I feel like I can’t do it anymore….

So I’ve been going to the gym now for quite some time. I was doing well with my diet and was down 33lbs. However since then my diet has started to go back to the way it was and now the pounds are creeping back on. I want to enjoy those yummy foods. It’s hard getting up at 2am to go to the gym. I feel like I’ve slipped and I can’t seem to straighten myself out. It’s starting to depress me. Have any of you felt like that? I feel like I should be seeing some results because I go to the gym and work out hard. However my efforts I believe are been beaten by the food I eat sometimes. I feel like throwing in the towel and giving up. What do you guy do when you get to this point?


  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    why don't u go to maintenance calories for a while. ? stay within that range until you're ready to get back on the weightloss wagon, do not back peddle and put all that weight back on
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Well, you have to want the weight loss more than the fleeting taste of food. It does get easier. Once I started staying away from too many sweets and I started limiting my intake of trigger-y foods it became a lot easier.

    I just don't buy it, then I can't eat it.

    The decision is made in the store. I do allow myself a treat now and then, but not every day. It is more important to me to be healthy than it is to have _ _ _ _ _ _ .
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    All the gym time in the world won't do much good if you're not eating at a deficit. Step back, start logging EVERYTHING - that means accurately weighing all solid foods, measuring all liquids. Once you have consistently maintained a deficit and see some weight loss, Then add or increase your workouts. BTW, is it really necessary to get up at 2am for the gym? ?
  • lucyee
    lucyee Posts: 32 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have hit this point before, and for me it required taking a break for a month or so. Not a full on, "eat everything, don't move at all" break. Just eating at maintenance (roughly, I didn't really track, just tried to be reasonable) letting myself off the gym when I didn't feel like it, even if that was all week. I found it mentally refreshing, and something about it being a conscious "break" rather than an "omg I keep missing my calorie goal and why am I so lazy that I overslept for the gym" kept me feeling in control, so that when I came back to it, I was ready to commit again. I think the worst thing you can do is beat yourself up - cut yourself some slack, acknowledge that you're not feeling it right now, and focus on just not undoing the good work you've done so far.
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    All the gym time in the world won't do much good if you're not eating at a deficit. Step back, start logging EVERYTHING - that means accurately weighing all solid foods, measuring all liquids. Once you have consistently maintained a deficit and see some weight loss, Then add or increase your workouts. BTW, is it really necessary to get up at 2am for the gym? ?

    I agree. You don't even need to work out if you're eating at a deficit (to lose weight). If you're not eating right, you're just wasting time in the gym. This is what's probably causing your frustration. It sounds like you really need to watch your calories and log accurately.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I eat what I want and make it fit in my calories.

    There's no reason you can't have yummy foods AND lose weight. Find lower calorie options for what you want to eat... it's usually just as satisfying (well, except sweet stuff - just have that in moderation).

    Most people pick very aggressive goals too... I would have given up at 1200 calories, no doubt about it. Losing one pound or half a pound a week is better than just giving up. So change your goal if it's too aggressive for you.

    About the gym at 2am, I wouldn't do it either. You need sleep too. Find other ways to be active during the day, I have a hard time believing that you can't find 30 minutes here and there during the day to get a workout, even if it's just a short walk or body exercises.
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    lucyee wrote: »
    I have hit this point before, and for me it required taking a break for a month or so. Not a full on, "eat everything, don't move at all" break. Just eating at maintenance (roughly, I didn't really track, just tried to be reasonable) letting myself off the gym when I didn't feel like it, even if that was all week. I found it mentally refreshing, and something about it being a conscious "break" rather than an "omg I keep missing my calorie goal and why am I so lazy that I overslept for the gym" kept me feeling in control, so that when I came back to it, I was ready to commit again. I think the worst thing you can do is beat yourself up - cut yourself some slack, acknowledge that you're not feeling it right now, and focus on just not undoing the good work you've done so far.

    This is so true. Feeling defeated and like you're failing only leads to lack of motivation, negative energy, and the problem getting worse.

    When I fall off and it's hard to get back on, I use a little trick that a group of my friends used to do, dubbed "Health! YEA!" It's simple - just one healthy choice a day. If you make one healthy choice that day, then you've won. Chose a side of vegetables instead of mac n cheese? Health! YEA! Didn't snack between lunch and dinner? YEA! Once you've done just one thing and felt positively about it, that positive energy can get you back on the right track.
  • rosey35
    rosey35 Posts: 150 Member
    Try doing YouTube workouts fitness blender, Jessica smith, befit are great channels, you may find working out at home may help
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    You get up at 2 AM to go to the gym? What time do you go to bed? This is me when I'm sleep deprived:

  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I remember saying to a friend "I would do anything to lose weight" and she said "Then why dont you?"

    It really was an eye opener to realize my actions were not matching up to what my goals were. If you really want something, you really have to put effort into it, and believe in what you are doing. If your actions are not supportive of what you say you want, then nothing is going to make it happen for you. You have to want to lose weight more than you want to have an excess of yummy things in your diet.

    Only you can decide what is really important to you.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    edited March 2016
    phoebes887 wrote: »
    It's totally understandable. We've all been there! I can honestly say, just don't give up. It will be way harder to start back over again so just keep going. I run an online health and fitness support group where we motivate each other, hold ourselves accountable, I post recipes and tips and address emotional eating and treat days. Would you like me to add you into the group? It's a great sense of community!

