30 Day Shred Challenge

kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
I've tried and failed at the 30 day shred many times, mostly because there's no one to keep me accountable to do the monotonous video every day. I already did day one today but decided to see if there's anyone else who's starting and we can keep each other accountable. I have a big event coming up mid-may (not to mention swim suit season) so I'd love to look great by then!
*If you're interested post your stats and at the end of the each circuit (10 days) I'll chart the changes!

My Stats:
Weight: 166.4
Waist (thinnest part): 32
Arm (bicep): 12
Upper Thigh: 25.5
Hips: 42.5



  • bksmith0223
    bksmith0223 Posts: 4 Member
    My stats:
    Weight: 154
    Height: 5'3"
    Bicep (right/ flexed):

    I will post my stats this evening!
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Awesome! Glad you decided to join! :)
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    I'll join. Today I'm actually on day 3. Will just post weight cause I don't know the rest.
    CW 168.
  • Selena0
    Selena0 Posts: 7 Member
    Can I join please I can't get passed more then 5 days then I give up :(
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Yes! I'm the same way... Post your stats if you want and get started. I finished day 2 this morning and am sore! Being behind one day won't hurt though.
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    I'll join. Today I'm actually on day 3. Will just post weight cause I don't know the rest.
    CW 168.

    Awesome. I think it's ok if we're all a day or two different. I'm glad to have some others joining me I hope we all can stick to it!
  • Selena0
    Selena0 Posts: 7 Member
    Ok I'll go measure myself soon as soon as I get home I don't like to measure myself really but I'll do it
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Selena0 wrote: »
    Ok I'll go measure myself soon as soon as I get home I don't like to measure myself really but I'll do it

    If you only want to do weight you can but theres a good chance you could loose inches and not as much weight so I like to measure to keep myself encouraged. :)
  • fareehafarrukh
    fareehafarrukh Posts: 27 Member
    I'd love to join. On day 2 today. Will post measurements tomorrow morning.
    Weight: 157.8
    Height: 5"3
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    I'd love to join. On day 2 today. Will post measurements tomorrow morning.
    Weight: 157.8
    Height: 5"3

    Glad to have you. :)
  • michaeyayyyy
    michaeyayyyy Posts: 67 Member
    Hi would like to join if possible per ten days correct?.
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    Is this the Jillian Micheal's Shred?
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Is this the Jillian Micheal's Shred?

    It is.
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Ok, guys. How are you doing? I'm super sore! Especially my legs, I'm going to have a hard time pushing through today.
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Phew, I did it. Day 3 in the books. How about you?
  • Preshy999
    Preshy999 Posts: 18 Member
    I've not yet reached the 30 day shred phase but im working my way through beginner shred.
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    I barely fit in day 4 yesterday and I'm not gonna fit in day 5 because it's been crazy being Easter and all but day six is going to happen early tomorrow! Maybe I'll do it twice to make up for today?
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    day 6 done! I didn't sleep much last night so it's going to be hard to fit in my missed work out, but I'm gonna take a nap with my daughter and then we'll see if I have the energy to pull it through.
  • iaspassion777
    iaspassion777 Posts: 1 Member
    How can i join you guys?
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Well I'm on day 7 but no one has posted since it started, I'm here if you want to get started though :)