Opinions on 21-Day Fix?



  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    Based on other peoples comments I don't need to write anything lengthy. The period of time I used this program was possibly the only time in my life that people I loved felt I was exhibiting ED symptoms. I became obsessive with it. Sure I lost weight, but it drove me crazy... Use at your own risk and beware shakeology- it's nasty.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    I'm going to go against popular opinion and say that I did like it with the following caveats:

    I am not / was not a BeachBody Coach. I do not / did not drink Shakeology.

    I did not purchase the system from a "coach". I Google'd until I found out the approximate sizes of each container. I have Tupperware, thanks, I don't need any more.

    I did not follow the "food list" (which I also Google'd). Beans are a protein if you're a vegetarian, but a carb if you're not? Yeah, no; I'll count them however I want. I started 21DF the day after Christmas, and most decidedly substituted some of the carb "containers" for the cake I had in the house. IIFYContainers?

    I did not do the workouts. I had BeachBody on Demand at one point; but when I started 21DF, I was about a month away from surgery, so exercise was not an option, at all.

    The calories the plan had me at were in line with what MFP suggested. I still tracked the calories here. Double-counting - containers, plus MFP, helped me to be more honest with what I was actually eating.

    When I started the program, I was at a standstill in my weight loss, but couldn't bring myself to use a food scale. Getting in the habit of measuring things for 21DF led me to be more accepting of the idea of using a food scale. The idea of substituting out the yellow (carb) containers for treats now and then helped me to understand how to budget things into my daily calories.

    If you need a starting point, it's a decent starting point. But don't spend money on color-coded Tupperware - spend some time on Google it, instead.
  • justjumpit278
    justjumpit278 Posts: 96 Member
    A silly waste of money in my opinion. But most "weight loss plans" such as those are. The concept of weight loss isn't really that hard. Portion control, healthy eating and get your butt moving! Actually DOING that is the hard part! :smile: Why pay money for colored plastic containers when the Tupperware drawer is probably already overflowing? Measuring your food accurately and don't waste the money. I don't need to pay money for someone to tell me I need to concentrate my diet on lean proteins, fruits & veggies, whole grains and some healthy fats.

    Plus ShakeO is nasty. Just sayin! :#
  • Calieth
    Calieth Posts: 7 Member
    If you like to work out at home and can take a look at an eating regime and adjust it to what makes sense, then its not bad. I've done other Beachbody programs in the past and really enjoyed them. I take the food plans with a grain of salt and test out what works for me. I never do the crash diet sections.
    For workouts, I found other programs to be more my style, but not that this one was bad. I just like certain trainers more than others.

    So if you like to workout at home, like her motivational style (you can preview small sections online), and are willing to be flexible with their eating plan then I'd say you will enjoy this program and get a benefit out of that.

    Now is it 'the' solution? No. But might it be enjoyable for the 21 days you are doing it? Sure, maybe. And then you will do something else for awhile. Then maybe go back to it, or to something else. Its not a miracle, and for a truly healthy approach to it, I would not shoot for the crazy results they imply, but if you do the exercise, and use this site and the portion guide to help you make choices, then I think it will be fun at the end of the day.