NuvaRing/Missed Period

Ladies..... as far as I am concerned, an absent period is NOT a nuvaring side effect... my last period was in March, so I've missed it 3 months already. I've taken it out and put it back in on schedule.. I've taken half a dozen preg test....all negative. I went to an ob/gyn and they did a urine test which was neg and they just told me they had to run STI test before I could get a blood preg test. Ok so I've given too much info.. but I'm stressing... question is are u skipping ur period while on nuvaring?


  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    never skipped a period on nuvaring, good luck! i hope it isn't anything to worry about & just the way your body is responding to the hormone changes.
  • rosy_rsls
    rosy_rsls Posts: 114 Member
    No mam. The reason why i love it so much is because it never fails me 3 days after taking it out. Every month its the same thing. Lasts 4 days and thats it! Never missed it since gettin on it about a yr ago
  • rs2361
    rs2361 Posts: 40 Member
    I've never skipped, but lately its been really light. Maybe tmi, but last month it barely came and this month it was early, which until now never happened. Are you exercising more than usual? That can trigger weird menstruation behavior. Did your gyn say anything about that?
  • ladybullis
    ladybullis Posts: 4 Member
    If you leave the nuvaring in for longer than 3 weeks you won't start your period. I do this intentionally sometimes when I don't feel like having a period. The trick though is to put a fresh one in after a month. But if following the regular schedule I have never missed a period. But stress can do that too...
  • CassieAtEatLoveFit
    CassieAtEatLoveFit Posts: 14 Member
    Changes in your diet effect your menstrual cycle. When I went vegetarian my periods turned virtually into nothing, went to my doctor and she said that it's just because my body is probably happier so I should enjoy it. I wouldn't worry :)
  • areittinger
    areittinger Posts: 69 Member
    I wouldn't Stress about it! I know that's hard to do when your expecting it. But stress can cause you to be late also. Just make an app with the OB to be sure. I have the mirena so its normal for me not to have it some months.
  • Cadenpet
    Cadenpet Posts: 79
    Nuvaring isn't used to lighten or eliminate periods. Its purely birth control . There are other possibilities that being pregnant to cause your missed menstrual flow. Were you 100% with compliance on the Nuvaring? Did you ever remove it off schedule?

    And you might want to talk to your md about other options with birth control. IUDs like the Mirena are designed to lighten/eliminate your period or possibly consider an implant. Both are options that last multiple years with no major maintenance.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Nuvaring isn't used to lighten or eliminate periods. Its purely birth control . There are other possibilities that being pregnant to cause your missed menstrual flow. Were you 100% with compliance on the Nuvaring? Did you ever remove it off schedule?

    And you might want to talk to your md about other options with birth control. IUDs like the Mirena are designed to lighten/eliminate your period or possibly consider an implant. Both are options that last multiple years with no major maintenance.

    Great advice! Just make sure not to get the implant birth controls before any major vacations lol. My mom told me it is common for the implants to begin causing extreme pain after a few days-weeks, and in that case, it means your body can't handle them...That is the main reason the pills are still the most popular option.
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    I want nuvaring just as birthcontrol... not to eliminate or lighten my period.,. i had mirena and took it out because i want my monthly "gift"
    ive decide that i will take a month or two off of the ring in hopes it comes back.
  • Weird! I know this post is old, but I've been on the ring for a month now and I took it out on Saturday thinking I'd get my period this week. Well it's Tuesday and still nothing. I hope it comes, but I'm not feeling any of those symptoms I usually do. It's been 3 going on 4 days now and NADA. Worried I might skip a period here....