Why I stuck with my diet this time!!


Take a look at my chart... Of course it shows I'm up 1 pound... Since 2011! One of my mini goals is to get back down to a weight I haven't been in 6 years!

This graph in the picture really opened my eyes to what happened after I stopped my diet... I gained, and kept gaining! For some crazy reason, I thought: well, I'll just gain the weight back... I did, and then some, then some, until I realized my knees hurt when I walked! What if after I screwed up, I didn't quit and just kept with it? I could at least have my health... By quitting, I was just harming my body more and more with the day's passing! If I screwed up, I should have jumped back in on it! Look at that graph! The only way I went by quitting, was up in weight!

It made me realize that it has to be a lifestyle change, that I will slip up, my graph isn't always linear, but it's going in the right direction now- down! I'm actually down 54 pounds!!!! I stil have a ways to go, but as long as I trend down, and move on when I have a little extra say this coming Easter, it's important that I keep on going! I'm feeling amazing now, my body feels great and none of my old clothes fit me, I wish I had stuck with it back in 2011, but I am this time!


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Good for you!

    I'm coming back too (slowly) ....but it's progress. This definitely has to be a lifestyle change for me too.
  • Bubba1922
    Bubba1922 Posts: 67 Member
    I have come back to - a change that is paying off - I refuse to snack between meals. Slowly but surely this time!
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    same here tbh. Glad I am back though, I feel so much better when I eat healthier and when I exercise...
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Wow. Very eye opening.
    It is hard to see the weight gain when you just look at it day by day.
    Thanks for the encouragement and reminder. :)
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    thanks for sharing that, inspiration thread!