
    suzqsemail wrote: »
    I'm 50 and getting ready to have the sleeve. I've been struggling with my weight since I'm 25 and reached a high of 390! My Fitness Pal is helping keep track of calories and nutrition but it would be nice to have some friends dealing with being really overweight and around this age. So....hi wanna be friends? :)

    54 I had the sleeve lost 50 but it's been hard to lose the rest so I have a personal trainer

    We can be friends
  • damaddox7
    damaddox7 Posts: 33 Member
    Newby looking for inspiration and motivation from some people my age. Enjoyed reading your post feel free to ad me as friends. I need all the help I can get. Thanks for sharing.