    You are already ON an "online health and fitness support group where we motivate each other, hold ourselves accountable, post recipes and tips and address emotional eating and treat days." It's a great sense of community! Hundreds of thousands of users right here...not sure why you're trying to lure people away to your site?

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Your plan was unsustainable. People who restrict food/calories a lot and exercise very intensely often give up. Make a new plan. Be more moderate. Eat the way you could the rest of your life.
    Incorporate foods you like more often. Learn appropriate portion sizes of those foods. Combine smaller portions of higher calorie foods with lower calorie foods. I find pre-logging helps me eat any food I want.
    Don't get up at 2 AM to go to the gym. Get more sleep. Exercise at home, walk, do shorter workouts, find a closer gym. Invest in home gym or do workout videos off of You Tube. You do not even have to exercise at all to lose weight- just stick to your calorie goal.
    Maintain for awhile while you refocus.
  • rnelson88
    rnelson88 Posts: 122 Member
    Slowly introduce new thing into your diet and it will be easier to eat healthy. Don't change everything at once or it will be way more challenging. Not impossible, but very difficult.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    You get up at 2 AM to go to the gym? What time do you go to bed? This is me when I'm sleep deprived:


    LOL but so much yes.

    OP, find something sustainable for you. If you want to give up, it's just not.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Your plan was unsustainable. People who restrict food/calories a lot and exercise very intensely often give up. Make a new plan. Be more moderate. Eat the way you could the rest of your life.
    Incorporate foods you like more often. Learn appropriate portion sizes of those foods. Combine smaller portions of higher calorie foods with lower calorie foods. I find pre-logging helps me eat any food I want.
    Don't get up at 2 AM to go to the gym. Get more sleep. Exercise at home, walk, do shorter workouts, find a closer gym. Invest in home gym or do workout videos off of You Tube. You do not even have to exercise at all to lose weight- just stick to your calorie goal.
    Maintain for awhile while you refocus.

    All this..except obviously you will be healthier if you exercise. But yes, it's not NECESSARY to lose weight as long as you have a calorie deficit. I exercise so I can eat more while maintaining a deficit..I don't like to feel hangry. :)
  • BrendaRey74
    BrendaRey74 Posts: 31 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Your plan was unsustainable. People who restrict food/calories a lot and exercise very intensely often give up. Make a new plan. Be more moderate. Eat the way you could the rest of your life.
    Incorporate foods you like more often. Learn appropriate portion sizes of those foods. Combine smaller portions of higher calorie foods with lower calorie foods. I find pre-logging helps me eat any food I want.
    Don't get up at 2 AM to go to the gym. Get more sleep. Exercise at home, walk, do shorter workouts, find a closer gym. Invest in home gym or do workout videos off of You Tube. You do not even have to exercise at all to lose weight- just stick to your calorie goal.
    Maintain for awhile while you refocus.

    ^^Yes a thousand times!

    The time is going to pass whether you quit or not. Whether your calories are too restrictive or just a little less. Why go all or nothing? You are always going to need to eat food. Why you think you can "diet" so restrictively for a while and then go back to before without consequences is a little confusing.

    Eat the yummy foods, just not everyday. Weight loss and maintenance is a life long event. If you are doing anything that you cannot do for the rest of your life, I don't believe you will be successful or very happy.
  • caurinus
    caurinus Posts: 78 Member
    I find it's a lot easier to stick with my diet goals if I choose to eat more filling foods, mainly lean proteins and fibrous carbs. The main staples in my diet are whey protein shakes, fish, chicken, turkey, garbanzo beans, white beans, wild rice, apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, celery, onions, peppers, spinach, kale, bok choi, broccoli, and asparagus. I'll often have extra calories left over at the end of the day because I don't really get very many cravings when I'm getting enough fibrous carbs and lean protein.
  • caurinus
    caurinus Posts: 78 Member
    my efforts I believe are been beaten by the food I eat sometimes. I feel like throwing in the towel and giving up.

    By the way, I know exactly how you feel. Don't give up hope, you really can do this, it's true! The most important thing is to track everything you eat as carefully as you can. It is soooo easy to blow away a weeks worth of effort with one big "cheat meal" pizza binge. And you only get 52 weeks in the year! It's so easy to blow away an hour's worth of running with one untracked hamburger or a few untracked alcoholic drinks. Record everything that goes into your mouth, especially fatty foods. Don't forget about the salad dressing, or the oil you used to sautee your veggies, or the butter on your toast. You can do it!
  • epeart11
    epeart11 Posts: 35 Member
    If there is any way to change your routine, do it! I think that you need to change it, you may be in a little bit of a rut.
  • QueenBee3200
    QueenBee3200 Posts: 7 Member
    I appreciate everyone's input. I thank you all for your information.

    Getting up at 2am is when is best for me to go to the gym. After work, I get home at 430 and honestly I don't feel like going back out after getting home from the office. SO doing it before hand works well. I work out between 3am and 4:10am. Then I get home by 430 and get ready for the day. When I do get home in the afternoon from the office its time to make dinner and get ready for the next day. I did find time to start a new exercise DVD called CIZE. It's fun to do and really gets the heart pumping too. Usually after all that I head upstairs for the evening and usually go to sleep about 7pm.

    I really needed to just hear how others deal with that feeling of wanting to give up and give in. Food is the devil and the temptation is so great. I need to find other ways to deal with it. I know I can't be the only one to struggle with it and it helps knowing that there are other people out there like me. That's why i appreciate all of your information.