I'm Tired of Chicken, Tuna, Salmon, and Egg whites ... help



  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    ... in the past two months I've dropped almost 30 lbs.. I no longer need my blood pressure medicines and when I eat bland I'm trying to get off of nexium...

    Losing almost 30 pounds in two months means that you've been operating on a fairly severe calorie deficit.

    If you are obsessing about foods that you have decided you "can't eat" because they aren't on your "diet", then you are probably eating way too little.

  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Make your own burger with xlean ground sirloin or ground beef, load with toppings (counting everything) and eat in a lettuce leaf if you are avoiding carbs. Or only have half the bun. I had burgers for dinner last night and leftovers for lunch today. It really is possible to eat like an average person and not restrict anything when you can practice moderation. Its the key to my losses and the confidence that I can do this for the long term.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    I think we just need better recipes. I made some low carb shepherd's pie that really hit the spot. The same thing over and over again, especially if it's bland, will get old.
  • d_creasman
    d_creasman Posts: 17 Member
    As many others have stated you need better recipes. Also, as long as you can fit the burger into your current nutrition plan then have at it. Just make sure that you aren't overdoing it. There are some simple steps that have already been pointed out on here that can lessen some of the calories. Eat whole grain bread instead of buns or don't use a bun, use lettuce instead. Cut down on the cheese, but don't get completely rid of it. Small steps!
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Is denying yourself a burger sustainable for the rest of your life? Probably not.

    Eat the burger. Make it fit. Lose in the same manner you plan to maintain, or the weight will come back.
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    Eat the burger. It's crying out to you!
  • toughmudderMN
    toughmudderMN Posts: 129 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    Is denying yourself a burger sustainable for the rest of your life? Probably not.

    Eat the burger. Make it fit. Lose in the same manner you plan to maintain, or the weight will come back.

    ^ This... Looking at your diary your are not eating much at all. Is your goal just to lose weight fast are are you looking to make a long term, permanent, lifestyle change?
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Eat the burger, but eat a GOOD one - bison or wild boar. NOM.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    My husband made me a cheese burger and used Portobello mushroom caps as the bun. It was so good and so filling.
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Don't know why you are avoiding the other meats etc...

    Make your own burgers out of lean beef, or mix beef and turkey...or just turkey. Eat other seafood, fish or other meats like lamb and pork. I'm braising pork loins tonight (yes you can braise a loin and still be tender) to have for lunches through the week.

    I'm down almost 40 lbs...but I have to ensure that I can still eat foods that I like...just in moderation. I am not a fan of complete restriction.
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    I'm so glad I read this post. It's helping me not feel so bad about wanting a burrito on Saturday! A friend of ours is coming up to watch Batman VS Superman and we usually go to our favorite burrito place since he loves it as well. We usually walk a lot too. (I wish I liked their chicken, so I would get something on the healthier side besides ground beef..their steak looks pretty greasy as well. And I can't bring myself to get a vegetarian burrito with just beans!)

    Eat that burger!
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Ground beef totally fits many low carb, high protein plans. If you're craving Mexican and burgers but want to control calories, why not make them at home?

    TexMexish Burger: ground beef (or chicken or turkey) - form into a patty and season it with spices like garlic, cumin, and chili powder (or a little taco seasoning from a packet). Top with pepper jack cheese, fajita vegetables like onions and poblanos, salsa, hot sauce. Maybe some avocado or sour cream? Leave off the bun and wrap it in an omelet or bed of lettuce.
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    I say have the damn burger! Have one as an occasional treat (like one a month...that's what I used to do!) and don't feel guilty about it. Make sure when you're eating it that you take your time enjoying the wonderful taste. I feel life is too short to be restricting the foods you love...once a month is reasonable in my opinion.
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    You can eat so many incredible tasting meals involving grains, veggies, spices, potatoes, fruits, etc. if you just put in some time. It's a lot healthier than just eating (insert x animal protein), brown rice and broccoli every day, and it's a lot more sustainable/enjoyable too.

    You don't need to fear carbs or eat 250g of protein ;)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited March 2016
    Stop thinking about it as a diet. It's really a lifestyle change. You're limited on calories, why waste it on food that you don't care for?

    I don't know the calories in 5 guys burgers but if I crave a burger, I make my own for less than 600 calories and it's just as satisfying (with much less sodium).
  • goofyrick24
    goofyrick24 Posts: 125 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    Is denying yourself a burger sustainable for the rest of your life? Probably not.

    Eat the burger. Make it fit. Lose in the same manner you plan to maintain, or the weight will come back.

    ^ This... Looking at your diary your are not eating much at all. Is your goal just to lose weight fast are are you looking to make a long term, permanent, lifestyle change?

    My goal is to lose quickly until I'm down to 180.. then to lose a pound a week or maintain between 165-175... Right now I'm 210.. I have had the Flu and Pneumonia for the past two weeks which the nausea helped have large deficits some days.. feeling better now and hitting the gym for the first time in two weeks tomorrow... I'm looking to drop to 180 fast because I weight too much to even do unassisted pull-ups at the moment and it is still all fat... once I hit 180 I will up my calories 500 a day.. then go into maintence mode between 175 and 165..
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    My hubby and I get those juicy burger cravings occasionally and we either make our own, healthier version, or we go out and split a burger. Not as many calories but all the flavour! Honestly I never could eat a whole burger on my own anyway. I even let him have all the fries :smiley:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Instead of being completely bland, how about adding herbs like dill, parsley and fresh rosemary? When my daughter was on a bland diet due to NSAID over use, I used herbs to add flavor.
  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    Is denying yourself a burger sustainable for the rest of your life? Probably not.

    Eat the burger. Make it fit. Lose in the same manner you plan to maintain, or the weight will come back.

    ^ This... Looking at your diary your are not eating much at all. Is your goal just to lose weight fast are are you looking to make a long term, permanent, lifestyle change?

    My goal is to lose quickly until I'm down to 180.. then to lose a pound a week or maintain between 165-175... Right now I'm 210.. I have had the Flu and Pneumonia for the past two weeks which the nausea helped have large deficits some days.. feeling better now and hitting the gym for the first time in two weeks tomorrow... I'm looking to drop to 180 fast because I weight too much to even do unassisted pull-ups at the moment and it is still all fat... once I hit 180 I will up my calories 500 a day.. then go into maintence mode between 175 and 165..

    I took a look at your diary, and I'm not seeing that much tuna/chicken and egg whites. In fact I'm seeing very few home cooked meals.

    Have you tried any new recipes lately?
  • Rick_Nelson81
    Rick_Nelson81 Posts: 205 Member
    Find a healthy burger (veggie, turkey, whatever) and have one once in a while. Small servings of tasty food can be as satisfying (to me) as the fast-food counterparts. And since it's healthy it's a win-win. Just don't eat any food out of hysterical craving, cause that's the road back the way you came! I'm guessing...