Best 5 decisions

Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
Hi all happy success stories. What would you say are the best 5 decisions/choices you make daily that help w your health/weight goals. I have accomplished so much but am struggling to stay focused on my achievements, beating several addictions, adding many healthy habits. I keep making it purely about weight loss which its not! The weight loss will be a result of long-term habits. I'm still being ruled by fear- fear of eating "bad foods, unhealthy foods." Fear of not working out enough. I'm a very all/nothing thinker. Hello, eating disorder (another thing I've almost completely beaten!!) just curious what you all do consistently.
Thanks for any advice you can give to a future success story!


  • K10D2015
    K10D2015 Posts: 38 Member
    1. Don't give up
    2. Be patient
    3. Don't get discouraged
    4. Log everything
    5. Eat less

    Just can do it! :)
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Number one I got down!!! The others... No longer! Thank you for your response. I've found I'll have a good week, then get spooked, rattled, stressed etc, slip
    Into old behaviors, justify by one day won't hurt, I'm doing better than before- true and true, but I'm as afar as I'll get with that! IM NOT HAPPY! Here's to happy!
  • kimw11
    kimw11 Posts: 6 Member
    1. Be kind to yourself
    2. Play the long game
    3. See the scale number as a data point, not success or failure
    4. No cheat days, but plenty of treats
    5. Log everything, especially mayo
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Got it - thanks! I actually avoid the scale bec of long history w eating disorders, but I've been consistently eating, yay me! Now I'm trying to end the inconsistent bingeing! I'm so very close. My eating can be too "good, healthy etc" which sets me up for a binge! Time to be brave!!!!! Thanks for the suggestions!
  • janesremedy87
    janesremedy87 Posts: 5 Member
    1. stop eating when I'm not hungry anymore (listen to your Body)
    2. eating breakfast (so I won't binge in the evenings)
    3. working out even when I don't feel like it because I know that as soon as I have started, I like it
    4. measure my Food. eyeballing it leads to overboarding ;)
    5. not beating yourself up when you have eaten something you maybe shouldn't have. it's no reason to not keep going.
  • DaisiesandViolets
    DaisiesandViolets Posts: 58 Member
    I'm not even close to my goal weight, but my current success is this is the longest I've ever stuck with losing weight! Here's what I do/tell myself daily:

    1. recording everything even when I'd prefer to not have a written record of blowing past my calorie limit
    2. Forgiving myself when I blow past my calorie limit
    3. Giving up arbitrary and unrealistic deadlines for getting to my goal weight
    4. Accepting that losing 1/2 pound a week is awesome because it's allowing me to develop a better relationship with food and to break the restrict/binge cycle I've known all my life
    5. Really believing that I deserve to be happy and healthy and to rock a little bikini in my 40s and beyond. :-)
  • Raw_Forever
    Raw_Forever Posts: 27 Member
    - Log everything even if it makes a painful read
    - if you fall off the horse, get back on. If you eat like a horse one day, stick with the plan the next day, and work like a horse
    - Try to move your frame everyday somehow. Build up to a base of 10,000 steps a day
    - Meal prep
    - Drinks lots of water
  • gmcgarv71
    gmcgarv71 Posts: 13 Member
    1. Drink lots of water. LOTS!! Especially early in the day.
    2. Give up alcohol (huge mental hurdle that I keep having to relearn).
    3. Eat back half of exercise calories when I do strenuous exercise like spinning.
    4. Eating a lot of protein helps more than eating a lot of fat.
    5. Keep eyes on the prize and be patient.
    6. Log everything very carefully.
  • branbuds
    branbuds Posts: 624 Member
    I agree with everybody above!
    1) Use a scale to measure food and log daily
    2) 10,000 steps per day
    3) Read "Brain Over Binge" by Kathryn Hansen and learned to dismiss urges to binge (so far, so good)
    4) Make sure to get enough protein and fat because it helps keep you feeling full
    5) Set short term goals because they make you feel success long before you reach your long term goal. (short term goal: lose in 5 lb increments, not have to undo jean's fly after supper)
  • kmcintyre57
    kmcintyre57 Posts: 109 Member
    Like all of your responses

    for me:
    1. Accepting I am not on a diet, but a lifetime change.
    2. Logging in everything that I eat and drink
    3. Lots of water
    4. Remembering I cant just do it with food alone, need the exercising to help.
    5. Stay positive with the positives and negatives along the way.
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Thank you all!! Love these! And I'm genuinely spotting a trend! I will dutifully follow the trend! Hugs and high fives to you all!
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    Move more
    Count everything
    Don't compare my journey to anyone else's
    Don't backtrack into bad habits
    Don't do anything to lose that I couldn't do for a lifetime
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    1. weigh myself every day
    2. weigh and log my food
    3. eat and drink whatever I want: burger, pizza, ice cream, choclate, alcohol, sodas, ... as long as I stay within my calorie goal!
    4. exercise more, take stairs even when there's a lift, cycle etc.
    5. to be continued

    Losing weight is a marathon ... not a sprint.
  • nsa352
    nsa352 Posts: 40 Member
    -Allow myself 1 or 2 square of 85% dark chocolate
    -Be patient
    - focus on what I can eat not on what I can't . I actually love eating healthy
    - Take progression pictures
    - Lift weights to get faster results
  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    1. Log absolutely every bite I take
    2. Stop beating myself up when I make a mistake (real or perceived, and whether the mistake is related to weight loss or not)
    3. Don't put a timeline on my weight loss goal (I started with one, but now I just take it day by day)
    4. Food choice matters in terms of satiety
    5. Drink all the water. All of it.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    nosajjao wrote: »
    Deciding to

    1. Stop being unhealthy
    2. Make a permanent lifestyle change
    3. Never forget why I started it in the first place
    4. Accept minor failures and revel in major successes
    5. Put distance between the old eating lifestyle and the current one.

    all of the tips so far are great but I love your list!
  • asimonep
    asimonep Posts: 47 Member
    edited March 2016
    1. Log honestly
    2. Only log half "calories burned" on treadmill
    3. Don't log weight during PMS
    4. Keep treats out of the house
    5. Don't stop moving
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    For me:
    1. Scales and weight are not the reason for doing this - ditch scale
    2. Build up slowly to what you want
    3. re-evaluate goals on a regular basis - I am way way past my original target and sill motivated to continue
    4. Add resistance training ot my daily yoga
    5. Don't talk the talk but walk the walk
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    You guys are the best!!!! It's also helping to focus on all I already do that is a positive!!! I drink tons of water, within an appropriate amount for my goal of permanent recovery from eating disorders, I log. (This one is a little tricky as I can get way too compulsive w tracking, measuring etc which can then lead to a binge- so I now have a proper understanding of portions (yes it's not precise but I'm proud that I can be ok w that). (My ED has run the full game from anorexia -bulimia-orthorexia-bingeing so moderation for the rest of my life is what I'm shooting for.)

    I'm learning to recognize when I'm stressed and need comfort and figuring out healthy ways to cope. Most of the time.

    Patience is where I struggle! But, I rock w falling down 9times getting up 10. I am journaling more now and trying to journal when things are good, not just when I'm struggling. I just logged last night the date of my last binge. Hoping to live up to that! So far so good. I have a scary challenge beginning tomorrow- 10 days away w my kids and husband, lack of control over schedule, food etc.

    My goal above all is to be brave-eat eat eat, enjoy my food. No planning how I can avoid "bad" foods etc. I need to eat those so called "bad" foods or the binge monster will always lurk. I will eat them, but not all of them. I am pumping myself up to come home feeling so very accomplished and feeling a new sense of freedom and control that I will aim to continue. I love healthy food and unhealthy food and both need to be a part of my life.

    Thanks so much for all of the tips. Happy to have more! What I don't need more of is snow- im in Denver- 72 degrees yesterday- full blizzard today. Grrr!
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